The 14 Day Challenge



  • Ok I'm in. Just did 35 minutes of cardio. I need another challenge to keep me motivated especially since the holidays are here. Starting weight 271.0
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Welcome one! Welcome ALL! I'm excited for this! All of us need as much support and motivation as we can get! So far I am at 72 ounces of water, and I'm under calories, just gotta see what I can do for dinner and stay under. I'm about to drink a green tea- does anyone else drink green tea? I drink it cold and sometimes I add splenda.

    I just came off of two weeks of not doing well. I'll probably be checking in everyday. Tonight I plan on running to get my 30 minutes of cardio exercise in & I'm going to do my kettle bell!

    Thanks to everyone who has joined so far!
  • Browny43
    Browny43 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm in....I'm Amanda from El Paso, Tx....weight this morning was 276....did cardio this morning and hoping to make it to the gym tonight. Weather is crazy!!!
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    Tarran knows me but for those of you who don't my name is Tina I graduated High school almost 12yrs ago at 135lbs, thing was I had a bad habit of smoking and quit and replaced that habit with FOOD, i never seen myself getting bigger cause everyone around me was always bigger so I got comfortable and didn't think anything til March 2009 when my doc looked at me and said I really don't want you to even think of having kids til you get some weight off, I was up to 330lbs! So off I went & in 19months I dropped 156lbs as of last fall (2010) I was down to 176lbs 14 shy of my goal, then stress of buying/selling houses came and I didn't track/workout hardly cause I was SO BUSY! & STRESS! As of last month I was back up to 218lbs in the last month I was able to drop another 6lbs!

    I am getting back on track so we can continue to try and have a family & get in shape like I used to be so I can do more things with my hubby and our future kids and live a long healthy life together! We will be celebrating our 7yr wedding anniversary Feb 14th next year!

    So as of when I weigh'd in 4 days ago I was down to 212.5 roughly (using the wii fit board don't have a scale)

    So I am here for this challenge, water is a toughy on me, mainly cause I had a ultrasound a month ago and the amount of water I drank...... yeah I get that feeling im drowning if I drink to much now but here is to the challenge!

    Thanks Tarran =)

    ps.. 2-5lbs would be nice maybe more? lets wait and see =D
  • cayadear
    cayadear Posts: 79 Member
    Calla. 25. Current weight: 132lbs. My goal for the next 14 days: 7lbs.
  • Sounds simple enough.
    Name: Kelly. 23 years of age.
    Currently 109 & hope to be at 107 by the end.
  • im so in too! Im 21 My starting weight is 202. i really hope to lose atleast 5 pounds in 14 days. I need lots of encouragement becuase lately ive been slacking off reall bad so this is perfect for me. count me in
  • BethN77
    BethN77 Posts: 12 Member
    I just saw this & would like to join. It's about 6pm. I haven't had a single glass of water today, have eaten 2 meals, and haven't done any cardio. Am I too late? If not, my name is Beth, I'm 34yo, & mother of 5. My weight right now is 129.4. My goal weight for this 14 days is 125#.
  • SarahBrown1979
    SarahBrown1979 Posts: 229 Member
    In the grand scheme of things how long is 14 days? Do you remember 14 days ago? If you think about it 14 days is a very short amount of time, sometimes it passes us by without us even realizing it. So I propose a challenge, it is only 14 days and its very easy. Anyone can do it-- so join if you want! We can use this same thread.
    We will weigh in 3 times. Starting Weight: today, Mid way: December 11 The end: Dec 18.
    The challenge: For the next 14 Days you will do 3 things:
    1. 30 minutes of cardio
    2. Stay under your calories
    3. Drink 8 cups of water
    *****If you want to join, please stay with it- I'll keep us updated and let everyone know who the biggest loser is midway! Please post here if you want to join, your name, your starting weight (today) and how much you hope to lose by the end of this 14 days and a little bit about yourself******

    My name is Sarah, I'm 32 yrs old and getting married May 19th 2012! I need mini goals like this to keep me going! So thanks for starting this challenge! I've been on here since Aug and only have lost 14 lbs. All told I have lost 22 lbs since June when Kevin proposed. Hoping I will lose another 60 lbs by the wedding date (wishful thinking but I think I can do it)! My big thing is sodium also and I drink a lot of water!

