Toning but no real results...?



  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    To OP:
    You got a lot of good advice on this thread.. so heed it! Switch up what your doing.. and take a few rest days. Your body needs a chance to rest and recover... and without it, nothing is ever going to happen.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I will forever recommend Tae Bo, if a person doesn't like that, they can ignore me. Tae Bo works. Try it, before you try to knock it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    I don't even know what to say to that... I always keep my heart rate up. When I do cardio I check that it's at 160 or so... I increase weights when I feel my body can take it... I do 2 hrs 3 days a week... And 1 hour 4 says a week...i go everyday , unless for some reason I can't. I push so that I'm dripping sweat throughout the entire workout.... But yea I guess I don't try then. ..
    You are confusing your effort with your results. Having been doing this for a long time, I've met with so many people who have the same outlook you have. Then I train them and they find out what hard training is really about. Dripping sweat is not always the best indication you're working out hard. You can sweat sitting in a sauna doing nothing.
    This isn't a bash against you, but you asked why no results? I am telling you that what you perceive as hard may not be. You are probably only using a small percentage of the total output you can really do.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    I'm really good about staying under. Today I had 722 left.
    Which means if you're losing a pound a week, then you were in a 1222 deficit yesterday. That's a lot to leave on the table. You should have met the 722.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • season1980
    season1980 Posts: 129 Member
    I don't even know what to say to that... I always keep my heart rate up. When I do cardio I check that it's at 160 or so... I increase weights when I feel my body can take it... I do 2 hrs 3 days a week... And 1 hour 4 says a week...i go everyday , unless for some reason I can't. I push so that I'm dripping sweat throughout the entire workout.... But yea I guess I don't try then. ..

    Honestly I think you are doing too much cardio. :Your body quickly adapts, and Bodypump its a good start but not nearly heavy enough, its more of a cardio workout than a true lifting workout. Try for just a month to scale back your cardio and really focus on the compound lifts and keep track of your reps and wt and try to increase the wt. And make sure you are eating enough and keep your protien high.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    I bulk up really easily I have to be careful not to get too toned when i lose weight. I wonder if genetics plays a part??? my sister is like that too, she runs and goes to the gym, but has to be careful not to get her arms too muscular ! she can bulk up just from playing the guitar
    How do you get too toned? What is your definition of it? I think you mean "muscular". Muscularity is the result of low body fat percentages. If you stay over 20% bodyfat, you shouldn't have that problem.
    And you can't bulk up unless you're in a calorie surplus. Your body may swell up for a week or two from lifting, but that's because of water retention and not muscle gain. It subsides eventually.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    I will forever recommend Tae Bo, if a person doesn't like that, they can ignore me. Tae Bo works. Try it, before you try to knock it.
    But it doesn't always work. What if someone can't kick because of knee and hip issues? Then the program wouldn't be as effective as say the elliptical trainer.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Cr0wned_Dynam0
    ??? Body pump doesn't focus on heavy lifts. Learn compound lifts: squats, deadlifts, bench presses, pullups. Add in a couple of isolation movements for the arms and shoulders. Lift heavy (meaning the last 2 reps should be VERY difficult) for every exercise and keep your reps within 8. ]

    I would disagree with this. Body Pump does focus on compound lifts and isolation movements, actually quite a bit. If she is not seeing any results then she is not listening to her instructor and adding weight like she is supposed to in body pump, or she is not completing to exhaustion, like she should be just before the end of each section.
  • cathyAprice
    Body Pump and ChaLEAN Extreme are great strength training fitness programs (both offered by Beachbody -- Pump is coming to Beachbody 01/04/12...I'm SO excited because I'm a Beachbody coach!), but to get the results you mentioned, I agree with the others, lift heavier and lift slower. ChaLEAN Extreme offers that type of workout and it's something you can do over and over, using heavier weights. I love it! I've only lost 10 lbs BUT I've lost 10 inches, JUST in my lower body. Don't focus on the scale :)
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

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  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Body pump doesn't focus on heavy lifts. Learn compound lifts: squats, deadlifts, bench presses, pullups. Add in a couple of isolation movements for the arms and shoulders. Lift heavy (meaning the last 2 reps should be VERY difficult) for every exercise and keep your reps within 8. ]

    I would disagree with this. Body Pump does focus on compound lifts and isolation movements, actually quite a bit. If she is not seeing any results then she is not listening to her instructor and adding weight like she is supposed to in body pump, or she is not completing to exhaustion, like she should be just before the end of each section.

    Words have meanings. Ninerbuff clearly defined "heavy lifting" above, (weights that meet or exceed your 8RM).

