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The Over 300 Club



  • aur23a
    aur23a Posts: 84 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I finally worked out last night... Yay!! My husband put together circuit training for the family in our living room. It included a treadmill, bike, small weight lifting, step and resistance bands area. There are five of us and we rotated to each area and it lasted for about 25 minutes. It was great! My husband is trying to be more supportive and at this point in my life I really need that. With having all of you and the new extra support I know I’ll be down lbs soon. Take care everyone and have a fabulous day. :smile:
  • Hello all! Hope you are all having a wonderful day!

    Great job everyone! I see we are all dedicated and pumped to attain our goals. YYYAAAAAAAAY!!!!

    Thanks StillK and MPJS! :blushing:

    Wow, I wish I could get on a bike, Cindysunshine... but I think that is the one thing I am afraid of. I used to ride as a child, way way back when... lol... but I can't picture myself on one right now... kudos to you. I guess that is one fear I will have to get over in due time! and congrats on your walks (you too Falcon). That is another exercise I plan on taking up soon. But it is soo hot these days in GA!!! biak... just the thought makes me pant. :sick:

    Aur23a, that was very cool of your hubby! Reminds me of Biggest Loser last night. Did anyone watch it? I am not a regular, but last night for whatever reason it was on, and for the first time I watched the entire episode, seeing all of them and the efforts they made through different eyes. It is so funny how now I can see myself where they are at. Before I used to think it was impossible, or really far fetched (that was just really me being jealous of their success and not seeing how I could ever do what they did :blushing: shame on me!!!)
    Anyways, one of the contestants Filipe, started giving exercise and training sessions for his family and
    neighbors in his back yard... and I thought that was sooo cool. Reading your post reminded me of that. It must be fun and encouraging to be doing it as a group.

    Ok guys, I better get back to work... I tend to ramble on!!!! lol...

    Catch you later.
  • I'm over 300 pounds again. I've been working at this for a little while and it seems like I haven't lost anything. I'm getting discouraged to be putting in this amount of work and seeing no loss. I feel stronger, but the scale and the tape measure don't lie. What the heck is going on? Why won't this weight get off of my body?:sad:

    323 is still 23 pounds away from the wii fit. I want to use it already!
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi everyone, How is everyone doing today? Aur23a , That was sooo sweet of your husband. It also sounds soo fun ! I got up at 6 AM and did my 3 mile watp workout. I plan to ride my bike for 30 minutes and walk 2 miles tonight. I logged all my food for the day and I'm within my calorie range. I'm on my 5th bottle of water so I'm well on my way to my gallon for the day. I think I'll burn close to 1,000 calories today. I love this new way of life ! So what have you done for exercise today? Are you drinking your water? How about those veggies? I'm having turkey taco salad for dinner so my veggies are more than covered. I'm going to munch on an apple now . Have a greta afternoon everyone! :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • Jennyryan21
    Jennyryan21 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi everyone... I was just guided this way by Kristi and reading back-posts I think this is an awesome group. I'm not quite 300 yet, but I can definitly see it from here so I hope you don't mind if I jump on board, I can definitly use the support!
  • starteam144
    starteam144 Posts: 22 Member
    Go Amy, I was 335 and am now 223...


    I know exactly what it feels like to feel fat and yucky and struggle with losing weight...

    I tried everything... Food Addicts Anonymous worked for me but I used other tools also.

    God, my church, my job, lifeskills 411.org and prayer...

    You can do it.

    I feel so young, sexy and alive... This is living... I want success for you all.

    Big Hugg

  • starteam144
    starteam144 Posts: 22 Member
    Hey Mommy,

    Your body probably wont release your stored fat because you don't have a routine eating schedule that tells your body "Hey I am getting enough food regularly to release the stored fat it uses as reserves".

    Look at your body as a machine... that is what it really is... your soul is inside of the body you are in charge of..

    You are the CEO of your life... the CEO in charge of you...

    First off deal with what is bothering you that you over eat assuming you do.... Trauma in childhood is the most common reason... we eat to comfort ourselves.

