What is the worse thing you ever did as a kid?

RensR Posts: 23
edited October 5 in Chit-Chat
I've totally stolen this off Netmums!

Someone last night put something on netmums about naughty things she's done as a child but how much she regretted them now she is a adult.
It got me thinking about what the worst thing I did when I was a child. Then I wondered what other bad things people done when they were kids?

Things I did as a child.....

I buried the shed key in the garden and wouldn't tell mum where.

I fed my mums friend's dog a green felt tip pen and it threw up all over the carpet.

I covered next doors cat in talcum powder and when the bloke next door patted the cat it disappeared in a puff of powder.

I patted a different cat so hard (I was used to big strong dogs) that it's legs buckled, apparently it left home for 3 days and when it did come back it would never go near children again.

I threw mud pies over next doors freshly glossed windowsills.

I broke the leg off of mum and dads bed using it as a trampoline and then propped the corner back up with the leg. When dad sat on the corner to put his shoes on the leg collapsed again. Mum blamed dad for breaking the bed and said he was fat!

I threw a stick for the dog and he didn't catch it. It went through the glass window. I blamed the dog for not catching it.

I used to jump on my dads feet when he got home from work as he worn steel toed boots for work. However I also tried this is town one Saturday afternoon when he was wearing normal shoes and nearly broke his toes.

I collected over 50 ladybirds and let them all go in my nans house for a race. It took her 3 hours to collect them all up again.

Think that's it really!


  • I_give_it_2_u_str8
    I_give_it_2_u_str8 Posts: 680 Member
    i hit my uncle with a meat cleaver in the face, while he was sleeping
  • Threw a kitten in a bucket of oil. I thought I was giving it a bath? :(

    Oh and screamed at my dad until he made me a PB sandwich. Then stuck it in the VCR when he wasn't looking.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    -knocked a guy's teeth out with a broomstick
    -knocked a guy out with a stone
    -broke a window of a neighbor's

    those are the 1st that come to mind
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 584 Member
    soaked tennis balls in gas then we would light them and through them down the ally, my friends went into a garage and he went into Juvenal hall I stopped being a dumb @$$
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    soaked tennis balls in gas then we would light them and through them down the ally, my friends went into a garage and he went into Juvenal hall I stopped being a dumb @$$
    lol that's genius
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    Knocked my mates teeth out with a golf club
  • got stoned on my mom birthday
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I must have been a good kid. I can't compete with these!
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    broke a window at daycare, while playing, we were throwing rocks.

    graffitied on the teepee play hut at daycare with markers with my friend.

    those are the two big ones i can think of... i guess i didnt like daycare...

    oh i also stole a lollypop from the checkout at the grocery store when i was little, my dad got really mad and made me go back and appologize.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    oh yea i also attached a string to a doorknob and a plant pot stand so when we knocked on the person's door they would break their own plant...I remember hearing the crack lol
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    Think the only bad thing that I did as a kid was being suspended from rugby for punching a kid in the face
  • Namaste1983
    Namaste1983 Posts: 603 Member
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I was a brat but I never did anything violent, just stupid.

    Hmm, I remember a neighbor of mine showing a tomato or something they were growing and for some reason I decided I'd poke my finger in it and use it to hand it back over just like that (I was probably around 5 or 6 don't remember). Other instances were me being too talkative and asking appropriate questions. Going up to fat people and asking them "Why are you fat?" or people in wheelchairs "What's wrong with your legs?". I'm glad I grew up.

    Yea, I can't compete with any of these.
  • Sadly I have a long list..but I wish I could take these 3 back the most...

    1. fight with a cop
    2. drove my car through a house..
    3. beat the holy hell out of my best friend (long story)... : / she didn't even fight back.. Sigh.. I wish I could take these 3 back the most...
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I can't think of anything great that I did as a little kid, but when I was about 14 I came home from track practice and made myself a can of soup to eat. I also made some toast...wasn't paying attention and put my mom's lame toaster cover right on the burner I had cooked the soup on. It caught on fire. I just sort of smushed the fabric together to put the fire out. Then I proceeded to roll it up so you couldn't see any of the burned-ness. About an hour later I heard my mom yelling at my dad for burning the toaster cover. I didn't say a word, my dad even said, "I might have done it." I waited until after college to fess up on that one, haha.

    Now I could tell some greatly stupid things I did in college though...
  • i got really mad at my parents and broke all the windows in the house... good thing the window people were coming the next week to install new windows anyways!!! I was like 5 and I was playing with a softball bat. And the I would always beat the crap outta my cousin, but he was twice my size and younger than me and would always start it, I just finished it..
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    Hmmm... probably the time I was in full tactical gear with a friend of mine (at 16 we each had a pistol, assault rifle and fully loaded magazines but only one night vision monocular between us) and we blew up the local bullies just restored Camaro at 2:30 in the morning one night. Put a 2 pound black powder bomb between the engine and frame and another one under the dashboard. Had them set to a 90 second electronic timer.

