Name your Go To breakfast

I need to add something new to my breakfast routine. Something I can make quickly, eat a lot of but low in sugar. So no yogurt. Any awesome favs out there?:bigsmile:


  • nickscutie
    nickscutie Posts: 303 Member
    My breakfasts are usually peanut butter on a low fat waffle or whole wheat lower calorie toast

    Or I melt an ounce of 2% reduced fat cheese on an english muffin.

    or Kashi Go Lean Honey Almond Flax - not sure about the sugar in that though.
  • photo_kyla
    photo_kyla Posts: 322 Member
    My fave on the go snacks are Low fat mozzarella stick, 1 oz of dry roasted almonds, or a chewy granola bar (depends on brand).
    For breakfast on the run (read: in the car) I like low-fat yogurt with graham crackers with peanut butter mixed in. (It's weird, I know, but keeps me full and I can eat it while driving, plus you have variety depending on the flavor you choose.)
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Nearly every day:

    1 cup Kashi GoLean cereal
    1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
    3 cups black coffee
  • bigfluffyjujubird
    low fat toast and nutella here!!

    banana is a great breakfast, plus porridge is good but i cant eat it, it makes me vom for some reason!!
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Nearly every weekday I have two egg whites with an ounce of avocado cut up into them. I do that cuz I can nuke 'em at work an have hot breakfast.

    Along with that is what varies. Typical second parts to breakfast include two servings of PB2 on toast, oatmeal cooked on the stove the night before and reheated at work, some cheese and two small low carb tortillas that I make into breakfast burritos w/the eggs, or if I'm feeling lazy, maybe a Clif Mojo bar or a Luna Bar.
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Hard boiled egg and something with a nut butter (peanut or almond usually). I've never tried the waffle idea someone else had but that would be a nice change of pace from Bagel Thins and toast.

    If I'm really in a hurry I grab a Kashi bar or Kashi cereal - Trail Mix and Toasted Berry Crumble are my favorite. They aren't to be considered low in sugar though...
  • tam823
    tam823 Posts: 85 Member
    I eat Shakeology. It is a product from Beach Body. It runs a little on the pricey side but I love it. I love the way my body feels the days I drink it. I am out and I am waiting for my next bag to come in, so I am having withdrawls!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Bacon, egg subsitute, low fat cheese on an english muffin, cottage cheese and fruit.
  • cattracy0829
    cattracy0829 Posts: 177 Member
    2 eggs over easy, 3-4 pieces of turkey bacon and 1-2 pieces of toast - filling and not a lot of calories
  • mommyJto3
    mommyJto3 Posts: 139 Member
    4 hard boiled eggs - 3 just egg whites, 1 whole egg. sometimes with a little hot sauce. and then i will add an english muffin, cottage cheese, or cheerios and milk as well.
  • chelle4282
    chelle4282 Posts: 58 Member
    2 eggs scrambled with one morningstar farms maple "sausage" patty broken up and mixed in. Topped with a half cup of cottage cheese. So much protein!
  • kimmerkay
    I make an english muffin with spray butter 1 egg and lowfat american cheese. If I'm in a big hurry I just get the egg mcmuffin at Mcdonalds.
  • KriscoOil
    KriscoOil Posts: 305 Member
    I eat oatmeal - almost everday. I do like the Egg Mcmuffin idea - only 300 calories. I mixed things up yesterday and had one for breakfast myself, lol
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Smart Ones breakfast quesadilla. 230 calories, 12g protein, 1g sugar (but 29 total carbs, if that concerns you). I'm busy in the mornings and from the freezer it's only 2:15 in the microwave before it's ready to eat. The rest of my day would be easier if my breakfast had more protein, but this works for the hectic mornings when I have to get the kids ready and out of the house on time.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    2 eggs scrambled with one morningstar farms maple "sausage" patty broken up and mixed in. Topped with a half cup of cottage cheese. So much protein!

    Those Morningstar maple 'sausage' patties are YUM - I use them on the mornings that I actually cook something up w/ eggs, cheese, etc.
  • polarcubby
    Dorset Cereal - Very Nutty Muesli. No added sugar just sweet raisins. I hate when my milk gets sweet after I add it to cereal and Dorset Cereal is the only one that ensures my milk tastes like milk. Very filling too!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    1/2 c (uncooked) regular oatmeal, 1/2 c frozen blueberries, 1 T ground flax seeds, with a splash of unsweetened vanilla almond milk, and 12 Emerald cocoa roast almonds on the side. The blueberries thaw out pretty fast once I put them in the oatmeal. I make it in the microwave at work.
  • jess_blonde
    jess_blonde Posts: 229 Member
    quaker low sugar apple cinnamon oatmeal + 1/2tbsp kraft whipped peanut butter stirred in


    quaker low sugar peaches and cream oatmeal + 1/2 a mashed banana mixed in
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    Metamucil, Multivitamin, Bing Energy Drink - 60 calories total...

    ...then I go to lunch early...

    ..but then again, I've never been a breakfast eater.
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    baked oatmeal in the winter. Eggs with Salsa in the summer.