Outgrowing MFP



  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    another one of my pals made a decision about a month ago that she had been on the journey long enough and knew what she could eat, so although she would stay active in the community, she was no longer going to log her food. I convinced her to agree to try that experiment for one week. at the end of the week, she found that she had a rough week because she wasn't holding herself accountable by logging. She began logging again.

    for me, I'm pretty sure I know what I can eat and what I can't. I know when I have bad days and when I don't. However, outside of days that are really crummy (i.e., Turkey Day and Leftover Turkey Day), I still log because I know holding myself accountable will help me avoid complacency. I don't want that complacency creep in my life...and I believe making a decision to stop logging is simply one step on the road towards complacency. I've experienced the road towards complacency and that road leads to me gaining my weight back. Not what I want to do.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I think starting a thread with..."does anyone think about leaving", under a forum entitled Success Stories at a site that people are thankful for the transitions that it HELPED make in their lives...well....it's negative.

    I think it's great that you tried pen and paper to see what's best for YOU and I do applaud you for figuring out what works best for you. The OP's post, doesn't really come across like that.

    What is wrong asking if anyone feels like this site has given the knowledge to now leave this site and lose on their own? That would be a success, after all. It seems very smart to have a goal of being able to maintain a healthy lifestyles without any tools at all (i.e. staying with MFP because you like it, not because you need it).

    You are correct...it would be success if we "could" have a goal of maintaining a healthy lifestyle without any tools at all. But the reality of it for those of us who are here because of obesity, is that we will most ALWAYS needs tools to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    And that's fine. But the fact that some haven't or won't reach it, doesn't make the OP negative just because she might feel she's reached or nearing that goal. I say good for her.
  • marquesajen
    I stopped logging for awhile. A lot has been happening at home and I just couldn't bother with it. I was glad to see that I haven't lost or gained anything after not logging for so long. Knowing I maintained that long made me feel good. I noticed that I still paid pretty good attention to what I ate, which is important. I don't know if I am going to be able to throw myself back into it, but I hope so.
    DEEDLYNN Posts: 235 Member
    I think starting a thread with..."does anyone think about leaving", under a forum entitled Success Stories at a site that people are thankful for the transitions that it HELPED make in their lives...well....it's negative.

    I think it's great that you tried pen and paper to see what's best for YOU and I do applaud you for figuring out what works best for you. The OP's post, doesn't really come across like that.

    What is wrong asking if anyone feels like this site has given the knowledge to now leave this site and lose on their own? That would be a success, after all. It seems very smart to have a goal of being able to maintain a healthy lifestyles without any tools at all (i.e. staying with MFP because you like it, not because you need it).

    You are correct...it would be success if we "could" have a goal of maintaining a healthy lifestyle without any tools at all. But the reality of it for those of us who are here because of obesity, is that we will most ALWAYS needs tools to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    And that's fine. But the fact that some haven't or won't reach it, doesn't make the OP negative just because she might feel she's reached or nearing that goal. I say good for her.

    OK...I can shake on agree to disagree...again...just my opinion....speaking only for me....not the entire MFP community. :flowerforyou:
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    This post is not meant to be depressing or negative it really is with no other motives a question to create discussion. It was not meant to shine light on my personal fitness level. fitness beliefs or whatever other than to say I had the feeling of one day wanting to be able to move on from logging every day and the riga-morroe of the site and asking if anyone felt the same. Some have answered the question and shed light on WHY PEOPLE STAY after success( also a reason why I put it under success) We write in this section what we would like to wear and do once we reach a goal, why not what we are going to do in reference to the site itself? Why is that so wrong and negative? I also asked if anyone felt if they used the site less would they fear loosing friends?

    That being said I think anyone planning on fully using the site forever due to obesity or anything might be selling themselves a bit short. It IS possible to maintain and loose while not logging ever day it is. It is also harder for people with eating problems I know becasue I have them yet It is still possible. To me personally I don't think " if you leave you will gain weight again" mantra is not a good enough reason to stay. ( and before anyone gets all uppity I mean not a good reason in general. I don't mean not a good reason to convince me to stay) .

    and I think that the few who said it is basically impossible to to leave and still maintain...that is negative to me. Where is the light at the end of that tunnel? lol

    I can see it as a fitness site but in general there are a ton of other ways to get fitness info and ideas without the forums and the feeling of having to log. So that being said the people who said they stay becasue of the forums I totally get that and it is a good answer with good reasoning. I am however only here to discuss not to pass judgement or say you are right and you are wrong. Healthy...friendly talk...
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    I have been hear over a year and a half. Have met my goal and working at maintaining and keeping fit. I still find this site useful and enjoy giving back the support I received here. If I ever decide to leave this site, there will be many folks I will still try and stay in contact with.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    This post is not meant to be depressing or negative it really is with no other motives a question to create discussion. It was not meant to shine light on my personal fitness level. fitness beliefs or whatever other than to say I had the feeling of one day wanting to be able to move on from logging every day and the riga-morroe of the site and asking if anyone felt the same. Some have answered the question and shed light on WHY PEOPLE STAY after success( also a reason why I put it under success) We write in this section what we would like to wear and do once we reach a goal, why not what we are going to do in reference to the site itself? Why is that so wrong and negative? I also asked if anyone felt if they used the site less would they fear loosing friends?

