Does your period affect your weight loss?

Do you find that it's harder to lose weight during your period? I feel so bloated and I think I probably retain water, too. If you do notice a stall in loss, how long does it take for the weight to start dropping again?


  • wcsangel
    I usually gain a little bit the week of my period, and then lose it again the week after - evening out. The following two weeks I normally lose a pound or two. I only weigh myself once a week though, so I'm not sure how the weight change fluctuates in between.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Yes, very much so. The day before my last period I had gained a pound. Three days later, I had lost that pount plus an extra six! I usually only weigh myself every two weeks, but that point coincided with the last day before my period on this occasion, and i didn't think it seemed right that I had gained, so I checked again a few days later.
  • MollyDukes
    MollyDukes Posts: 233 Member
    Usually the week before than it evens out or shows the loss the week during.
  • Itsallbs15
    Itsallbs15 Posts: 262 Member
    I usually gain about 2-4 pounds between the week before and the week of. Then it usually comes off the week after. I have found that if I keep working out and get a good sweat it seems to be better as I do not retain as much water.
  • olymp1a
    olymp1a Posts: 1,766 Member
    I always have water retention so I never weigh in during this week (4-5 days of period plus 2-3 days after). In the past I noticed thatmy weight remained the same till 2-3 days after my period when it suddenly went down.

    Period does not affect my weight loss in other ways (cravings, cramps, lack of energy). I find myself to have tons of energy during these days and smaller appetite than usual!
  • jendavis07
    i thought it did but last week, i was on my period and ended up losing 3 pounds! It might be different for everyone.... Good luck! :)
  • jmgcummins
    jmgcummins Posts: 93 Member
    A few days before my period starts I won't be able to drop any weight, and maybe even gain a bit. Then about 4 days in it seems to realign itself.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    Mostly for me, periods just end sentences....
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Your weight will fluctuate naturally throughout the month. Most people find they gain weight from water retention a few days before their period, and then lose it after.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Mostly for me, periods just end sentences....


    I learned that my water weight gain was actually from the carb/sugar binge I would participate in due to the intense cravings during PMS. When I cut out grains (sugar), breads (sugar), sugar, and limited my fruit (sugar) my body stopped retaining water. Carbohydrates make your body retain sodium and water. And to me ANY water RETENTION is water that your body doesn't need to be holding onto. I am maintaining right now and the only thing that affects the number on the scale for me is carbohydrates due to the water fluctuations they cause.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    I'm ravenous a week leading up to my period, and I can't sleep unless it's fed. My hunger is gone the next week, but I can't like not eat. :grumble: So my appetite is normal 2 weeks a month. :laugh:
  • pace4me
    pace4me Posts: 17 Member
    I gain an average of 1 to 2 lbs & don't freak out bc I lose it after theperiod ends plus another half or whole pound if I don't sucumb to the cravings. It also helps if I keep my water intake high, exercise consistently and drink a PMS tea that I get at a health food store.
  • ruiz3569
    i know what u mean that's happening right now i have like 4 lbs extra bc of my period =-(
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I get an insatiable appetite too.. today I've got through Rice Krispies, chocolate brownie (gluten free), GF pitta bread with salad and sliced roast beef with carrot sticks and hummus, and chilli con carne but with cauliflower in place of rice (whizzed in processor to rice size and steamed) and rhubarb crumble (oats topping) and custard and its not even 3.30pm here yet!

    so I have to compensate by burning at least 1,000 calories so did 2 hour workout from 6.30-8.30am, another hour on wii in afternoon (600cals burned with both) and going on passive trainer bike (like exercise pedals with motor) later to burn another 400 to make it up to 1,000 extra cals burned for the day.

    It gets knackering everyday.. from when choc cravings first kick in to TOTM starting is about 5-6days once they start the cravings tend to calm down (thankfully!) and I can have a couple of days rest and live off salad and water.. lol!.. but I get my biggest loss the week they end once the water is off, plus an extra 3-4lbs from all the cardio.

    Usually I only do a couple of hours 2-3 times a week the rest of the month.
  • shorter30
    YES! It effects my mood a great deal and since I'm an emotional eater I find that I eat a lot more the week leading up to my cycle. I also become a couch potato and don't want to move at all. I have gained up to five pounds during my cycle.
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    I always gain weight and swell up right before and during. I have constant food cravings even if I'm so full I'm about to explode! I also get super tired and have to really push myself in order get up and do my workouts for the week, especially since the first 2 days I get bad cramps and migraines.....

    I say I did pretty good this month around because I gave my husband permission to call me out on my period eating and being lazy. (I had to sign a document so I wouldn't be allowed to bite his head off for it....)
  • Lucia_Armstrong1973
    I always gain weight and swell up right before and during. I have constant food cravings even if I'm so full I'm about to explode! I also get super tired and have to really push myself in order get up and do my workouts for the week, especially since the first 2 days I get bad cramps and migraines.....

    Sounds like me exactly! I also notice that my cravings are for the things that will make me retain more water, such as pickles, pickled mushrooms, pickled peppers, vinegar on French fries, and Salt and Dill potato chips. Hmmm....looks like some kind of theme here....But I also notice that the last couple days of my period and into the week after, I have no appetite at all. Now if I can just get the energy up to exercise, I'd be alright!!!
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    We need to distinguish between a gain on the scale and actual FAT gain. I've never met a women who hasn't said she's a pound or so heavier around her tom. But we aren't gaining FAT - it's water weight. This in no way actually effects your fat loss :) If it bothers you, don't step on the scale. Just keep doing what you're doing with diet and exercise.
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    I usually gain 2lbs of water weight during my period. I usually skip that week for weight in.
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    I usually gain 2lbs of water weight during my period. I usually skip that week for weight in.
    Sorry to quote myself but, my doctor told me to take calcium supplements 7 days before my period and d-3 and b complex it will help with cramps bloating and fatigue. I tried it and this period been alot better then previous ones.