    Then you may be addicted to the food you eat like a junkie you need your fix and it feels so good to eat you cant say no... no matter how bad you want it.

    Then I suggest eating large meals 3 times per day. I've lost about 112 lbs.

    I had trauma from a child with sexual, verbal and emotional abuse. I also was a serious co dependent in other peoples lives and had no idea what I wanted in life or even liked. I was caught up in survival mode.

    This web site gave me a voice to vent and also reach others who I can help and in helping others I find my own salvation.

    God delivered me from my food addiction... and I am in recovery. One day at a time I just say no... I dont know how God does it but he does and I am grateful. I really did not know how to live or what life was all about.

    Anyway, I hope something I have said helps you. If not tell me whats going on and maybe I can re think.

    I eat the food plan from Food Addicts Anonymous which is something like this :

    1 oz oatmeal - plain (splenda, I cant believe it s not butter spray)
    6 oz or 1 piece of fruit
    8 oz non fat plain yogurt (splenda or sugar free flavoring is ok like crystal light) to get some flavor) you can mix the fruit inside also.
    Note: twice a week I have 2 eggs instead of the yogurt.

    4 oz lean protein
    6 oz veggies
    1 piece or 6 oz fruit
    4 oz salad 1 tsp low or no sugar dressing

    4 oz lean protein
    6 oz veggies
    8 oz salad 1 tsp low or no sugar dressing

    You must eat on schedule so your body knows food is coming regularly and consistently and your metabolism will change...

    So eat at 8 am, 12 pm 6 pm....

    or something like that...

    NO snacks nothing after 7 pm

    You can take up to 1 hour to eat... if its to much all at once.

  • starteam144
    starteam144 Posts: 22 Member
    I suggest a support group...

    I got help with daily phone calls to my sponsor... I've had 4 in 16 months who have helped me deal with the pain and emotional trauma of being over weight.

    People had hurt me ...someone was always saying cruel things about my weight and so I isolated myself and lived in front of the TV.

    Having a support group helped me and it still does.

    I make 3 phone calls per day to reach out to others... and I call my sponsor every day and commit my food ... I tell him Exactly What I will be eating that day and that is all I eat.

    I am a people pleaser and so this works for me. I don't want to eat anything but what I committed too.

    This ensures I don't just eat something because I have an urge...I plan my meals period.

    Nothing more

  • starteam144
    starteam144 Posts: 22 Member
    Awesome Job on the work out lady...just remember a good 95% is what you eat... The exercise helps tone you so once you lose the weight you are not a bag of jello...LOL...

    I was 335 and am 225 now.

    So let me know If I can help in anyway.

  • starteam144
    starteam144 Posts: 22 Member
    Hey You may want to try a gym and an elyptical machine. It worked for me in just 20-30 minutes of cardio and about 30 minutes of weight training + dieting...

    Good Luck
  • starteam144
    starteam144 Posts: 22 Member
    Go Gurl... your on it!!
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    HI everyone I am so glad I stopped here everyone is doing so great I thought for a moment go off it will be ok and then I said no go read the broad first. And it is all here That is great your husband is helping you. Cindysunshine your doing so great with the exercise. I know I don't like exercise that much but I started walking at work with counting my steps 10,000 step's a day give you 5 mile's a day and if you walk more the more the add up I do it with the pedometer IT is the American heart Association and for some reason it helps I get the miles in feel better and I don't feel like I am exercise I do have to walk but it tells me where I am at. starteam144 it sounds like you been through allot and you read my mid tonight I feel like a junkie with the junkie food and you said it all I need to hear
    Thank you all here I made it through the rough spot no junkie tonight .
  • wow thanks. how do i get a sponsor like that?
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Julie, thanks for stopping by! Great info! Your story is so inspiring! You never know how you will touch someone by telling it, so keep it up!

    Good job MPJS!!! We will do this thing one day at a time!