    That being said I think anyone planning on fully using the site forever due to obesity or anything might be selling themselves a bit short. It IS possible to maintain and loose while not logging ever day it is. It is also harder for people with eating problems I know becasue I have them yet It is still possible. To me personally I don't think " if you leave you will gain weight again" mantra is not a good enough reason to stay. ( and before anyone gets all uppity I mean not a good reason in general. I don't mean not a good reason to convince me to stay) .

    and I think that the few who said it is basically impossible to to leave and still maintain...that is negative to me. Where is the light at the end of that tunnel? lol

    I can see it as a fitness site but in general there are a ton of other ways to get fitness info and ideas without the forums and the feeling of having to log. So that being said the people who said they stay becasue of the forums I totally get that and it is a good answer with good reasoning. I am however only here to discuss not to pass judgement or say you are right and you are wrong. Healthy...friendly talk...

    I didn't find your original post to be negative or depressing and I hope my earlier answers addressed the issue you raised. However, allow me now to be a little more direct in answering your question....

    first, let me say that forever is a long time. I can only answer why I think I will stay on MFP for the foreseeable future based on how I feel right now:

    1. MFP helps me hold myself accountable. Logging foods is one way I hold myself accountable. Posting an action plan is another way I hold myself accountable. Reviewing the information on my profile is another way I hold myself accountable. My pals help hold me accountable.

    2. The encouragement, support and inspiration I receive from both my Pals and other MFP forum members is truly beneficial for me. Even though I experienced success before coming to MFP in July, I know I was going through a period of complacency over the summer and I know being on MFP with all of the support I received and inspiration I saw helped get me back into the zone and back on the road towards my goals. I find new inspiration here almost every day. Inspiration is such a positive force for me.

    3. Now that I have had some success and experienced the power of the MFP community, I like to give back. I feel good when I can help someone else with his or her journey. I know I cannot help everyone, but I know I have helped many folks. I know that what I do inspires others and I don't want to let them down. I have learned a lot during my journey and I feel good about repeating that information for those who haven't learned it (with the cavaet, always, that we must each find what works best for us...but sometimes it takes different ideas to find our own way).

    4. I continue to be fierce, in part, because of my MFP pals. I have experienced the complacency creep. I know how easy it is for complacency to set in. I know that it will be harder for the complacency creep to stake a place in my mind ... or to stay there for any length of time ... because of the awesome pals I have on MFP.

    5. Just as I rely on my pals, I know many of my pals rely on me for ongoing encouragement, support and inspiration. Leaving MFP means leaving my pals. I do not not to let my pals down.

    Stay Fierce my Friend :)
  • cathyg18
    cathyg18 Posts: 150 Member
    Think of it this way...this is NOT a weight loss site. It's a fitness site. Will you be into being fit and healthy and want good tools and information and peers with which to identify with? It's not about learning how to lose weight then quitting.

    ^^^This! I TOTALLY agree! I have always struggled with my weight. Since I have joined this site in April 2011 (and with the help of INSANITY program) I have lost 32 lbs with 67 lbs to go. I don't know what it's like to be thin, so I know when I get to my goal weight, I will need to learn to maintain. I have a couple friends that have lost alot of weight and they said that losing the weight was the easy part, maintaining is the hard part. Yes, you can count caloris, carbs, fat etc., but like another poster said, accuracy is the key. It keeps me accountable and I feel all my MFP friends help me stay on track. I do not want to slip back into old habits, so that is why I don't see myself leaving after I have reached goal. But, you do have to find what works for you. :D
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    This post is not meant to be depressing or negative it really is with no other motives a question to create discussion. It was not meant to shine light on my personal fitness level. fitness beliefs or whatever other than to say I had the feeling of one day wanting to be able to move on from logging every day and the riga-morroe of the site and asking if anyone felt the same. Some have answered the question and shed light on WHY PEOPLE STAY after success( also a reason why I put it under success) We write in this section what we would like to wear and do once we reach a goal, why not what we are going to do in reference to the site itself? Why is that so wrong and negative? I also asked if anyone felt if they used the site less would they fear loosing friends?

    That being said I think anyone planning on fully using the site forever due to obesity or anything might be selling themselves a bit short. It IS possible to maintain and loose while not logging ever day it is. It is also harder for people with eating problems I know becasue I have them yet It is still possible. To me personally I don't think " if you leave you will gain weight again" mantra is not a good enough reason to stay. ( and before anyone gets all uppity I mean not a good reason in general. I don't mean not a good reason to convince me to stay) .

    and I think that the few who said it is basically impossible to to leave and still maintain...that is negative to me. Where is the light at the end of that tunnel? lol

    I can see it as a fitness site but in general there are a ton of other ways to get fitness info and ideas without the forums and the feeling of having to log. So that being said the people who said they stay becasue of the forums I totally get that and it is a good answer with good reasoning. I am however only here to discuss not to pass judgement or say you are right and you are wrong. Healthy...friendly talk...

