Eat what you want.

I've read all of these threads, and people need to relax. You've earned it. So many of you work hard, taking care of kids, going to a job that's demanding, dealing with people everyday who don't know how special you are. Well guess what, I think you are fantastic, gorgeous just the way you are. You don't want to go to the gym tonight, who cares! You can always go tomorrow, heck it's Friday, take the weekend off. And quit stressing out about your diet. You're only going to live once, enjoy it. What's in your fridge right now? Ice Cream? Cake? Pie? Do you have any potato chips? Have some, you completely deserve it. Some times you have to pamper yourselves because no one else will. And remember, I love you for you.


  • nice...
  • That last bit was sweet :) Aww :happy: <3 you too
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    lol sometimes I think I deserve it too often ;)
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    Maybe later. I have something I want to accomplish.
  • traceracer
    traceracer Posts: 303 Member
    Im conflicted between your post and your profile
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I 100% agree with Bub here.
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    Im conflicted between your post and your profile

    as was I!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I prefer to listen to the angel.
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    Everything in moderation :)
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Miscown3r would disagree with you.

    But what does he know, he has a body like this.

  • HarlCarl
    HarlCarl Posts: 266 Member
    uh, yea....the devil made me do it?
  • bear_nakey
    bear_nakey Posts: 340 Member
    I wanna eat healthy and be active, so really I DO eat and live how I want!!!

    But thank you, I love you for you too. . . even if you do have a creepster pic. . . :p
  • pph79
    pph79 Posts: 78
    BeeIzebub?! Is Satan tempting me to eat through MFP now!? :noway:
  • your right you only live once but if you break down and start to eat whatever you want then you may not live as long enough to enjoy life. overweight and obesity tend to shorten your lifespan and health so i say eat what you want but keep an eye on those calories and a little exercise goes a long way. feeling good about your fitness and weight is reward enough and to see the weight fall away is a great natural high.
    but enough its an individual choice so you go right ahead and eat and be merry but dont push that on others.
  • bear_nakey
    bear_nakey Posts: 340 Member
    BeeIzebub?! Is Satan tempting me to eat through MFP now!? :noway:

    Jesus wasn't lyin', was he!!! :noway:
  • traceracer
    traceracer Posts: 303 Member
    uh, yea....the devil made me do it? thoughts exactly.....
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    This is an interesting topic to me. A lot of us are overweight because we eat too much. We eat too much because we're addicted to food.

    Usually with addiction you just resolve to never partake in the practise ever again. You vow to never drink another drink or smoke another cigarette. When the demons start rationalising for you you always go back to the single, atomic, prime directive: DO NOT DO THAT, EVER!

    With food you can't do that. You can't just 'never eat' because you need to eat to live.

    So what you end up having to do is instead of treating all food as the same you have to compartmentalise food into separate categories. These foods I can eat and these foods I can't. These foods are my 'cigarettes' ... never to be eaten!

    It's hard, though, because it's easy for those 'bad' foods to creep back in because you're eating anyway. One cookie after dinner is ok ... then it's another cookie while watching TV then it's 3 cookies after dinner because it's within your calorie budget then it's the whole pack because hey, while I'm eating cookies I may as well ... one more isn't that bad.

    It's just a slippery slope that for some of us we really need to either avoid the cookie altogether or designate one time a week were we officially allow ourselves that ONE cookie.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    *duplicate post*
  • I'm just saying there is always tomorrow. Kick your feet up and relax, have some cheesecake, throw back a couple of brewskis!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I completely agree. I get really tired of seeing posts about "what do I eat at this party/dinner out/celebration?" One meal won't hurt anything. One snack won't hurt. Give yourself a treat once in a while.