Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred.



  • dkueter94
    I only lost a total of 6 pounds I think, but I lost major inches in my waist (have a lot less love handles!) and thighs!!!! I did it basically everyday besides the week of Thanksgiving. Its tough, but stick with it. It is SOOO worth it and you'll be glad you did! Jillian is a little bit on the evil side, but she sure knows her stuff and this is a great workout!!!! :)

    Feel free to friend me if you'd like!
  • dkueter94
    Forgot to mention, since the workout is only about 27 minutes long, I tried to do a speed walk 4-5 days a week for 30-45 minutes to get some extra cardio in. I think that helped too!
  • carrieregina
    carrieregina Posts: 13 Member
    I asked for 30DS and weight for christmas.. I cant wait to get it. Can anyone tell me how they log it in the exercise?? I have yet to put in any exercise here on MFP

    circuit training (under cardio)
  • diddyk
    diddyk Posts: 269 Member
    I just started yesterday and I'm in a world of hurt today. Combined with my speed walking on the treadmill already today, I think I might die when I attempt day 2 tonight!
  • Krshannon1128
    Krshannon1128 Posts: 8 Member
    I completed the 30 day shred last month - now doing 'Ripped in 30". I did them for all 30days, no breaks, with a well balanced (calorie counting) diet.

    In the 30days I lost 6lbs, 3in in the waist, 2.5in in the hips, 1in in the thighs and .5in in the arms.

    Totally worth it!
  • Dwillig
    I too am doing 30DS. I had to take a break because of knee pain. Please watch your knees! It was awful. I now do turbo jam as a warm up for 15 minutes and will switch to her. Her warm ups are not enough with all the squats and lunges she has you do. But I have seen results! Should have measured!
  • CharityEaton
    I love Jillian! I have done 30ds all 3 levels twice now ad her ripped in 30. At first I was only doing them about 3 days a week but in sept. I started doing them 5 days a week along with other stuff.
    So, for 3 months working out 5 times a day, I have managed to lose almost 20 pounds and about 8 inches over my entire body..most in my bust and waist and hips....1/2 inch around legs, arms.
    It works. I really like all of her videos I usually do 30ds or ripped in 30 early in the morning and then I alternate her Kiler buns and thighs with her 6 week 6 pack in the afternoon.
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 399 Member

    circuit training (under cardio)

    Thanks!! I cant wait to try it!!! Gonna take my before picture tonight.
  • aimeeturner
    aimeeturner Posts: 225 Member
    I completed the 30DS a few weeks ago. I didn't miss a day. I went up a level every 10 days. My experience was not as much in weight loss as much as it was in seeing more definition and muscle toning, and definitely more endurance. I am currently doing her "Killer Buns and Thighs" workout, which I absolutely love as well. If anyone has lower body fat, I would highly recommend getting this video.
  • aimeeturner
    aimeeturner Posts: 225 Member
    I too am doing 30DS. I had to take a break because of knee pain. Please watch your knees! It was awful. I now do turbo jam as a warm up for 15 minutes and will switch to her. Her warm ups are not enough with all the squats and lunges she has you do. But I have seen results! Should have measured!

    I had knee surgery two years ago and also suffer with knee pain. I make sure to ice my knees after every work out and also take ibuprofen for joint swelling and pain.
  • cattracy0829
    cattracy0829 Posts: 177 Member
    Ordered it and it should arrive any day now...I am excited to give this a try!
  • Angelabonham
    Hi... I am 29 years old. I am new to MFP as well as the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD. I am on day 3 of MFP & day 2 of JM 30 Day Shred. I am very very very sore in the thighs & butt. I was wondering how long it will take me to quit being sore & start seeing results. Also what kind of results will I see? I am hoping for overall weight loss, dropping a couple of sizes & lose the fat, tone the muscle. I am looking to lose 45-50 total. Any and all advice is welcome. If you want to add me as a friend please feel free. I love in Goodland, KS. If you are here, I am looking for a workout friend. Good luck everyone! :)
  • justTori
    After reading about everyone's success on here I actually went to Target and bought it this morning. I'm hoping to start day one tonight!

    I was thinking of doing the same!!
  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    I am on day 2 of my 2nd round of 30 day shred. I lost about 7 lbs my first round and like 6-7 inches from my waist, chest, hips, thighs. I then did her ripped in 30 and lost even more. :)
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    I did it 4-5 days a week for the month before my wedding and I was in the best shape of my adult life on my wedding day. I lost many lbs and inches. Then I got pregnant 3 weeks later... and still have baby weight left to lose (my daughter is 6 months old now). I'm trying to muster up the motivation to start it again. I started it about a month and a half ago and lost about 3 lbs in the first week of doing it (before I fell off the workout wagon again). Add me for support if you want. I'm going to try to start it again this weekend.
  • syreina
    syreina Posts: 548 Member
    I'm on Day 15.

    I weighed in on Day 11. I've lost 3 lbs, half an inch on my arms, 1 inch on my bust, 1 inch on my waist, and half an inch on my hips. :)
  • sarahv5
    I have complete the 30 days shred about 3 times all the way through.I have lost a total of 18 inches and app. 22 lbs. since last January when I purchased it.Not a lot of weight but I have lost lots of inches and have built a lot of muscle!I think the workout rocks!! I also ran 3 days a week along with doing the dvd 5 times a week:) I am now doing bodyrocktv exercises and Jillian's burn fat boost metabolism.I highly recommend all of JM's dvds....Good luck ladies:)
  • nikkijay25
    nikkijay25 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm on day five. I haven't lost any weight but I notice that my clothes fit looser and my endurance is getting better and better. I'm not as sore as I was. I do drink soy milk after every work out.
  • castielsangelx
    Just started it today. Can't wait til I can see some results. I have high hopes for this DVD. *crosses fingers*
  • peachprl
    peachprl Posts: 119 Member
    I am currently on day 3. I will say I have noticed that I feel more strength already and that my endurance is improving. No weight loss yet, but from what I read, I am motivated to keep it up and see results.

    I will say that from other forums on the 30DS, people tend to get the best results when they combine the 30DS with some cardio each day. So I am also being sure to do some aerobics at some point in each day to help "boost" things. I'll let you know if it works!