It drives me nuts when my peers make a comment like.."oh he's not eating, he's on a diet"  or any other comment that's related to eating less.

Diet doesn't even mean eating less, but it's always naturally the first thing that comes to mind.

Let me decide if i'm going to eat or not and how!   I Hate it when someone trys to decide for me, and with my particular group they're not trying to be supportive.  These comments always come out in a wiseguy tone.  

Recently I've needed to push around 3,000 calories a day on lean meats and complex carbs whenever possible.  I have to eat around the clock without junk food, and they have the nerve to suggest I don't eat. 


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    It drives me nuts when my peers make a comment like.."oh he's not eating, he's on a diet"  or any other comment that's related to eating less.

    Diet doesn't even mean eating less, but it's always naturally the first thing that comes to mind.

    Let me decide if i'm going to eat or not and how!   I Hate it when someone trys to decide for me, and with my particular group they're not trying to be supportive.  These comments always come out in a wiseguy tone.  

    Recently I've needed to push around 3,000 calories a day on lean meats and complex carbs whenever possible.  I have to eat around the clock without junk food, and they have the nerve to suggest I don't eat. 

    They people at my work always joke that I am a non stop eating machine, but they even admit they are jealous because I am one of the most fit in the place too..It also helps they know I can kick their *kitten* as well since I have a black belt.
  • rickyd88
    rickyd88 Posts: 75 Member
    A colleague 'accidentally' offered me a chocolate yesterday, then quickly pulled away the box whilst apologising because she had forgotten I was on a diet. In a way I'm glad she realised, but if I want to eat a chocolate I will eat a chocolate.

    Later in the day I ended up eating more than I would of because I felt like I'd been deprived of it.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Deep breath darling! :)

    I still get that, and i'm like, "SERIOUSLY? i was anorexic for TEN YEARS and you didn't say ANYTHING!?!?!"

    All i can say is smile your sweetest smile and enjoy your dinner, whether they think you ate it or not :)

    BTW, you look absolutely great, so whatever you're doing is working just fine
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I know what you mean... that or cruel jokes or relentless banter... like "Oh Val! Not going to the gym at Lunch AND after work today!? tut tut...."
  • hazelnut861
    hazelnut861 Posts: 390 Member
    I bet you're the hottest of all your friends. It's annoying but let's see who has the last laugh. Food is fuel and the right fuel is important. Good that you remember that.
  • lexibelk
    lexibelk Posts: 83 Member
    It's worse when it's family. Your friends are supposed to razz on you a little bit, but your family is supposed to be there for you. And I won't even get into how they can still be critical when you don't diet!

    I guess it's hard for them to understand what we're going through. More than likely they are uneducated on the fact that you have to eat to be able to lose weight/get in shape successfully. You know, the whole 'people fear what they don't understand' thing.
  • sarahbetherck
    sarahbetherck Posts: 270 Member
    I just give them my fat clothes when I size down :-)
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    It is annoying and rude.

    The other day someone in my family told me "You know you are just going to plateau anyway." Oh gee...thanks for that encouragement.
  • cutie2b
    cutie2b Posts: 194 Member
    It is annoying and rude.

    The other day someone in my family told me "You know you are just going to plateau anyway." Oh gee...thanks for that encouragement.

    That's when you say, "Yes, when I reach my goal, I will stay at that weight." :smile:
  • slacker80
    slacker80 Posts: 235 Member
    I bet you're the hottest of all your friends. It's annoying but let's see who has the last laugh. Food is fuel and the right fuel is important. Good that you remember that.

    Thanks for the pleasent comment. Your too nice. :)
  • slashkiss
    slashkiss Posts: 74 Member
    I just give them my fat clothes when I size down :-)

    LOL - I actually did this already! I have only lost about 17 pounds but I have dropped nearly 2 pant sizes already and I gave some of my jeans to a co-worker. It felt GREAT to bring her those jeans after the past few weeks of her bashing the whole "dieting" fad. Since I gave her the jeans she hasn't said a negative word about dieting and in fact just always comments on how everytime she sees me I seem smaller!
  • slacker80
    slacker80 Posts: 235 Member
    It is annoying and rude.

    The other day someone in my family told me "You know you are just going to plateau anyway." Oh gee...thanks for that encouragement.

