holy crap, just did my 1st day on 30ds!

lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
WOW, between the push ups and then at the end with the bicycle crunches, i almost didn't finish either of them! that is tough, i am so out of shape... i thought with the last month and a half of doing 45 min of cardio a day i was in better shape then that! if i don't see results after this next 30 days, i will be very disappointed!!!! it wooped my a**!

and how do you log 30ds on your exercise log? i have a hrm coming in with in the next few days but until then i won't know how many calories i am burning...


  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Great work! The Shred is brutal; pat yourself on the back for getting through it.

    Be prepared for some major soreness in the next 2-3 days. Hot baths, ibuprofen, and plenty of water! Your thighs will thank you!

    You will definitely see results if you do the program regularly. I did 10 days on each level with only one rest day in 30. I lost 15 pounds, and saw major body composition improvement. I have a waist again! I didn't know it was still there!! (Some ppl stay on each level longer, or take more rests. Do what works for you.)

    Congrats and good luck!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    thx! i was just going to ask that as i wasn't sure how long you are supposed to stay on each level. I didn't know if it was 1 level for each week and a bit or just one level for the 30 days and then do level 2 for another 30 days, etc... i definitely won't be moving up to level 2 anytime soon,lol... i don't know if i'll ever be able to complete the push up park with out stopping at one point,lol.
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    Today was my 6th day at level 1 and I can feel myself getting stronger. Two days ago I also added in level 1 of Bob Harper's weight loss yoga and its incredible. Bob and Jillian are kicking my *kitten* daily! After these 30 days are up I'm planning on moving up to p90x!
    Keep up the good work!
  • baycat107
    baycat107 Posts: 165 Member
    I felt the same way. It whipped my butt. It targeted muscles I didn't use running, swimming & using hand weights. I do know, after 10 days or so, I ran a 5K, and my legs felt so strong. Ran faster than I thought I could. I could hear Jillian's voice saying "keep going." I only made it to level 2, but want & need to start again soon. Stay strong!
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    It is tough but stick with it. It will build your confidence as well. When you get done with it you will feel like you can do anything. :love:
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    it's not really about keeping up with every move or competing with the "badass". It's about doing more today than you did yesterday. I had hip trouble that forced me to modify some of the moves, and my daughter was way out of shape and modified everything. But we both finished way better than when we started.

    I went on to do Ripped in 30, Supreme 90 Day, and did 6 weeks of P90X. I switched up to New Rules of Lifting for Women cause hubs found us a bench and weights. I'm on week 2 and loving it! I've never felt stronger. The hip is 100%, and the aches and pains of aging that I thought I would just have to learn to live with are gone completely!

    In P90X, they constantly tell you "Do your best. Forget the rest." It's a good piece of advice!
  • MadDogTannen22
    MadDogTannen22 Posts: 88 Member
    I am on day 6 of level one, and really like it. My only complaint is that some moves are very hard, but some are way too easy. This should be remedies by the weight set I am getting for x mas! By the way, I log it as 20 minute circuit training... I think thats right.
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    it's not really about keeping up with every move or competing with the "badass". It's about doing more today than you did yesterday. I had hip trouble that forced me to modify some of the moves, and my daughter was way out of shape and modified everything. But we both finished way better than when we started.

    I went on to do Ripped in 30, Supreme 90 Day, and did 6 weeks of P90X. I switched up to New Rules of Lifting for Women cause hubs found us a bench and weights. I'm on week 2 and loving it! I've never felt stronger. The hip is 100%, and the aches and pains of aging that I thought I would just have to learn to live with are gone completely!

    In P90X, they constantly tell you "Do your best. Forget the rest." It's a good piece of advice!

