The "Olivia Method" - the cool new way to set up your MFP go



  • I will give this a is however suggesting I up my calorie intake for the day...makes me slightly nervous....
  • BMR: 1424
    Maintenance Calories:1851

    Weight today:150
    Goal Weight 145
  • Take a look at my result


    Just used _h_t_t_p_://
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    I will give this a is however suggesting I up my calorie intake for the day...makes me slightly nervous....

    Me too, but I will try too as I've been stuck for the last 4 weeks. Somethings got to give!
  • thereseofdoom
    thereseofdoom Posts: 66 Member
    Ok, I think I will try this for a bit and see how it goes. I'm only a few lbs from my goal and hopefully this will help me get there.
  • cjtx2
    cjtx2 Posts: 12 Member
    :smile:Will read later.
  • Caprica33
    Caprica33 Posts: 42 Member
    will try this asap
  • ayummymommy01
    ayummymommy01 Posts: 135 Member
    still not quite sure I understand.
    If my stats are:
    BMR: 1260
    TDEE: 1640
    How much should I be eating? I set my goal at 1600 cals and I am averaging about that per day and then burning 400+ through exercise 6 days per week.
    The number left at the end of the day for me is about average 400 cals. I only need to lose about 15lbs. Is this correct? Have 400 cals left over and the reality should be about a .5lb weightloss per week? you can have a look at my diary for clarification...
  • 1jeaniebeanie
    1jeaniebeanie Posts: 86 Member
    Just to make sure I understand this correctly.
    My BMR= 1639
    My TDEE= 2040
    1639+1000-2040= 599
    I set my calorie goal to 2040 and I need to burn at least to 599, and not eat under 1639. If I exercise more than 599 I need to eat the difference to make my remaining calories for each day to show closer to 1,000 but not under 500.

    Please let me know if I have this right.

    Thanks :)
  • kyodi
    kyodi Posts: 376 Member
    bump for after work; when I can get my slide rule out and crunch the numbers.
  • MsBrwnSugga
    MsBrwnSugga Posts: 164 Member
    bump for later.....thanks very informative!
  • what923
    what923 Posts: 100 Member
    For all the 'hurting' brains - it's just a different way to look at it. If you set MFP goal to lose 2 pounds a week then eat your daily calorie allowance and any calories you burn for exercise (not necessarily all in one day but just shoot to be at an average of 0- over or under for the week in total calories). The way Olivia is explaining is just a difference for motivation- set the goal to be what you need to maintain and then if you post a 7000 calorie deficit for the week (3500 calories = 1 pound) then you should lose 2 pounds. Obviously for some- seeing a large green deficit is more of a motivator.
    In my opinion it's easier to set MFP for your true goal (weight loss per week) and shoot for even at the end of the week. But it's all about whatever works best for you!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    The number we are choosing to the number we are now, or the number we want to be?
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
  • ajball90
    ajball90 Posts: 211 Member
  • kikkipoo
    kikkipoo Posts: 292 Member
    Just to make sure I understand this correctly.
    My BMR= 1639
    My TDEE= 2040
    1639+1000-2040= 599
    I set my calorie goal to 2040 and I need to burn at least to 599, and not eat under 1639. If I exercise more than 599 I need to eat the difference to make my remaining calories for each day to show closer to 1,000 but not under 500.

    Please let me know if I have this right.

    Thanks :)

    You nailed it!
  • kikkipoo
    kikkipoo Posts: 292 Member
    The number we are choosing to the number we are now, or the number we want to be?

    Now, you will need to periodically recalculate as you lose weight to assure you are not eating too many calories.
  • kikkipoo
    kikkipoo Posts: 292 Member
    For all the 'hurting' brains - it's just a different way to look at it. If you set MFP goal to lose 2 pounds a week then eat your daily calorie allowance and any calories you burn for exercise (not necessarily all in one day but just shoot to be at an average of 0- over or under for the week in total calories). The way Olivia is explaining is just a difference for motivation- set the goal to be what you need to maintain and then if you post a 7000 calorie deficit for the week (3500 calories = 1 pound) then you should lose 2 pounds. Obviously for some- seeing a large green deficit is more of a motivator.
    In my opinion it's easier to set MFP for your true goal (weight loss per week) and shoot for even at the end of the week. But it's all about whatever works best for you!

    Not totally. I shouldn't be eating less than my BMR regardless. It's what my body needs to sustain life efficiently. MFP had me at 1200 calories regardless of how much I wanted to lose because it just won't go any lower unless you manually override it. If I wasn't exercising, I wasn't eating enough to be healthy. My body fought back by not losing weight. Now that I eat enough food based on my BMR, I've dropped weight despite days of no activity.
  • kikkipoo
    kikkipoo Posts: 292 Member
    still not quite sure I understand.
    If my stats are:
    BMR: 1260
    TDEE: 1640
    How much should I be eating? I set my goal at 1600 cals and I am averaging about that per day and then burning 400+ through exercise 6 days per week.
    The number left at the end of the day for me is about average 400 cals. I only need to lose about 15lbs. Is this correct? Have 400 cals left over and the reality should be about a .5lb weightloss per week? you can have a look at my diary for clarification...

    You would go to MY HOME-->GOALS-->Change goals-->Custom....then enter 1640 for your caloric intake. This is the number your body needs to maintain current weight. Now the trick is that you don't eat 1640 calories, you eat 1260. (If you have been eating 1600+ calories, you may not like this plan much). THat is the deficity you have created from what your body needs to survive versus what your body needs to maintain. It's how many calories that will be contributed to the amount of weight loss for the week. 1000 a day equals 2 pounds loss, 500 a day is a 1 pound loss. But if you want to achieve a 2 pound loss you will have to burn 620 calories a day to accomplish that. Do not eat those 620 calories back. Only eat calories back if you go OVER 620 calories. You don't ever want that green number to be above 1,000.
  • Gonna try this soon...thanks!