doing exercise, eating my calories and under my gol but gain

Is incredible, i have been doing every day under my goal calorie eating my exercise work and givin a extras exercise calorie and i gain a pound, should be lose a pound but i gain, how come? Feeling confused! Help!

I know someday a eat more but i burn this calories,... I m thinking going back to the couch feeling down!


  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    Eat more!
    watch sodium too.

    Good luck.
  • amarneu
    amarneu Posts: 164 Member
    I have been up and down too which is really frustrating as I can honestly say I have never put this much effort into losing weight before; however I can feel that I am stronger and my cardio endurance has increased, just wish that would be reflected on the scale!
  • elmsallmissile
    your muscles will store glycogen with use, for every gram of glycogen stored they have to store 3 or 4 grams of water, this gain is transient and as long as your calorie in/out calculation is accurate will lead to weight loss in the near future.
  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
    I try to never eat my exercise calories. I try to underestimate calories burned as it's very ambiguous. It's my 'buffer' to allow me to have a deficit and lose weight. It's easy to overeat calories, that's why I'm here in the first place. I've been losing each week ...sometimes a very miniscule amount and sometimes a larger # of lbs. This works for me. Maybe it can help you...don't give up.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,218 Member
    How carefully are you measuring your food. Estimating it is not usually that effective. Measure and weigh to be precise.'

    Also, I notice a lot of times you are way below the calories you are supposed to eat. Doing that consistently is not good. You need to eat those calories.

    Finally, while I didn't look back too far or as carefully and I would like, you need more vegetables from what I can see.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    You are logging things as exercise that you shouldn't be.

    Walking while carrying a child for 5 minutes?
    Cooking Dinner?
    Cleaning for 15 minutes?

    These things are all daily activities.
    Just because you cooked dinner, doesn't mean you get to eat more calories.

    When you are walking/elliptical are you wearing a Heart rate Monitor or are you just guessing on calories?

    Are you being honest on the quantity you are eating or just guessing?

    I do not agree with the "eat more" comments. I think you're cheating on cals burned, and eating back too many calories (most days)
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    maybe you gained muscle?
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    The scale is the least accurate measurement of true fat loss. That is why most suggest measuring yourself. Retaining water can mask small gains in weightloss. Any number of things can affect this, from how much sodium you eat/water you drink to the time of the month. Also when you first start working out, it isn't uncommon to gain a little weight as your muscles retain water as they heal.
    I haven't seen much movement on the scale in the past couple of weeks but I am seeing a huge difference in my body. I also put on 3 lbs on the weekend from a cheat day. Most of that has to do with sodium causing water retention.

    How long have you been at it?
    Are you logging accurately? I mean measuring everything.
    Are you logging everything, even the small additions?
    What kind of exercise are you doing and how are you getting your calories burned (ie are you using a heartrate monitor)?
    Is there a possible medical issue or medications that could be causing a problem?

    Keep at it.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I do not recommend stopping eating your exercise calories. You have your intake set to 1200. If you burn 400 in exercise you are leaving yourself at a big deficit. Here is an article that you may want to read.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    You are logging things as exercise that you shouldn't be.

    Walking while carrying a child for 5 minutes?
    Cooking Dinner?
    Cleaning for 15 minutes?

    These things are all daily activities.
    Just because you cooked dinner, doesn't mean you get to eat more calories.

    When you are walking/elliptical are you wearing a Heart rate Monitor or are you just guessing on calories?

    Are you being honest on the quantity you are eating or just guessing?

    I do not agree with the "eat more" comments. I think you're cheating on cals burned, and eating back too many calories (most days)

    Ditto this - you are really overestimating the calories you burn each day, and then overcompensating - basically, you are eating too much. Also, unless you are taking steroids, you are not putting on that much muscle.
  • rossannapc
    rossannapc Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks all for ur replies, actually when i log a cup of something i just serve 3/4 of the cup but to have the diference just because! I actually dont have a rate monitor but my elliptica have a very acure monitor that tell me how many calories a burno and actually a log less on it that the one that i really burn! Other thing when i log exercice like cooking its actually lioke a hour runing from one side to the other on the kitchen and doing a lot of thing on it , equal when a log carrynbg a child is because my baby have 18 month and 30 pound and he actually make me to spend almost alll day with him in my harms!

