Looking for committed Stay at Home Mom friends

I'm looking for friends that have young babies and are struggling to lose weight. I have 3 kids 4yrs and under, each under 20months apart!. I have to go to bed late and get up early just to get it all done, plus hubby works late!. So when it comes to losing weight it can be a real battle. I don't have much time for myself so I use food to fill that emotional gap sometimes. I am having trouble finding friends here that really know how much I look forward to getting kudos for every little success. Logging in 5 days in a row, burning 100 calories on my elliptical (which is really hard to do with toddlers!), I'm spending so much time giving everyone else kudos for everything that's posted under their name and I'm just not getting the return I need. If you are a person who needs encouragement and is willing to also give it, I would love to link arms on this weight loss journey! I really need quality over quantity here.

Looking forward to new friends,


  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    Hi! Im also a stay at home mom, I have a two year old son and my hubby (to be) also works late nights. Sending a request!
  • Can I join you ladies....I have 40lbs to lose I'm 28 and my kids are 4.5, 2.5 and 10months. My dh works 4-7 12hour night shifts a week. Between last week and this week he has 13 straight days of working with no day off. so I"m by myself a lot. I could use motivation, encouragement and advice from other mommas in my position.
  • I am a SAHM to an almost 4 year old girl. I love meeting other moms who are taking the time to better their health! (And I love the little motivators as well... they make a ton of difference! I am always willing to be encouraging too!) Let's do this together!!!
  • Sonchie
    Sonchie Posts: 259 Member
    Im a 39 year old stay home/homeschool mom. My hubby works out of town 4-5 days a week so its mostly me and my 13 year old girl. I also have a 20 year old son who works with his dad. I look so forward to the weekend! LOL
    Im currently in maintenance but lost 100 lbs in my late twenties. Been maintaining for more than 10 years but recently lost more body fat and gained mucle after using MFP. Im on day 215 of logging in!
  • Ashley121205
    Ashley121205 Posts: 131 Member
    Please feel free to add me :) I'm a stay at home Mom to 4 girls. Ages 7,4,3 and 2. My husband also works LONG hours. I definitely understand the difficulties of trying to exercise with little ones around.
  • mipanarican
    mipanarican Posts: 9 Member

    I also am a SAHM!! I have a 23mth. old son & my husband also works many many hours!! Would be nice for some extra support. Where I live I'm fairly new & being a SAHM, its not easy making friends. In my neighborhood there aren't any kids my sons age!!
    Feel free to add me. Love positive & motivated people!!

  • SammiAnne11
    SammiAnne11 Posts: 158 Member
    I am mostly a SAHM but picked up a part time job for the holidays(toys r us!). I am 38, and my kids are 7, 5, and 3. My husband works second shift 4pm-1am, so I could use some like minded friends along the way!
  • Pandahead
    Pandahead Posts: 50 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. :) I'm a SAHM of 6 (yes, 6--not a typo). It's definitely a juggling act to fit in exercise with my crazy schedule. But I'm determined!
  • cowgirllisa86
    cowgirllisa86 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi im also a stay at home mom of 2 girls :) one is 4.5, the other is almost 10 months... My husband works from home but its shop work so its still can be long hours. I have met my goal just need to tone up a bit, would love to add u as a friend on here :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Hi, I am a SAHM of 3! 9yr 3yr and 8 weeks!! My 9y is home schooled. I had a c section, so I just got the okay to start working out! I also nurse so any good tips would be welcome!
  • merrick7871
    merrick7871 Posts: 161 Member
    I am a 40 year old stay at home mom with fibro. I have a 4 year old at home and a 12 year old in 6th grade. I have 45 more pounds to lose before I reassess my goal so I am here for the long haul. Feel free to add me.
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    I'm committed and a stay home mommy too :) If you don't mind, I'll add all of you!
  • Please add my friend. She is a stay at home mom who just signed up right now.
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    I am a stay at home of a 12.5 and 5.5 year old...my youngest in in school part time.

    Feel free to add me as a friend :happy:

  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Hey ladies! I'm a SAHM too! I also babysit so I have lots of kiddos running around. My boys are almost 3 and almost 7. The kids I babysit range in age from 10 months through 4 years. I workout during naptime! My husband works long hours too. Feel free to add me!
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    Pick me! Pick me!


    I'm currently on FMLA, undecided whether I'll be returning to work part time or not (first time mom, this is all really new for me). Would love to be a weight loss buddy, regardless!

    - Chelsea
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I'm a SAHM to an 8yo, 6yo, and 2yo. My husband also works a lot, some evenings too. Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • I am also a stay at home mom.. I am 25 with 2 kids, 19 month old boy and a 5wk old girl.. My husband works A LOT, so getting to a gym is next to impossible.. I need some "at home" work out suggestions if anyone has any :)...
  • mommynmotion
    mommynmotion Posts: 149 Member
    Hi! I started a "Sweaty Moms" group.


    We can start challeneges, share recipies and exercise ideas and support each other!!!! I know how hard it is to fit it in. I homeschool, so I have to get mine in at 5am...4:30 of it's long run day!!!!
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    I'm a sahm to a 5yo girl and 1yo boy. Hubby works full time and in the spring is a baseball umpire and we won't see him till 11pm every night.

    I understand how hard it is trying to find time for yourself. I have lost 36lbs so far this year and aiming to lose 45lb more. Hubby is ready for baby #3 but I'm determined to get to goal first. Hopefully in 6 months. Then I can be skinny and cute for a little bit...then ill be all fat,and pregnant and have to lose weight again lol. I don't typically gain much with my babies I just start out fat and I'm looking forward to that being different next time