People are so mean :(



  • hannahbellelechter
    I was looking at TMZ (because I'm super bored at work) and a comparison of both Christina Aguilera and Kelly Clarkson in bandage dresses appeared. The comments are just awful. People telling them to "step away from the table" and calling them "fat cows". Granted the dress on Xtina may not look that flattering, she's still way thinner than the average American woman! I'm about the size of Kelly right now, I would say.. and just wondering, does that really make me a fat cow?

    I never, ever read comments on articles nowadays. Full of racist, misogynist, cissexist, classist, albeist bullcrap. Really the -ist list goes on.

    Yeah, you're right. I'm just super bored at work and have tons of time to kill.
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    know it really doesnt mean a rats *kitten* what other people think. It is very easy to sit in secluded seat and throw darts to put down other people. I wouldnt base my thought on myself on a celevrity or what others think right might be. I mean really screw that. I am me. If you dont like me cause of how I look. Your more of a dumbass than I give you credit for. I dont have time for dumbasses.
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    Sweetie people are gonna talk about you regardless. You need to make up in your OWN mind that you're beautiful despite what they think. Your pants size had no bearing on your looks. I know plenty of ugly skinny people. Girls are dying to be thin, and for what?? To blow away when a good wind picks up?

    In the famous words of Madea, "It ain't what they call ya, it's what ya answer to"!!
  • seleck05
    seleck05 Posts: 74 Member
    Also, what is up with the media comparing 30 year old Christina to 19 year old Christina. My family does this same exact thing to me too, oh you used to be so skinny! YEAH when I was a CHILD. Ugh!
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    Wow...people really are mean. Now you have me wondering if I'm a fat cow and just yesterday I shared pictures of myself and the progress I've made.

    #1. DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF to ANYONE, let alone someone in Hollywood!! Those girls gain and lose and gain and lose just like we all did...we're here though...that's a plus. We're going to put a stop to the yo-yo fad diets and learn to eat right and make exercise a regular part of our lives.

    #2. DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF to ANYONE, let alone someone in Hollywood!! Remember, these girls are on the road nearly every day of the year. They're eating CRAP food 24/7 more than likely. Keeping weight off for them has got to be a full time job in itself but then they have ****heads like those posting on TMZ that contribute and add to their already warped sense of self and any emotional problems that they had growing's a loose-loose situation for them.

    Don't let people like Hollywood Stars determine how you feel about yourself. I caught myself feeling bad when I saw your post and the comments on these two beautiful bodies and had to reel my self-esteem back in!
  • xxxTiaxxx
    xxxTiaxxx Posts: 310 Member
    They're overweight. But lets face it alot of those "celebrities" are only "hot" cause they have eating disorders and very strict eating and exercising regimes. Once they got off them we notice cause they all of a sudden start piling it on. People like Christina, Kelly and even Britney Spears are not naturally thin people. They are the ones who have to starve themselves and be forced to do crap to keep that weight off.
    I think everyone gets over dieting though.
  • saraannefrazer
    saraannefrazer Posts: 66 Member
    i just read through the comments thats horrible !
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    I frickin hate those dresses. Makes even the smallest womam wearing it, look like they have a big belly..I like Christina's dress cause it shows off her girls, but Kelly's look is better overall. I just wouldn't have picked that dress for either of them. They have great figures, and I hope mine looks like that someday soon.
  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    Kelly looks amazing...I think xtina is wearing the wrong that's what it looks like to me. But they both look alright to me. People can be *kitten* and I think it's usually because they think of people they don't know as objects rather than people with feelings that could actually get hurt by whatever it is that they're saying. But it's so mean. It's not funny. It's not clever. It's not okay.
  • Navmachine
    if you saw them IRL, you would think they were thin and beautiful, the reason being, is that a 3D view to the human eye is more appealing, and gives you a better perspective on their size. a film or photo is 2D, and therefore our eye judges more harshly, because there's not enough information to go on. hence why photos typically put on a few pounds than is actually there. i work with models, where i see their photos first before meeting them. and i think "oh yes, she's perfect, she has great curves on her." then i meet them and i'm like "oh god, she's so thin! did i make a mistake?" but their photos always turn out great...

    and in my opinion, christina's dress would have probably looked alot better if she were wearing better undergarments that prevented her underwear/pantyhose from cutting her thighs like that and making a weird bump under the dress. spanx, ladies, it's a gift from the gods!
  • ryanperna
    ryanperna Posts: 24 Member

    It's one of my biggest pet peeves when people hide behind their computers and say things that they would NEVER have the guts to say to someone's face. However, these comments make us feel alone-but hopefully they encourage you all the more-keep up the good work-you look great!

    Oh yeh-your name is awesome BTW :)
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    Well, if those two are fat cows, I wish I were a fat cow. :)
  • megansg87
    People who say crap like that are really just unhappy with their own lives but are too lazy to fix it so they take it out on others. Keep your chin up and ignore people like that. They aren't worth the time. :)
  • Alishia_655
    I honestly think the dress looks better on Kelly. I in no way think she is fat. She is gorgeous and so are YOU!
  • Alishia_655
    I honestly think the dress looks better on Kelly. I in no way think she is fat. She is gorgeous and so are YOU!

    My daughter (almost 2) recently called me fat. I had to fight the tears and explain (even though she doesn't understand) that those words are hurtful and that mommy may be bigger ( I never really thought so until now) but that means that I have more love to give to her. =)
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Also, what is up with the media comparing 30 year old Christina to 19 year old Christina. My family does this same exact thing to me too, oh you used to be so skinny! YEAH when I was a CHILD. Ugh!

    They do this with Brittney Spears too. *_* Its like WHAT THE FOOOOOK!

    I would recommend not letting this kind of stuff bother u though~I just saw a question online, "Is it normal to fantasize about people you know?" and the question continued, "There is a girl in my class who I have sexual fantasies about. Is this normal?" XD haha

    My point is...this world takes all kinds of ppl ^^
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    theyre not fat, but those dresses make them LOOK fat. Not flattering at all.

    Just because you can squeeze into something, does not mean you should wear it
  • Dragongrl
    Dragongrl Posts: 186 Member
    I don't know what it is but people are extra harsh on celebrities if they gain even a couple of pounds. It's sad really. Especially considering that the people making the comments are probably walking train wrecks themselves.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    They are both overweight, clearly. The question should be, why does anyone care? They are famous for their voices, and Christina has an amazing voice. No one criticises opera singers for being fat. It's generally thought to help their voices.

    So yeah, they are a little on the podgy side, but why is that seen as a reason for criticism? Why does anyone care?
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Oh and I laughed at the comment "Xtina looked great pre-pregnancy. What happened?"