P.I.N.K Method



  • Here's my question: What ever happened to Dr Phi's own program, The Ultimate Weight Solution, that he introduced in 2003? Here's a quote from the jacket of that book...."Knowledge is power, and you're about to 'break the code' on how to get off the weight loss roller coaster and fix this problem once and for all." Strange to endorse someone else's program but not your own.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Here's my question: What ever happened to Dr Phi's own program, The Ultimate Weight Solution, that he introduced in 2003? Here's a quote from the jacket of that book...."Knowledge is power, and you're about to 'break the code' on how to get off the weight loss roller coaster and fix this problem once and for all." Strange to endorse someone else's program but not your own.
    He ended up paying $10.5 million in lawsuits over his weight loss products.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I check out the website. For some reason I kept thinking about Barbie Dolls and too much pink!!!! I can't stand it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    EIExGordo - where is that information on Dr. Phil paying out on a lawsuit?? I liked dcordero's question - it seemed a legit question to ask - but I didn't realize Dr. Phil was involved in litigation on his "weight loss solution".

    Just point me in the direction to "more reading", please!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    i havent looked at the PINK method thing yet, but in regard to a post up there.... losing 50 lbs in 3 months CAN be done. I have gone from 249 to 202.4 starting the first week of september. That's 46.6 pounds gone baby!!! Almost to the big 5-0 !! YESSS

    I realize it's easier for more overweight people to lose fast, I'm very overweight and I'm down eight pounds in less than two weeks. Not all of it is water, either, I'm losing in the inches department, too.

    But a lot of those women only had 40-50 pounds to lose. I just don't think it will come off that fast for them, not unless they do hours of workouts everyday or do it very unhealthily. I might be wrong, but my opinion is: Results not typical.
  • cecilia0909
    cecilia0909 Posts: 188 Member
    I just don't buy any of these types of things- some new fad is always out there. Just eat better foods and be more active- go outside, dance, plat softball....anything. But you'll be healthier and thinner!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    EIExGordo - where is that information on Dr. Phil paying out on a lawsuit?? I liked dcordero's question - it seemed a legit question to ask - but I didn't realize Dr. Phil was involved in litigation on his "weight loss solution".

    Just point me in the direction to "more reading", please!


    Here's one, or you can just google Dr. Phil weight loss settlement.
  • pmcd430
    pmcd430 Posts: 18 Member
    I saw this too and immediately texted my husband... i said "If it's o dr phill it has to be legite! LOL JK". I looked at the site and ultimately came to the conclusion that it is just like every other "program" out there that we all HAVE to have. Just another waste of money when every piece of information we need is available for free. I'm beginning to think it will be more fu to make up my own program... then I know it really is tailored for me!
  • dyldylsmom
    dyldylsmom Posts: 2 Member
    I think it sounds interesting but I do not see how you cannot basically do the same thing by eating healthy, watching calories and doing high impact exercises such as Zumba, strength training, etc.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Thanks for the "Dr. Phil" link - I didn't realize his weigh-loss books incorporated supplements (his, of course!) into them - so that was news to me!
  • Don't look for your product anytime soon, even if you paid for the 2-day shipping. Took me a week to get the product. Spent 6 hours on hold with Customer Service to get my shipping charges returned (allegedly- as this has not been credited to my account yet) Forget about the VIP pass to the exercise site- if the site is functioning- your email won't work. I suggested to Customer Service that they offer free shipping and post a note on the web site how busy they are and they appreciate your business to calm those waiting for their products- it was noted- with no action. In summary- all I've lost is time and money. I should have been exercising. Its too bad, because these ladies have a goldmine, but without customer service- they will lose it all.
    I cannot tell you if the product is any good. So far it looks like Atkins with a smoothie for breakfast and a couple of exercise DVD's.
    I'll keep you updated on my progress. :ohwell:
  • Actually, Basheerah isn't for sure. She's smaller than she is on TV. I met her on the Jillian Michael's cruise last year and just saw her this past holiday.
  • Hey guys, I was just watching the Dr. Phil show, and found out about the P.I.N.K Method. Here's a link to the website if you guys don't know what it is;


    Apparently it is VERY effective, and made especially for women. (so no men allowed I guess? Because it wasn't built for you lol) Women have lose 30+ lbs in 20 weeks, and they have said they saw results immediately (they were on the show, I didn't get this off the P.I.N.K site).

    So I was just wondering if anyone has planned on doing it, or has done it? What are your thoughts?

    I've ordered it and will do it. Though there is not a lot of info on the site, I can see that some of the meals are vegetarian based. This is a good way to lose weight. It's like anything else, you have to stick with it. The kicker is whether you want to purchase this program or another or use free sites to create your own program. For those that don't have time for that this would be a good program to invest in. But if you don't stick with it then you won't be successful.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I watched it today...it made me yawn...
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    You don't get a lot of information from the website and just last year dr.phil swore by the 17 day diet
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    Having met the daughter of the man behind the Dr Phil image, who is head of a family in shambles, I see absolutely zero credibility in his recommendations. Dr. Phil operates on the "speak confidently and they will believe you" theory. Not a fan. And the diet. We are all in a recession, and this purchase preys on the weakness of people trying to do the best they can... Whatever. Pink is not the new black.
  • I completely agree with many of the thoughts expressed by others. I have checked out their website and it doesnt give as much information as I would like. That being said the Rachel that is pictured and was on the Dr Phil show and The Drs is a dear friend of mine from high school. I am always leery of those "lose huge amounts of weight in a tiny amount of time" ads but I have seen her working and her body changing while on the PINK Method. I do believe that if one takes the time to research food and exercise workouts that they can do the exact same thing without purchasing the PINK Method but for those of who find it easier if everything is laid out for them then it might be a way to go. From talking to Rachel a bit it seems the PINK Method is essentially working out while eating healthy meals. Common sense right? Cut out the fast food and take your butt to the gym LOL Rachel is a busy mom to four kids but she says that it has given her more energy and made her feel better so we shall see :)
  • Anything with PINK in it makes me think of tacky, trite where people pay to advertise across their *kitten*. I will pass.

    I'm close to goal with the "eat right and exercise" plan - 100% done with MFP - for the princely sum of ZERO DOLLARS.

    That's what I first thought when I heard of this so-called 'P.I.N.K. Method': Victoria's Secret Exercise.
  • I actually ordered this when I saw it on the Dr. Phil show. It is actually a great program. I am already losing weight and I feel great. I only have about 30 pounds that I want to lose and I definately think I will reach that goal way before 20 weeks. This program is actually just like P90X but it is designed for women. Unless you are already working out all the time and very active you cant do a lot of the things on the P90X but with the pink method you can do all of the stuff right away. You work your way up to the hard stuff. And because it is designed for women some of the stuff is a little easier and I like that because I get discouraged if I cant do the workout and I havent found anything that I cant do with the pink method. Its all about what you want to do I guess...I just wanted to give my opinion. I hope its helpful to someone!
  • mzkynd
    mzkynd Posts: 63
    Anything that is emblazoned with the words "best new diet" and "lose weight fast" is a complete joke to me. Weight loss and healthy eating is a lifestyle change. "Fast" shouldn't be the goal. And oh look, they're selling something...who woulda thunk it?

    Couldn't have said it better!! :)
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