    I drink more than 12 glass of water but forget to log and i dont eat veggies i know this is a problem but i dont eat it i actually hate them! The firts week i lose 8 pounds i i have doing almost any exercise and eating more that i should and now that im doing healtier and a lot exercise. Im gainig ... I will stay 1 week more if i keep going gaining pounds i will stop counting... Is to hard and is giving me a stress that i cant handle! I will give one more shoot if not i will stop doing and see if i found another solution easier to be healty! Because i will not be healtly and fatty!

    Thanks all for ur advice siincerily !
  • glenr79
    glenr79 Posts: 283 Member
    I just looked at your diet, even though you are eating below your calories you are eating a very poor diet. You never eat any protein are kind of high on the wrong kind of fats, and you eat too many simple carbs. You need to start eating some lean proteins, baked or grilled chicken, baked fish, turkey from the deli, eggs. Also I don't really see any fruits and vegetables in your diet. And you are eating pork which is high in fat and a major nono.... As I always tell people it isn't how many calories you eat, it is what you eat. If you eat the right foods you will lose the weight.
    Is incredible, i have been doing every day under my goal calorie eating my exercise work and givin a extras exercise calorie and i gain a pound, should be lose a pound but i gain, how come? Feeling confused! Help!

    I know someday a eat more but i burn this calories,... I m thinking going back to the couch feeling down!
  • lunajuly
    lunajuly Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm not sure of your age, but most women once they get past their mid 30s start to become insulin resistant to a degree. If you are eating a lot of simple carbs, burning them off will not work so well as your body will store them as fast instead of using them as energy.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Don't eat your exercise calories, everybody is different. it may not work for everybody. It doesn't work for me, but I do eat 1400 calories a day instead of 1200. You may want to increase your calorie intake to 1400 whether you workout that day or not.

    Also, you may be WAY off on your calorie burning. Try not eating your exercise calories and increase calorie intake, see what happens.

    When I did this the weight started falling off.. I was at a plateau for a very long time,,,, until I tried something different...
  • rossannapc
    rossannapc Posts: 21 Member
    Like your advice! I wish i eat veggies and frut but actually i hate veggies and where ai live i dont found much things diferents from the on that u see there!

    Im. Trying hard with my poor miney income and with that last few things that i found around home to be healty, but i saw other people eating worse that me eating pizza y thinjgs like that! And lose more than a 25 pounds in 2 month! Actually im making a super efort to get this better!
  • glenr79
    glenr79 Posts: 283 Member
    eggs are cheep, 100% wheat bread is cheep, big jars of peanut butter is cheep, tunafish is cheep, buy bags of frozen chicken or fish and then bake them... that is cheep, FIberone cereal, frozen vegetables, banannas, etc... all things you can get for cheep and eat healthy... Also it looked like you went out to eat some times, eating healthy at home is a lot cheeper
  • sarahcowley1
    i was like this too the last couple of weeks although i didnt gain , i put it down to muscle weight if you have been trying so hard , frustating i know , keep it up you will loose .........
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Ah man, you don't like veggies? Really? Sweet potatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, nothing? I like eating veggies because you get a big portion for very few calories, plus I put cheese on it to taste even better!!! Yummy! I put a teaspoon of brown sugar on my sweet potatoe. I usually cook it the night before work then have 1/2 for lunch one day, and the other 1/2 on another day. 2 days to get veggies in!

    Even if you have a tight budget you can still eat healthy and low cal. I really wish people wouldn't use that as an excuse. You could buy Morning Star veggie Sausage, yes I know it's $4, but you can get quite a few breakfasts out of it. You can buy eggs and an egg white seperator ($2) to have just egg whites (if you wanted to save a few calories that way). Frozen store brand name veggies are an excellent way to save some cash AND they won't go bad. I also like Bumble Bee tuna packets with crackers.. they are aprox $1.50 and get a decent snack or lunch out of them. Bread is cheap and then buy some natural peanut butter (little more expensive, but not by much and last a very long time) and reduced sugar jelly. Drink tap water instead of orange juice or beer or wine or soda. Etc. Etc Etc.. I could go on and on, you just have to think outside the box. Stop using the excuse that you have a minnie income.. if you have a kitchen, you can still eat healthy on a very small income. But make sure it is food that you enjoy, or it will be a waste of money.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Where do you live?
  • rossannapc
    rossannapc Posts: 21 Member
    I dont go out i cook everything! I dont haven a market near home! I have to go a hour away home to by my food! Thanks for the advice will u give a example of a diet!