    Today I worked out for 45 mins, under my cal's (didn't go into my exercise cal's) and I've had 64 ozs of water so far today!
    My goal in the next 14 days is to lose at least 4 lbs in the 14 days!

    Start weight today: 284lbs
    Dec 11th goal: 282lbs
    Dec 18th goal: 280lbs
  • SarahBrown1979
    SarahBrown1979 Posts: 229 Member
    In the grand scheme of things how long is 14 days? Do you remember 14 days ago? If you think about it 14 days is a very short amount of time, sometimes it passes us by without us even realizing it. So I propose a challenge, it is only 14 days and its very easy. Anyone can do it-- so join if you want! We can use this same thread.
    We will weigh in 3 times. Starting Weight: today, Mid way: December 11 The end: Dec 18.
    The challenge: For the next 14 Days you will do 3 things:
    1. 30 minutes of cardio
    2. Stay under your calories
    3. Drink 8 cups of water
    *****If you want to join, please stay with it- I'll keep us updated and let everyone know who the biggest loser is midway! Please post here if you want to join, your name, your starting weight (today) and how much you hope to lose by the end of this 14 days and a little bit about yourself******

    My name is Sarah, I'm 32 yrs old and getting married May 19th 2012! I need mini goals like this to keep me going! So thanks for starting this challenge! I've been on here since Aug and only have lost 14 lbs. All told I have lost 22 lbs since June when Kevin proposed. Hoping I will lose another 60 lbs by the wedding date (wishful thinking but I think I can do it)! My big thing is sodium also and I drink a lot of water!

    Today I worked out for 45 mins, under my cal's (didn't go into my exercise cal's) and I've had 64 ozs of water so far today!
    My goal in the next 14 days is to lose at least 4 lbs in the 14 days!

    Start weight today: 284lbs
    Dec 11th goal: 282lbs
    Dec 18th goal: 280lbs
  • SarahBrown1979
    SarahBrown1979 Posts: 229 Member
    Sorry about the 2nd post, I tried to edit but it just dup'd it
  • annanoel21
    annanoel21 Posts: 87 Member
    Im in! Hi, Im Anna. Age: 21. Sw: 230.1 My goal by the end of this challenge is atleast 10 lbs gone. I have the most amazing fiance and getting in shape for our wedding in Oct. I want to be in onderland by then!
  • Soulpaint
    Soulpaint Posts: 33 Member
    I'm in. Mom to a 2 yr old and work at a desk so my weight has gotten out of hand. Just starting out again and this will be a good motivator for me. My goal for the challenge is to lose 6 lbs and I weigh 242 today.
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    I just saw this & would like to join. It's about 6pm. I haven't had a single glass of water today, have eaten 2 meals, and haven't done any cardio. Am I too late? If not, my name is Beth, I'm 34yo, & mother of 5. My weight right now is 129.4. My goal weight for this 14 days is 125#.

    Beth you are definitely not too late!! Just start drinking water! Starts today!!! =)
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    :tongue: yay! I'm so excited! We have so many people joining! By the way, no one can join after midnight, since the challenge began today!
  • fitmom2000
    fitmom2000 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm in! My name is Jen. SW 201.8. At the end of the 14 days I want to lose at least 4 pounds, but I'm hoping for more. I have been snacking on too many holiday goodies the last few weeks, and this is exactly what I need to get a new boost!
  • My name is Ali. I am 46. I have not weighed myself recently, but I guess I am about 160 #. Will weigh myself first thing in the morning and post it here, if that is OK. Only drank 2 glasses of water today. Too late to drink 8 glasses of water but I will drink 9 glasses a day for the next 6 days to make up. I already did 1 hour of walking (pace around 3 miles an hour). My goal is to loose 4# by the end of two weeks. May I join?
  • I would like to be in on this my name is Rhonda I weigh 191 pounds I would like to lose at least 5 pounds
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Glad to have you all! Thanks for joining!
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 290 Member
    I'm in!!! I'm Sam and after thanksgiving I've totally blown up with extra water weight and have been eating horrible!!! Starting weight for this challenge today is 156.4 and I'm making my goal for the next two weeks 8lbs. I know its a high goal but my weigh in before thanksgiving I was 150.4!!! I can't let my holiday season keep this trend and I think this challenge is just what I need! :)

    eta: water and under calories = done for the day :)