If you eat 1200 to 1300 calories a day...



  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I'm a morning person - exercise and bulk of calories have to be in the morning for me or my day does not go well, lol .

    I'll typically eat 400-600 cals at breakfast and split the rest throughout the remainder of the day. I'm rarely hungry in the evening and can easily get away with 300 cals or less if needed.
  • CashierCantin
    CashierCantin Posts: 206 Member
    I just eat LOL Whatever it adds up to, it adds up to. As long as I am in my goal range....I just do what I do.

    Some days my breakfast is 60 calories...some days my breakfast is 200. Just depends on my hunger and what I have around to eat.

    I don't exercise (yet). I know I should. Still trying to get the food thing down first. When I do start back up, it will be in the evenings. I have to be at work early and I won't get up any earlier than I do!
  • I'm usually more hungry during the day so I usually eat most of my calories then. During the week I workout at night after dinner and after my kids go to bed. On the weekends I workout in the morning before I eat breakfast.
  • I try to eat alot of fresh fruit and veggies, however when I eat alot of fruit it puts me way over in my sugar. I am currently doing 1200 cal diet but I tend to 150-250 calories short, I figure it balances out because the only exercise I can do it walk and I live in Iowa so its getting pretty cold
  • hnsmith89
    hnsmith89 Posts: 14 Member
    Breakfast needs to be around 350 calories, a small snack before lunch, lunch is the smallest caloric intake of a main meal you should have, another snack, then dinner should be around 500 calories or so give or take.

    Always eat AFTER your workout for your body to refuel on energy.
    For example, I workout at 5:30a Mon, Wed, and Fri, then soon after I'm finished I eat something like peanut butter on a whole wheat bagle thin, then about an hour or so later I eat a 100 calorie pack of almonds--that way my body has plenty fiber and protein to burn on and I feel fuller longer until lunchtime. I used to freak out over fat grams, until I learned there is healthy fat then there is bad fat. Healthy being fat that is naturally contained in certain foods, bad being processed fat like in potato chips etc.

    A key thing I have also learned is SUGAR is a big thing to look out for! It's that hidden little thing on nutrition labels that packs on unwanted pds. Like in many juices, which you ASSUME would be healthy, contain 28g-32g of suger per serving, and juices that say "no sugar added" is sooooo different from sugar-free (my dad taught me that one!).

    It's best not to workout late at night because it can cause issues with sleep(atleast that's what a trainer has told me, and from my personal experience my heart rate is just too high to relax). People that get a healthy amount of sleep at night tend to workout harder and be more alert and willing to stay to their alotted amount of calories per day, that's why I feel better doing early morning workouts. It releases endorphines making me feel more pleasant throughout the day, and creates a natural decline in my energy level so I fall asleep easier at night.

    I'm a licensed Zumba instructor hoping to get hired very soon at my home gym(!), and hopefully, after completing college, being a nutritionist/fitness trainer. I've gained alot of knowledge from speaking with many trainers, my doctor, and my own personal research, on what to eat and what kind of exercises to do to gain certain results. After losing the weight I had after my twins were born, I got very confident that I was at a good weight so I started to eat the bad things I loved again(pizza, burgers, fries) while still continuing my intense 6-7days a week workouts, problem with that, though, I was only maintaining my weight because I was consuming about the same amount of calories a day that I was burning in my workouts. I'm still healthy and in shape, but I would really like to lean-down to a nice toned figure. In order to do that I've obviously had to cut down on my calories ha. You don't have to be TOO health consciencious, but just make sure you're getting the right amount of good fat, proteins, and vitamines your body needs a day, and good exercise! =)

    Sorry the reply is so long, I'm very passionate about being healthy and fit! =))
  • klynn08
    klynn08 Posts: 151 Member
    I eat the most calories btwn lunch or dinner. It really depends on the day. I also try to exercise before dinner but occasionally I will after dinner. Sometimes I feel like thats when I have the most energy
  • PRprincess
    PRprincess Posts: 200 Member
    I workout in the morning because with work, school, and being a wife that is the only time I can find for myself. I try to spread most of my calories throughout the day and leave the bulk for dinner. It takes practice but you will figure out what works best for you! :D
  • I always eat at the end of the day, light breakfast and light lunch, so I can have a large main meal at night with my boyfriend!!!


    And I exercise just when ever I can find the time.
    There is no exact science, You do it how you feel you would do it best

    I do this too, but I exercise every day to up my limit from 1200 to 1700.
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
    Breakfast needs to be around 350 calories, a small snack before lunch, lunch is the smallest caloric intake of a main meal you should have, another snack, then dinner should be around 500 calories or so give or take.

    Always eat AFTER your workout for your body to refuel on energy.
    For example, I workout at 5:30a Mon, Wed, and Fri, then soon after I'm finished I eat something like peanut butter on a whole wheat bagle thin, then about an hour or so later I eat a 100 calorie pack of almonds--that way my body has plenty fiber and protein to burn on and I feel fuller longer until lunchtime. I used to freak out over fat grams, until I learned there is healthy fat then there is bad fat. Healthy being fat that is naturally contained in certain foods, bad being processed fat like in potato chips etc.

    A key thing I have also learned is SUGAR is a big thing to look out for! It's that hidden little thing on nutrition labels that packs on unwanted pds. Like in many juices, which you ASSUME would be healthy, contain 28g-32g of suger per serving, and juices that say "no sugar added" is sooooo different from sugar-free (my dad taught me that one!).

    It's best not to workout late at night because it can cause issues with sleep(atleast that's what a trainer has told me, and from my personal experience my heart rate is just too high to relax). People that get a healthy amount of sleep at night tend to workout harder and be more alert and willing to stay to their alotted amount of calories per day, that's why I feel better doing early morning workouts. It releases endorphines making me feel more pleasant throughout the day, and creates a natural decline in my energy level so I fall asleep easier at night.

    I'm a licensed Zumba instructor hoping to get hired very soon at my home gym(!), and hopefully, after completing college, being a nutritionist/fitness trainer. I've gained alot of knowledge from speaking with many trainers, my doctor, and my own personal research, on what to eat and what kind of exercises to do to gain certain results. After losing the weight I had after my twins were born, I got very confident that I was at a good weight so I started to eat the bad things I loved again(pizza, burgers, fries) while still continuing my intense 6-7days a week workouts, problem with that, though, I was only maintaining my weight because I was consuming about the same amount of calories a day that I was burning in my workouts. I'm still healthy and in shape, but I would really like to lean-down to a nice toned figure. In order to do that I've obviously had to cut down on my calories ha. You don't have to be TOO health consciencious, but just make sure you're getting the right amount of good fat, proteins, and vitamines your body needs a day, and good exercise! =)

    Sorry the reply is so long, I'm very passionate about being healthy and fit! =))

    ^^ Listen to her. She is a genius! :drinker:
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    my days vary depending on what I'm doing....but most often dinner is largest meal and rest of calories are evenly spread throughout the rest of day/night.
  • epona_mus
    epona_mus Posts: 207 Member
    I'm at 1200 cal per day and I usually eat 250-300 for bfst, 300 for lunch, 400-500 for dinner and make the rest up with snacks throughout the day.
  • t_n_nelson
    t_n_nelson Posts: 3 Member
    I prefer to eat a light breakfast and lunch so I have 900 - 1000+ left for dinner (reward for the day) then work out in the evening as well so I can shave some additional Cals off before I go to sleep for the day.
  • Do you find those recipes online??? I eat fruit and veggies throughout the day as well.