    What is the New Rules of Lifting for Women? I am also thinking of doing Ripped in 90; what do you recommend? I mean if you had it to do over again? Are there any tips or words of advice that you could pass along? Thanks!!!
  • fallenangelloves
    fallenangelloves Posts: 601 Member
    I just finished day 30 Friday and was pleased with my results. Every level had its challenges and brought on new soreness. I am starting again monday and hoping to not have to modify as much and follow Natalie more! My husband also started this with me and we've had some great laughs! Keep it up and don't skip... I found it stretched my muscles out each day and I felt better!

    I lost 8 1/4 " total and 8 pounds.... But my flex on my arm went from 1/2" to 1 1/2" which was my biggest improvement!
  • wccngr
    wccngr Posts: 36 Member
    I am in the middle of the 30DS and I can tell you it DOES get easier! Keep up the awesome work!!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    thank you everyone for the support, i know in time it will get easier, i already feel my calf muscles tight, and it's been 1 hr since the training. yikes.... i can't wait for tomorrow though ;)

    so when do i know when it's time to move up to level 2?
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    On day two along with my wife (hootsmamma) holy toledo it is crazy tough. I can do squats with 250 for 8 reps at the top of my pyramid and workout 3 days a week plus cardio and 30DS it the hardest thing I've ever done. I've never really concentrated on core or serious circuit training. We log it as calisthenics or circuit training it comes out the same. Huge burn and sweating up a storm afterwards. In 30 days I'll either be shred or dead, cause that chicks tough.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    On day two along with my wife (hootsmamma) holy toledo it is crazy tough. I can do squats with 250 for 8 reps at the top of my pyramid and workout 3 days a week plus cardio and 30DS it the hardest thing I've ever done. I've never really concentrated on core or serious circuit training. We log it as calisthenics or circuit training it comes out the same. Huge burn and sweating up a storm afterwards. In 30 days I'll either be shred or dead, cause that chicks tough.

  • deb_rn
    deb_rn Posts: 144 Member
    It definitely helps to define you! I have only been doing cardio for a while and definitely have lost the firmness that the Shred helped me achieve. I need to dust off the video and get back on it!!
  • gg24
    gg24 Posts: 58
    thank you everyone for the support, i know in time it will get easier, i already feel my calf muscles tight, and it's been 1 hr since the training. yikes.... i can't wait for tomorrow though ;)

    so when do i know when it's time to move up to level 2?

    I just moved up after 10 days. I'm starting Level 3 tomorrow.

    In no way did I master each level but Improved every day. I'll probably do it again in January. I'm one that hasn't lost much weight but wow the toning is great. I know they say you can't spot reduce, but Level 2 really helped me with my back. :)
  • Ashndeemimi
    Ashndeemimi Posts: 4 Member
    Wow, I have this DVD and have been scared to start but after reading this..... I'm going to do it! Thanks!:wink:
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    thank you everyone for the support, i know in time it will get easier, i already feel my calf muscles tight, and it's been 1 hr since the training. yikes.... i can't wait for tomorrow though ;)

    so when do i know when it's time to move up to level 2?

    I just moved up after 10 days. I'm starting Level 3 tomorrow.

    In no way did I master each level but Improved every day. I'll probably do it again in January. I'm one that hasn't lost much weight but wow the toning is great. I know they say you can't spot reduce, but Level 2 really helped me with my back. :)

    i'm also one that hasn't lost much weight. only 2 lbs in almost 1.5 months and no inches. :*( so i figured i heard and read so many wonderful things on here about it, i had to give it a try. If this doesn't work i don't know what will!!!!
  • nborsh22
    nborsh22 Posts: 72 Member
    I just posted asking how to get past day 1. I didn't have a problem during the work out....but wow have I been in pain the last 2 days. My upper legs are not letting me walk very easily. I probably should have taken advil but was trying to tough it out. :-) I trying day 2 in the morning and hopefully can keep going. :wink:
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    haha we will see what i feel like in the am,lol... i only had trouble with the push ups and then had to take a 2 sec break during the bicycle crunches....i still think i did good, i figured i would of not make it through it at all...
  • honda1300
    Just curious, what is 30d's?