Looking for new friends with the same stats... Im 5'4'' and

Looking for new friends with the same stats... Im 5'4'' and have 15-20 lbs to lose! It would be nice to share this journey with someone who is close to the same stats as me. Im also looking for simple, healthy recipes as well! <3


  • hey girl, im pretty much in the same boat as you, im 23 yo and 5'4" and 3/4 haha

    id like to lose 35 pounds and as i've been living abroad in france for 3 months ive made the decision to go completely gluten-free since i have a mild skin allergy and stomach problems from gluten

    good luck! ive lost 6 pounds in 2 months so far, 29 to go!
  • Hey friends! I just started 2 days ago and I was looking for the same thing. Someone like me to share the journey with! I am 5'3 with 20-25 lbs to lose. I have relized that it makes it a lot easier to accomplish if you have support. We CAN do this!
  • TaraMKL
    TaraMKL Posts: 124 Member
    5'5" with 20ish to go! You can all add me if you like. :)
  • cpow81
    cpow81 Posts: 114
    I am 5'4" and I've recently lost 26lbs in the past 4 months. I am on maintenance right now, but could use new friends to help motivate and keep me motivated. Please feel free to add me :)

    Good luck!
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    i am also 5'4 with 14 more pounds to go I want to get down to 130
  • 23, 5'5" with 25 to go. I'm trying to cook healthier too so add me if you'd like. Good luck with your journey :happy:
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    I'm 5' 4 3/4"... looking to lose about 5-10 lbs... we'll see where it goes. Feel free to add me if you want! :)
  • rkaytaylor
    rkaytaylor Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I am 5'3 and would like to drop 20 lbs. I joined a gym last weekend and have worked out everyday so far. Luckily, I have my best friend to keep me motivated with working out. Good luck to you. :smile:
  • megcalvert
    megcalvert Posts: 115 Member
    Hello, I am 5'4 also and trying to lose the last 12-15lbs! My current weght is 131.6lbs. Add me if you would like!
  • Hey! im 5'4" and i need to lose 25-30 lbs :) i've had 2 kids and need to get this baby weight off... its been a struggle for me and i cant seem to lose weight easily.. i need some support as well! And recipes and ideas and whatnot would be appreciated because the only way i have noticed i lose weight is if i dont eat much during the day... like 900-1200 calories which isnt good :( add me if you wanna support eachother!
  • liz0906
    liz0906 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5'5, 146 with about 15-20 pounds to go! I've been using myfitnesspal for a while but this is really the first time I'm posting. I'm looking for friends to get some motivation. Everyone please feel free to add me!
  • I have the exact same stats. So it's nice to know that's there's someone out there who has to. My names allow by the way. I'm like 132 and want to lose 15 or 20 lbs. feel free to add!
  • keesh1123
    keesh1123 Posts: 229 Member
    i am also 5'4 with 14 more pounds to go I want to get down to 130

    Those are almost my exact stats. I'm 5'3 with about 15 more to go til 130.
  • lexximan
    lexximan Posts: 322 Member
    Bout 20lbs left to lose. =]
    Add me if you like!
    Always happy to help and be helped =]
  • I'm 5'4" and want to lose 20-30 pounds more, but will be happy to just lose 10-20. I have already lost over 50 since last year. I weigh 156.

    Feel free to add me!
  • Hi, Im 5'4'', and I want to lose 15lbs
    I would love some diet friends, so anyone interested please feel free to add me.
  • sgirl29
    sgirl29 Posts: 326 Member
    I'm 5'3 and I have another 15 pounds to lose. Add me if you'd like to support one another's journey! :)
  • I'm 5'2 and have about 15 pounds I'd like to lose - looking for new friends/weight loss buddies!
  • AbbeyGirls
    AbbeyGirls Posts: 6 Member
    I turned 40 this year and have found that it is becoming more and more difficult to just drop the pounds. I am 5'2" and want to lose 20-25 pounds, but will be happy to just lose 10-15. I could use all the help and support I can get. I work out often and eat eat fairly healthy, but feel like the scale never moves.

    Feel free to add me!
  • heaven_511
    heaven_511 Posts: 315 Member
    I'm 5'3 and I have another 15 pounds to lose. Add me if you'd like to support one another's journey! :)

    I have the same goal. You both can add me. I would love to encourage and be encouraged!