    MommyWilson, there is usually an information clearing house in most cities called the Information and Referral Center, or it might just go by 211, or it might be part of United Way. Try dialing 211 and if you have a 211 call center, ask about support groups or 12 step programs. There are several: Overeaters Anonymous, Food Addicts Anonymous, TOPS, etc. One of those groups will hook you up with a sponsor. Hang in here with us and keep telling us your story. You can do this!

    The only thing I would change about Julie's diet is for me, it works better to eat 5 or six smaller meals, so I eat about every 2.5 hours. Seems to help me not binge at night. So many of the things you said are so important. One thing I noticed as I got heavier is my world seemed to be getting smaller and smaller. I watched one of those television shows about people who weigh 500 + lbs. They are usually confined to their beds. I was looking at that future and decided I didn't like what it looks like, so I turned around. I mean, I literally turned about everything in my life around. What I eat, where I eat it, when I eat. I never used to talk to anyone about my weight, and I was good at changing the conversation, or if they were persistent, stiff-arming them into silence. Now, I tell everyone in my life, so they can support me, and so I will be accountable to them. And, I have a couple of lifelines - people I can call anytime if I need to. The day I decided I needed to do something about my weight, I weighed 480 lbs. Over the next year and a half, I lost 20 lbs by doing what I had always done when I dieted - drastically restricting my calories. That lasts about two weeks, then I can't do it any more. I've done it several times. Then, February 19, I found MFP. Since then, I have lost 29 lbs. I feel better than I have in a long time! I have a long way to go, but I am heading in the right direction today, and I am heading toward life, not death.
  • Starligh98
    Starligh98 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm sad to say that I belong to this club. However, it is great to find people going through what I am going through so that we can support each other. Congrats on all your losses. :D I'm looking for a workout partner in Atlanta. Know anyone?
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Afternoon everyone Stillkristi thank you for sharing. I am so right there with you I would never talk to any one about my weight and if they said something to me then I would not talk to them ever again. I am so glad your here Your an true inspiration. and I had no clue about the 211 I am going to try it also thank you
  • Hello, everyone. Mind if I join your club? I'm at about 302 right now, and with God's grace, you're help, and me being fed up with being in pain, I'm hoping that's going to change. :smile:

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Everyone, How is today going for everyone? Mine is going great. I walked 2 miles with my 10 year old daughter and the little boy I babysit. We did the 2 miles in 32 minutes. We also went to the pool and swam for about 45 minutes. My daughter and I will go for a bike ride and I'll walk 2 more miles with my dh tonight. :smile: I'm almost done with my gallon of h2o for the day. I've logged all my food and I'm within my calories. I love this way of life. It's so much fun! Have a great day everyone . :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • Hey Everyone!

    First, Welcome to all our new members, it's great to have you all! Sorry I haven't checked in for a bit. Things have been so busy this week. I am baby-sitting my best friends daughters ( 11 months and 3 yrs) this week plus my 3 nephews (4,9 and 13) after school. I start at 6:15 am and have not been getting home til almost 6 at night (today I got out early) Then its home to cook dinner for my family, homework, bath,bed for kids, then Im ready to pass out!

    Well, 2 bits of good news! First, plans are finally made and we are leaving May 15th to go to Tennessee to see my dad and family and are staying 2 weeks! No not exactly the circumstances I want, but I am excited to see my family. I have a neice, nephew and 3 siblings (my parents adopted) that I have never met before. It has been SO long since I was able to go home. Hubby's boss is being amazing and paying him for the 2 weeks he is going to be off. Now there is only 1 problem.... controlling myself around all that wonderful southern cookin'!

    AND, I hit my 20 lbs. lost mark today :bigsmile: If you look at my profile it says 4 lbs. lost. I'm not sure how to fix that. I think it's because when I was here last year I lost , but when I came back I had regained it all plus some so I adjusted my weight and now it's not counting it properly.

    ANYWAY! I started at 325 3 weeks ago and I am now at 305 :bigsmile: Come on 299 !
  • congrats on hitting your 20 lbs mark! That's awesome. Think about how many potatoes that is.... :laugh: