Large frame?



  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    My wrist seems to be about 7 inches, so... Just under 5'8", aiming for between 170 and 185. At the moment I'm a UK 18 (US 16), and I very much doubt I'll ever be able to get into anything much smaller than a UK 14/US12 - with the width of my back/shoulders and the depth of my ribcage, it just isn't going to happen. Similarly to others here, people never believe my actual weight - big frame, plus muscles, plus a fair bit of extra at the moment adds up. If asked for my weight on a form, I subtract 20 - 25kg (50-60 pounds) unless it's for health or safety purposes - no point in fibbing to the man setting your ski bindings! - and no-one's ever queried it - what I write seems reasonable for how I look. If I wrote the actual number, they'd expect someone with a lot more visibly-excess weight.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I'm 5' 1.5" and wore size 16 when I was 186lbs. I have a small frame, though. I just had a LOT of fat on me.

    I wouldn't rely on the wrist method to determine your frame... It's not like your frame is evenly big/small across your whole body. I have tiny wrists, tiny hips but average ribcage and shoulders.
  • sweetxsour35
    Currently, I'm a size 10/12 at 5'-4" and I weigh about 180 lbs. At my heaviest weight (210 lbs), I was a size 18. I picked up horseback riding and running (the latter pretty recently), and have gained quite a bit of muscle, so though my weight hasn't drastically changed, my body composition has and I look completely different.

    I was planning on getting down to 140, but once I get to 160, I'll see if I want to lose more. A lot of my weight is in my legs and midsection at the moment so I really don't know right now.
  • sweetxsour35
    my wrist is a litte over 6 inches so another large frame *waves* but my fingers over lap when i put them round my wrist and people say they are tiny :huh:

    My wrists are a good 6.5" and my fingers still wrap around them perfectly o.O
  • stepherbutt21
    I too have a large frame. I'm 5'5 and when I was in a size 11/12 I was about 185 lbs. I have a lot to lose before I get back to 185 lbs after stopping working and having a baby and being a stay at home mom for a few years. Feel free to add me if you want :)