


  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    It's worth it. Because Shakeology will single-handedly save the world. And cure cancer. It will probably even wipe your @$$ and tie your shoes.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Shakeology cured my Super-AIDs.

    Shakeology has made me the man I am today. After trying just one sample of Shakeology, the following happened to me:

    1) 20/20 vision after wearing glasses for the last 20 years
    2) my salary doubled
    3) full head of hair with an awesome mullet (after battling male pattern baldness for 10+ years)
    4) sperm count has increased 100X - I got 4 women pregnant just by walking past them in the shopping mall last week
    5) I am now an Olympic caliber figure skater complete with a closet full of tight fitting, sequined Lycra outfits

    try it for yourself and find out, you won't be sorry!

    I checked all your photos and didn't a single one in tight, sequined Lycra!!
  • chadrpink
    Go to compare Shakeology to any protein shake you use. Shakeology is listed at 97.

    I was paying $2.50 for one single use of protein shake from a Health food store. I didn't get the energy. From it like I do with the Shakeology, nor did it fill me up and keep me from getting as hungry quicker like Shakeology does.

    I am BB coach. This is my 2nd week on it, and I've already lost 2lbs in 1 week just drinkng it once a day.

    1) You were overpaying for whatever shake you were using before Shakeology.

    2) You aren't losing weight because of Shakeology. You're losing weight because you're in a calorie deficit.

    3) The energy you get from Shakeology can also be obtained from a multi-vitamin, greens complex and a container of whey protein, all of which are cheaper than Shakeology. You can also just eat real food that is vitamin/mineral rich and has a better bio-availability.

    Good points but Shakeology by design is more about the quality of ingredients than it is about just weight loss or energy. I know I could never practically find, consume and/or store the whole foods contained in Shakeology. You can find cheaper vitamins, protein and super greens but not without artificial ingredients. You would still be missing a boatload of nutrients in comparison. Plus, it's much easier for me to take it with me in one shake than try to hunt and peck through a pile of different supplements every day. Definitely worth the price for me and I have been very happy with it. Again, I understand what you are saying but for a lot of people, me included, it's a great option. It's really about your goals and what you want out of it. My days of trying to look "cool" or "buff" are gone, I just want to live healthy now and for the rest of my life.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Lunches this week:
    Monday, leftover grilled shrimp and veggies in a corn tortilla, don't know how much it cost.
    Tuesday, 1/2 of a Subway 12inch ham with provolone, all the veggies, and honey mustard. $5
    Wednesday, the leftover other 1/2 of the sandwich, $0
    Thursday, Top Ramen noodles, $0.26
    Friday, 2 Taco Bell fresco chicken soft tacos, $3.18.

    I don't buy powder anything. Real food is where it's at.

    Top Ramen = real food. Um, OK. :wink:
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    Top Ramen = real food. Um, OK. :wink:

    ^^ my thoughts exactly
  • itontae
    itontae Posts: 138 Member
    It's not proper food. That's all that matters.

    i can't believe people are suckered in by stuff like that.
  • hpygirl64ColleenLinder
    I went from a skeptic to a firm believer in it so much that I am a Shakeologist and fitness and support coach just because of how life changing it was for me, I wanted to pay-it-forward in helping others that had given up hope. I'd describe Shake-O as pre-natals on steroids now! ONLY DOWNFALL: my hair grows so fast that I have to color it more often, thankfully I am a hairstylist too. ;)

    I went from very depressed due to a situational issues with one of my children that had depleted me of everything that I was about. I wasn't my happy self and gave up entirely on my workouts for 3 months and barely could help myself let alone deal with life. The only reason I kept going was because of my kids.

    I went to the doctor and their only advise was anti-depressants. For my own personal reasons that was not an option for me. LEft more depressed. I stumbled upon a video about it and being so sick and tired of being sick and tired I had no choice but to try something. So I did. Literally (note that I do have low tolerance & for most it takes a couple weeks) in 5 days I jumped out of my bed at 4 a.m. and wanting to do the toughest workout I had (plyometrics/p90x). Still skeptical and thinking it was a fluke I kept drinking it. That was 11 months ago. It is much much more then an ordinary protein drink. It made my body come ALIVE. I no longer have depression and should being that I recently lost my Mom. My pre-menopausal migraines are gone, I have all day sustainable energy and at age 47 enough to keep up with a 3 year old. My mental clarity and focus is so much better. I keep being told I look younger & skin is glowing and it's I feel because of the nutrients I am getting from the inside out towards my skin. I also got to my lowest weight in 20+ years without changing anything else but this because it curbed my huge sweet tooth.

    I thought it was expensive at first too but when I realize I am just paying for my one meal per day up front each month and what I get out of it's just pure priceless to me. Many coach's do offer samples however it is guaranteed so you have nothing to lose but weight and your body no longer feeling like crap. I do cleanse packages that are a great way to try it out without the expense.

    p.s. Best cleanse I've ever tried.