Worst Present you've recieved



  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I tell my husband repeatedly that I want romantic gifts from him since he is the only one I can accept a romantic gift from. So I get the most practical things every Christmas and birthday. Yay. More appliances and stuff when I've said repeatedly that I want a hot rock massage or a manicure... Anything that makes me feel less like a mom and more like a woman. But no, I got a fan bake toaster oven. We use it, but it sits there in the kitchen mocking me.
    This year, I'm going to tell him I'm booking myself a massage, he can put some effort into getting a card at least. Or I'll buy myself clothes and tell him its his gift of having a well dressed wife. Haha

    At least your husband buys you something!!

    I don't get presents from my husband...at all...not for Christmas, not for my birthday, not for Valentines, and not for our anniversary (which is in 4 days and I know I'm getting diddily squat)
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    Last year my MIL gave me silverware.... Not a family heirloom or anything but silverware from a pay by the month catalog!!! she was living with us at the time and she had plenty of money to spend on something that I asked for rather than a crappy gift!! she did it out of spite!!

    Funny enough that is one present we never got for our wedding that we actually really wanted because we didn't want to have to buy it ourselves. BUT if you already have silverware it seems like an odd choice for a gift!

    YEAH!!! and my husband and I joke about it and say "I wonder what silverware we are getting this year!" He got money last year and I got the silverware... last I checked.. I wasnt the only one using silverware in the house... fine as a "I got you this along with your christmas gift" but not as the actual gift... and its all i got!!!!!! I tried so hard to pretend I liked the gift (I am totally not the type to not speak my mind" and my Husband said he was so pissed when she told him what she got me and that she had already ordered it!!
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    Mine was one of those boxes of chocolate covered cherries....disgusting I hate those things and couldn't believe someone gave that to me....its funny now that i think of it, but at the time I was speechless!!!!

    My wife loves those things. She'll buy a car load of the damn things when they go on clearance after Christmas.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I tell my husband repeatedly that I want romantic gifts from him since he is the only one I can accept a romantic gift from. So I get the most practical things every Christmas and birthday. Yay. More appliances and stuff when I've said repeatedly that I want a hot rock massage or a manicure... Anything that makes me feel less like a mom and more like a woman. But no, I got a fan bake toaster oven. We use it, but it sits there in the kitchen mocking me.
    This year, I'm going to tell him I'm booking myself a massage, he can put some effort into getting a card at least. Or I'll buy myself clothes and tell him its his gift of having a well dressed wife. Haha

    At least your husband buys you something!!

    I don't get presents from my husband...at all...not for Christmas, not for my birthday, not for Valentines, and not for our anniversary (which is in 4 days and I know I'm getting diddily squat)
    Send me your address and I'll send you whatever appliance I'm getting. Lol
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    Secret Santa @ work one year...I got broken, scratched picture frames...
  • nurse_christieyne
    One year, my SIL who makes quite a bit of money gave me a bath towel from Walmart... She gave the matching towel to my husband. I think the towels were maybe 2.50 at most. She then opened her 100 gift card that we got her. I was soo upset.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    a bottle of crown royal, shortly after telling my mom I had to quit drinking because my liver couldn't process it anymore. talk about mixed messages.

    I like when I've gotten bottles of wine for presents, I don't drink, and this isn't a secret either, everyone knows I don't drink, I hate the taste of alcohol. So the bottles of wine are more like presents for other people who may visit my place and want wine.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    One year, my SIL who makes quite a bit of money gave me a bath towel from Walmart... She gave the matching towel to my husband. I think the towels were maybe 2.50 at most. She then opened her 100 gift card that we got her. I was soo upset.

    I feel your pain!
    My husband is from California. Every year I make 2 care packages with presents, one for his mom's family, and one for his dad's family. We have never gotten anything from his dad's family... I mean not a card, a phone call or a "thank you". I asked my hubby this year if I could just skip it and send them a card since they don't seem to appreciate the effort that's put into it and he said no, that it's karma and I should just keep doing it.
    But why should I put in the effort when they clearly don't care?
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    My mother-in-law bought me hello kitty pajamas two sizes too small...I was 30. My husband's aunt also got us a hummel ornament with 2008 on it...in 2010.
  • cofakid
    cofakid Posts: 213 Member
    Ive gotten some amazing gifts and some rotten gifts.