    We completely destroyed that car- dismounted the engine, twisted the frame, destroyed the interior due to fire and as an added bonus the left front wheel blew off with such force that it punched through his parents garage door and dented the rear end of the car parked in there.

    To this day I dont regret doing this one bit.
  • Hmmm... probably the time I was in full tactical gear with a friend of mine (at 16 we each had a pistol, assault rifle and fully loaded magazines but only one night vision monocular between us) and we blew up the local bullies just restored Camaro at 2:30 in the morning one night. Put a 2 pound black powder bomb between the engine and frame and another one under the dashboard. Had them set to a 90 second electronic timer.

    We completely destroyed that car- dismounted the engine, twisted the frame, destroyed the interior due to fire and as an added bonus the left front wheel blew off with such force that it punched through his parents garage door and dented the rear end of the car parked in there.

    To this day I dont regret doing this one bit.

  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    The only thing that sticks out was the day I got my license, I borrowed my mom's car. I had a four friends shoved in that car and we thought we were so cool blaring music and trying to pick up cute boys. I ended up being so distracted that I ran into a huge pole in a parking lot, panicked, quickly tried to pull out and backed right into an empty, parked car.... and left.

    I came home after dark, never told her and when she asked me about the two huge dents I somehow convinced her that HER car must have been hit while parked at the store... I came clean several years ago ..... once I knew that if she came after me I could take her. :wink:
  • RensR
    RensR Posts: 23
    oh yea i also attached a string to a doorknob and a plant pot stand so when we knocked on the person's door they would break their own plant...I remember hearing the crack lol

    Brilliant!!! HAhahahahahaha!!!
  • i was drunk and got pulled over (I wasnt driving thank god) and the cop that pulled us over had a mosquito on his face so i smacked the cops cheek and said i didnt want you to get west nile disease.. Some how i got out of going to jail and the ticket :)

    I used to put tacks by the bathroom door so every time my brother came out of the bathroom he would step on them

    I hit my brother in the back with a 2x4 that had rusty naiils in it

    I was 7 and asked a black guy why he was black and he said because god made him different and i said well only white people live in america.. ( feel really bad about that one)
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    3rd grade I got in a fight, this girl pushed me off the sea saw and said she wanted to fight me cus I was friends with someone and called her my best friend and she didn't like that. So I broke her nose and fractured her fingers. Does that count?

    Ummm I use to play dress up with my little brother, I have photo's of him in my pink tutu lol.

    I shot my little brother with a bebe gun :P but it was his fault and I still to this day say it was his fault. He was the dumb *kitten* who held a dead bird and told me to shoot it to make sure it was dead. I told him it would go through and hit him, he told me it wouldn't and I said if it did he better not go tell on me. So I did it, and he told on me lol.

    In 10th grade I was suspended for beating up one of the football players, cus he kept harassing me and no one do anything about it, so I went pretty psycho on him. Put him in a head lock and beat him in the face, then took him by the hair and slammed his head up against the desk, and finally let him up, and he threw a punch at me but he missed, so I threw a desk at him...

    Got caught with alcohol at school lol.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I almost missed curfew two times.
    Once, I called father "pops".
    I will always regret the one time I left the dinner table without being excused.
    This one time, some friends and I kidnapped a hooker and kept her caged in the garage for a few years.
    When mother wasn't looking, I would sometimes sneak a cup of coffee.
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    I must have been a good kid. I can't compete with these!

    I was a freaking angel compared to these. . worse I did was shoplift!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    OMG! Snuck a 19-year old boy into my bedroom window at 14 years old. I was grounded for a solid year for that stunt.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    I almost missed curfew two times.
    Once, I called father "pops".
    I will always regret the one time I left the dinner table without being excused.
    This one time, some friends and I kidnapped a hooker and kept her caged in the garage for a few years.
    When mother wasn't looking, I would sometimes sneak a cup of coffee.

    You sir are a badazz!
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Um nothing really bad
    Once my brother threw the cat in the dryer, so I got her out(she was in full attack mode) at thew her right at his face.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    We use to play "army" using those hard, little, green apples for ammunition. When that got boring we progressed to stones, and from there to BB guns (no close range shots). And as long as the BB gun was handy, I decided to get some dinner and started shooting the neighbors chickens. Ah, those were the days.

    I once hit my little sister in the face with a baseball bat, I swear it was an accident.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Once I was a little older - 15, 16, 17 then things got real interesting. But times were different then. Where I was from, the cops sort of looked out for us stupid local kids.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I did a lot of horrible things as a kid, probably too many to list, so here are a couple of the worst:

    I once convinced my younger brother that he should "rock climb" out of the third story window using a sheet as a rope. My mother walked in just as he was hanging onto the window sill.

    I kicked my infant brother in the head with saddle shoes. I was 2.5 and insanely jealous I guess.

    I deliberately crashed my bike into my brother's so he would crash into a tree.

    Sensing a pattern here, but yeah I'm actually surprised we made it out alive. My brother and I were horrendous to each other, but weirdly we're actually quite close now.
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