    In My family it's my oldest brother. Until recently he use to compete in cyclilng. He's gained quite a bit now, and saw me transform and it drives him nuts that now i'm the one into fitness and nutrition. So he constantly likes to tease and pull at the my skin and say "you're still fat, You're still fat, look at your butt have no but, you have the A** of a lion" LOL I'm still trying to figure out what that means. I guess it means Boney or something.."A** of a lion, I still crack when I hear that one"

    Sibling rivalry I guess...oh well
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    This is why I try to keep things diet and fitness related to myself. I'll answer direct questions as briefly as I can, and I never offer advice unless asked for it.

    I can't think of one fitness related conversation I've ever had IRL that was ever productive.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Looking like you do and having someone give you crap for your diet doens't make sense unless you're hanging around powerlifters :)

    EDIT: just saw your last post-- if it's your brother then I get it.

    About a year ago when I was 1-2 months into training, and I was learning about leangains (IF) and the IIFYM concept, I had a chance to go out ot eat with some friends who knew that I was trying to get in shape. I looked nothing like I do now (I was skinny-fat with an impressive 39" gut).

    Anyways, we went to a burger joint and I was able to get nutritional info and fit 3 cheeseburgers into my diet. It wasn't easy in terms of hitting my macros but I was able to pull it off so I did it. The bert-stares that I got were ridiculous and even when I tried to explain the concept of IIFYM, you could totally tell that people were thinking "wtf is this idiot doing".

    I also recall explaining how meal frequency was a myth to these people but again, bert-stares.

    Now that I'm in decent shape this doesn't happen anymore.

    So in short, next time your brother or family heckles you, maybe you should just take off your shirt and tell them to shut up?
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    guy at work tried to bait me a couple of weeks ago. he brought in pumpkin pie, and goes "oh, i hope you won't get mad. i know you can't have any because you're on a diet." he said it in that really condesending tone. i looked at him and went "eff no, i'm not mad! cut me a slice and pour me a glass of milk!! i fraking love pumpkin pie!!" i passed on the cool whip that he put on top of his though. and i passed on a second slice, while i explained to him about things like 'moderation' and 'portion control.'
  • Jessica2Skinny
    Jessica2Skinny Posts: 118 Member
    I use to get that at my old office job. I was on a diet and already thinner than most people there.... I picked up a lollipop and someone passed my cubicle and said very nasty "'WATCH OUT JESSICA, THERE'S 35 CALORIES IN THAT LOLLIPOP!"
  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    This is why I try to keep things diet and fitness related to myself. I'll answer direct questions as briefly as I can, and I never offer advice unless asked for it.

    I can't think of one fitness related conversation I've ever had IRL that was ever productive.

    ^^^THIS. Otherwise people put in their two cents when it's unnecessary. They try to tell you, how you should lose weight or whatnot, when they can tell you are obviously already doing a great job. Sometimes people just feel they need to comment about things they really shouldn't.
  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    I use to get that at my old office job. I was on a diet and already thinner than most people there.... I picked up a lollipop and someone passed my cubicle and said very nasty "'WATCH OUT JESSICA, THERE'S 35 CALORIES IN THAT LOLLIPOP!"

    LOL!! I hate that. or the "Are you sure you should be eating that, aren't you on a diet?"
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    A colleague 'accidentally' offered me a chocolate yesterday, then quickly pulled away the box whilst apologising because she had forgotten I was on a diet. In a way I'm glad she realised, but if I want to eat a chocolate I will eat a chocolate.

    Later in the day I ended up eating more than I would of because I felt like I'd been deprived of it.
    And if she hadn't pulled it away, would you be on here today talking about how she's trying to sabotage you? A lot of people would.

    It's a lose-lose situation.
  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
    You can't control what other people say/do/think regardless of whether they are encouragers/friends/family/co-workers/whatever.

    So, just decide what your standard response is going to be to any weirdness or negativity and stick with it and move on. I suggest one of these:
    1) say nothing, just smile slyly
    2) say nothing and laugh
    3) say something pithy, "Aren't you jealous, dear?" and walk away.
    4) Show your determination,"Yes, and it's working, and I'm determined to see it through to my goal!"
    5) Say something sarcastic,"Yes, some of us have goals..."

    etc .


    Keep up the good work!