    One aunt ALWAYS gives expired chocolate - usually at least a year past its useby date! and she has given other old expired food as well. She also gave me a pillow that vibrated and looked like road kill... it was funny but it was meant to be serious and it sure as hell wasnt a good gift.

    An ex bf gave me scotch for our anniversary full knowing i didnt drink it - AND instead of spending the night with me he buggered off to a friends place and of course drank the bottle of scotch.

    I also got a large amount of alchol and cocktail mixers last christmas when i dont drink that anymore - i only drink the ocassional glass of wine. Granted im 21 so im not surprised they would assume i would like that, unfortunately i dont, and if theyd ask my parents or meyself, we would have told them that.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I got a set of ugly dishes with BROWN flowers painted on them. When I cried, my stupid husband, now ex, thought it was tears of joy!!
    Men, please never give anything for the kitchen for Christmas, or birthday or any occasion at all...ever.:noway:
  • polarlove
    polarlove Posts: 72 Member
    tipp-ex correction fluid for my birthday when I was 13 :| I told my mum I needed her to pick it up for me next time she was out, and 2 days later it was my bday so she wrapped it up and put it with my other presents. I opened it infront of my friends too, I'm sure they thought my family was insane/major cheapskates.
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    What gets me is when someone asks what you want and you say that you really would love a gift card to your favorite store or cash and they give you some off the wall piece of crap gift that you are only going to give to your beloved garbage can or the monster that lives in your closet that eats bad gifts!!!!!!!
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I always feel bad when people buy soap or fragrant body stuff for me because that's the fall back gift for girls/women but i'm quite allergic to most of that stuff. And I'm not a regifter, so I have a crap load of that kind of stuff under my bathroom counter.
  • blueyegrl
    blueyegrl Posts: 248 Member
    Me, my fiancé, my mom and my sister moved from Florida to Massachusetts at the beginning of December a few years ago. None of us had jobs and we decided to do a "no gift" Xmas. Well a week before Xmas I came into a small sum of cash and bought all of them one small gift. My mother woke up, saw the gifts and went in her room and wrapped a bunch of her stuff to give us because she felt bad. For me, she wrapped a book I had given her for her birthday that same year. Looking back we laugh, but at the time, well...worst Xmas ever lol.
  • redneckbettie
    redneckbettie Posts: 20 Member
    12 years old. Deodorant for Christmas. Traumatizing.
  • knight_owl
    For my 16th birthday, my then boyfriend gave me a bible and said I 'needed it'. Worst present ever!
  • AnnaMaus
    AnnaMaus Posts: 167 Member
    My mom once gave me a Christmas package containing a magnet, broken earrings and plastic magnetic jewelry from a white elephant party at her work. I was so sad I almost puked.
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    My husband, who is a generous and giving guy (as in, he buys me starbucks every morning and brings it to me in bed...stuff like that), is a notoriously bad gift giver. In the past, for my birthday or for Christmas, he has given me:

    1. stuffed animals (I hate them)
    2. music by a group I hate
    3. nothing at all even though I had given him some ideas (I cried I was so hurt, it was Christmas and then he got really upset and that hasn't happened again)
    4. he has taken me shopping on the day of my birthday and told me to pick something out while he waited out in the mall

    I don't know...the pressure of buying a gift is overwhelming to an otherwise thoughtful guy. He typically gets me a gift card now which works well!

    My mom was a really bad gift giver too. Mostly stuff from the 99 cents store. The one gift she gave me that I treasured and still have is a raggedy ann doll that she made for me when I was 5 or 6. Even then, I knew it was a big deal and I love that doll.

    I think what bothers me about getting a weird or bad gift from a loved one is that it makes me feel like they really don't know me all that well. Maybe I'm reading too much into it...
  • Its4CJ
    Its4CJ Posts: 14
    The worst present ever? It wasn't a physical gift given to me, but... My oldest son was born on December 20th. He was very sick, and they transferred him from one hospital to another in the middle of a blizzard. Not only did one ambulance (on a different run) hit the ambulance carrying my 4 day old son, but his father showed up for the first time since he was born. Told me that I was a pretty screwed up mother letting them do this to my son... Meaning letting them take him to a different hospital.

    The best gift ever given to me? Ezekiel (12/20/2002), Izaiah (05/03/2006) and divorce paperwork (12/24/2005), one month to the day after our anniversary :)