    Welcome to the forums. When it comes to *some* (not all) of the users here, unfortunately, every thing you say can and will be used against you.
    DEEDLYNN Posts: 235 Member
    Sorry....I wasn't trying to use anyone's words against them.... I was just reading the thread and unfortunately recorded my thoughts about the thread, which is something I seldom do. I'm normally the one who is seen and not heard. This is a good example of why....with the written word, it is very hard to interpret the meaning of the poster.

    So if I am "some" of the users that use folks words against them, I will return to lurking. Sorry to have disrupted a public forum.
  • tmt2003
    tmt2003 Posts: 176 Member

    I think that make sense. I mean like I said I am no where near my goal but, when you learn the things you need to learn and are successful why stay?

    you log food to keep yourself accountable, and stay on the site because the tools make it easy to log. I don't think MFP is the issue, if you leave and still log your food then it doesn't really matter how you do it. However if the question is to stop logging food, then IMO I think that it would be a big mistake when your are still tyring to loose.

    Obviously the goal is to loose and keep it off without having to log everyday for the rest of your life and I think that it is toally possible - but I will probably use MFP as a 'crutch' for a log time after I reach my goal until I can trust myself : )

  • dimoul
    dimoul Posts: 137 Member
    Should an alcoholic ever decide he's fully cured, buy booze, hang out in bars, and go back to his old lifestyle because he's decided he's beyond temptation? (if you don't like the example, pick another addiction). My concern is that I may be like that with food. I've decided to stick with MFP or something like it for the rest of my life because I need to keep tabs on my health, weight and what I'm eating in a regular, objective way. Support from like-minded people is also helpful.
    DEEDLYNN Posts: 235 Member
    Should an alcoholic ever decide he's fully cured, buy booze, hang out in bars, and go back to his old lifestyle because he's decided he's beyond temptation? (if you don't like the example, pick another addiction). My concern is that I may be like that with food. I've decided to stick with MFP or something like it for the rest of my life because I need to keep tabs on my health, weight and what I'm eating in a regular, objective way. Support from like-minded people is also helpful.

    Another bravo
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    Bump read later
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    Should an alcoholic ever decide he's fully cured, buy booze, hang out in bars, and go back to his old lifestyle because he's decided he's beyond temptation? (if you don't like the example, pick another addiction). My concern is that I may be like that with food. I've decided to stick with MFP or something like it for the rest of my life because I need to keep tabs on my health, weight and what I'm eating in a regular, objective way. Support from like-minded people is also helpful.

    Good point. I love food. Given a chance, I will eat whatever I like, whenever I like, if its tastes good at the time.

    I don't see food as a problem for me. I see it as another controllable variable in my personal weightloss equation. OP, i don't think your post was negative, i just feel like DEEDLYN said, that maybe the success area might have been an awkward place to post it. <3

    I won't be leaving MFP. I like the friends that I've made on here, and I love knowing how they're doing, in life and with weight loss (for some off them, weight GAIN) and/or fitness goals. I love being able to talk with like minded people about weight and excercise without being called a nut in real life. It's about having a place to come to just for myself and my rather multiple goals.

  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I've been away for weeks at a time but didn't feel good about the absence. I like weighing in weekly, as part of a challenge and need to track my food. I love the MFP tracking feature. It's hit or miss with the message boards so I don't always check those even if I log in.
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    Ah! Another thing! I always need challenge in my life!!! Controlling my weight has become one of my favorite ways to challenge myself!!! I want to be a good weight for my height!

    I'm also one of those people that compulsively researches ANYTHING that interests me at any given moment. So the forums ROCK. :3
  • geraldm55
    I have 2 big reasons for myself.

    #1 I didn't do this on my own, I tried that with no success in the past. I met my goal because I have made some wonderful friends who encouraged me and yes at times kicked my butt when I needed it.

    #2 those same people that helped me sooooo much may still need me to help encourage and push them. what kind of a friend would I be if I walked away from them after they helped me so much.

    I hope to make many more friends on mfp and I want to see everyone reach their goals.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I can see maybe scaling back someday (i.e. not logging food/exercise much or at all) but I would never leave. I :heart: my friends too much!!!
  • Wingmistress
    When I joined MFP I didn't have any weight to lose.

    I joined because I wanted to set an example for my family, that nothing is improved unless it is written down and tracked. Your finances, health, anything. You have to know what is coming in vs. going out.

    I'm doing 30 day shred with my sister-in-law not because I need to, but because I want to show that I am committed to staying in shape and encourage her.

    I'm not here for a time. MFP is part of my life, just like Mint.com is, and I'll always use it to track/tweak my progress and goals, and to encourage others.

    Perfectly put. It's a way of life...not a diet.
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