    Bodypump is glorified cardio, nothing more.
  • Shan_Marie
    When you suggest lifting for only 8 reps, what do you suggest for sets? I have tried one set lifting to fail and 3 sets of lighter weight... I like to look VERY toned and yes... I need to lose some weight, probably only 10 pounds and thats just eating because I workout 6 days a week. So for increased weight lose and a more toned look. I am not entirely focused on the 10 pounds as long as my clothing fits the way I like it. Its just a general benchmark. Any suggestions on what I can change? Cheers!!!
  • rlwzgd
    rlwzgd Posts: 46 Member
    I think you have a misconception that you will turn into the Incredible Hulk if you lift heavy weights. Unless you have an abnormally high level of testosterone or are taking steroids, it cannot happen. The female "body builders" that look ridiculous muscular fall into either one of those categories. Guys bulk up because they have testosterone. I lift 100 lbs for my biceps at about 8 reps. I've been lifting heavy weights (well heavy for me) for two years. The result? You can still barely see my biceps! My hubs on the other hand just started lifting again about a month ago... For him? Yeah, his arms are already huge. Lifting heavy weights won't make you look ridiculous.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    To sum up...

    Nice job with your progress so far.

    To continue, you need to be really challenging yourself during your workouts (this is harder than it may sound - sweat and HR are not always good indicators). A good mix of lifting heavy and cardio is the best bet for results. When lifting, if you can do more than 6-8 reps you're probably not lifting heavy enough. If you can do more than 3-5 sets, you're probably not lifting heavy enough. For cardio, anything you enjoy that challenges your muscles is fine... Jillian DVDs, Tae Bo, running, whatever... just so long as you're busting your *kitten*.

    Diet is also crucial. If you setup the calorie goal for MFP to lose weight, then MFP is already calculating a healthy calorie deficit that will lead to weight loss. Being dramatically under that goal on a regular basis can hinder results. If MFP is setup so you lose weight, being 700+ calories under THAT goal may well be why you're not seeing results. Also, make sure you are getting enough protein (to maintain muscle mass), carbs (to fuel your workouts), and fats (to prevent hormone/chemical imbalance).

    As far as "toning" goes... toning is a misleading word, IMO. What you are doing is burning fat to reveal the muscle under neath. As such, in order to look "toned" you need to do 2 things... burn fat and build muscle. Thus the mix of lifting and cardio, and the need to have sufficient macros.

    Lastly, women don't naturally produce enough testosterone to really "bulk". In "extreme" situations (extreme training and diets), women can get ripped (as pictured earlier in the thread, which is what I think you're trying to avoid. The dedication it takes to see those kinds of results is well beyond what most people are able/willing to do given real world circumstances. You don't have to worry about it. Even the second pic takes A LOT of dedication to achieve.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    I would disagree with this. Body Pump does focus on compound lifts and isolation movements, actually quite a bit. If she is not seeing any results then she is not listening to her instructor and adding weight like she is supposed to in body pump, or she is not completing to exhaustion, like she should be just before the end of each section.
    While squats and rows are part of Body Pump, the amount of weight used in each class is VERY VERY moderate by even the instructors. The reps usually range in the hundreds by the end of class. That's for MUSCLE ENDURANCE.
    With the LARGEST weights weighing 5K even with 2 of them on each side of the bar is only under 50lbs. And the only people I see doing that much are men in the classes.
    Sorry, but comparing Bodypump to actual heavy lifting is like comparing apples and oranges.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    When you suggest lifting for only 8 reps, what do you suggest for sets? I have tried one set lifting to fail and 3 sets of lighter weight... I like to look VERY toned and yes... I need to lose some weight, probably only 10 pounds and thats just eating because I workout 6 days a week. So for increased weight lose and a more toned look. I am not entirely focused on the 10 pounds as long as my clothing fits the way I like it. Its just a general benchmark. Any suggestions on what I can change? Cheers!!!
    3 sets should be fine. Last 2 reps of every set should be a struggle.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • mlrosa123
    mlrosa123 Posts: 64 Member
    Ate 1447 exercised 1169 net 278 remaining 722... Can you tell me what's wrong because perhaps I'm misunderstanding how it works... :-/
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Ate 1447 exercised 1169 net 278 remaining 722... Can you tell me what's wrong because perhaps I'm misunderstanding how it works... :-/

    Your net should equal your target. You want to see "Remaining: 0" (or close to it)

    Good starting place:

    See also, the Unofficial FAQ
  • mlrosa123
    mlrosa123 Posts: 64 Member
    Thank you :) wow all this time ... No wonder!! So I'll eat more (healthy foods) and lift heavier... And less cardio... More intense workouts... To even it out better...
    Ate 1447 exercised 1169 net 278 remaining 722... Can you tell me what's wrong because perhaps I'm misunderstanding how it works... :-/

    Your net should equal your target. You want to see "Remaining: 0" (or close to it)

    Good starting place:

    See also, the Unofficial FAQ
  • Dshed02
    I have been working with a trainer and he does alot of switching, no machines. What I mean is we do alot of callisthetics, like Mary Katherines, push ups, sit ups, pilates, ball work. I have lost 5 inches off my waist, 2 inches off my hips, and 3 inches off each arm, but my weight fluxes and total since July I have only lost about 20 lbs, because of calories, which I had to correct because I was eating too many, and also because muscle weighs more than fat. I have found this to be a big help, even though I am still in the 200 lb range because my curves are more defined even though I am still dropping the pounds. If you want to burn fat and still get that sleak, lean look do pilates and yoga, and watch your body really transform. From my experience don't over do it with protein drinks or red meats, but get more clean eating recipes in your life. This will help to flush some fat as well and you will look and feel wonderful. Good luck to you.