Anyone else that with an illness trying to get this done?



  • cassiemk85
    cassiemk85 Posts: 20 Member
    I struggle with Hypo-Thyroid disease and have Bipolar Disorder. Some of my medications with my bipolar disorder are very widely associated with weight gain :( unfortunately I am not in a place to change them because other than the weight gain, their benefits outweigh the disadvantages. I struggle all the time with this, it is hard. You just have to keep pushing yourself, which is always easier said than done!
  • CaoimheAine
    I wouldn't doubt I have many illnesses but i refused to seek medical advice lol, I would rather not know about such things or to be given more medication.. I've had Type 1 Diabetes since I was 8... That's enough for me :( Lol
    OURLADYPAULINE Posts: 51 Member
    I have Rheumatoid Arthritis for about 24 years now. When I first started out I was at 162 lbs back on DEC 6, 2010, and it took me 5 months & 10 days to get myself down to 120 lbs. I stand at 5'8.

    There are days that my joints flare up, but I push through my workouts and get it done. I also listen to my body, to what it tells me etc.

    My display picture tells the story of my past year; I was FAT to a slender sexy person! I know & love :)
  • 4afitCarey
    I struggle with Hypo-Thyroid disease and have Bipolar Disorder. Some of my medications with my bipolar disorder are very widely associated with weight gain :( unfortunately I am not in a place to change them because other than the weight gain, their benefits outweigh the disadvantages. I struggle all the time with this, it is hard. You just have to keep pushing yourself, which is always easier said than done!

    one day at a time. One hour at a time if we need to.
  • 4afitCarey
    I wouldn't doubt I have many illnesses but i refused to seek medical advice lol, I would rather not know about such things or to be given more medication.. I've had Type 1 Diabetes since I was 8... That's enough for me :( Lol

    That's plenty!
  • 4afitCarey
    I have Rheumatoid Arthritis for about 24 years now. When I first started out I was at 162 lbs back on DEC 6, 2010, and it took me 5 months & 10 days to get myself down to 120 lbs. I stand at 5'8.

    There are days that my joints flare up, but I push through my workouts and get it done. I also listen to my body, to what it tells me etc.

    My display picture tells the story of my past year; I was FAT to a slender sexy person! I know & love :)

    Wow! You are quite an inspiration!
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I have been changing the way I eat since Feb and I feel like I have done reallt well. There are days, like today, when it is so hard. My body hurts and I feel crappy in every sense of the word. I look at the treadmill like it is an enemy. I fight the urge to fall back on old habits of turning to food for comfort.

    Is there anyone else dealing with a long term or chronic illness?

    I sympathize with you and understand. I have chronic pain and constant tiredness. It's so hard to exercise and to get going. And I really can only count calories for a few days to a couple weeks. It's too stressful to keep it up.

    I have to force myself to exercise as much as I can. But, I generally do feel much better after a workout. I only do short workouts, which studies show are best anyway. As for the eating part, I don't eat that much. The medication I take just won't let me lose much weight. So, I'm fairly resigned to being somewhat overweight. My main goal is not to gain and to be as fit as I can.

    That may not help you much. But that's the way I personally handle it.
  • anniewinter
    At birth I was diagnosed with Hydrocephalus, at a year I was diagnosed with an eating disorder, then when I was 3 they finally diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, at 8 I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression, having an eating disorder made me a chubby kid, and I lived through the torment of the school life. But I did something I wouldn't of seen myself doing 6 months ago when I was facing the fact that I was at a high risk for diabetes, I ran 2.5 small blocks home last Friday.
  • 4afitCarey
    I have been changing the way I eat since Feb and I feel like I have done reallt well. There are days, like today, when it is so hard. My body hurts and I feel crappy in every sense of the word. I look at the treadmill like it is an enemy. I fight the urge to fall back on old habits of turning to food for comfort.

    Is there anyone else dealing with a long term or chronic illness?

    I sympathize with you and understand. I have chronic pain and constant tiredness. It's so hard to exercise and to get going. And I really can only count calories for a few days to a couple weeks. It's too stressful to keep it up.

    I have to force myself to exercise as much as I can. But, I generally do feel much better after a workout. I only do short workouts, which studies show are best anyway. As for the eating part, I don't eat that much. The medication I take just won't let me lose much weight. So, I'm fairly resigned to being somewhat overweight. My main goal is not to gain and to be as fit as I can.

    That may not help you much. But that's the way I personally handle it.

    I found that I was not eating enough most days and the other days too much.
  • 4afitCarey
    At birth I was diagnosed with Hydrocephalus, at a year I was diagnosed with an eating disorder, then when I was 3 they finally diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, at 8 I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression, having an eating disorder made me a chubby kid, and I lived through the torment of the school life. But I did something I wouldn't of seen myself doing 6 months ago when I was facing the fact that I was at a high risk for diabetes, I ran 2.5 small blocks home last Friday.

    Wow! Good for you!!
  • amber_bamber09
    amber_bamber09 Posts: 35 Member
    I also have RA. Any tips on how to safely exercise without damaging already afflicted joints? My knees are the worst joints.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    Yes, it can happen that we actually do not eat enough. That puts weight on too.
  • kittyonthemoon_
    I have ADHD abd some other stuff but nothing physical
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I also have RA. Any tips on how to safely exercise without damaging already afflicted joints? My knees are the worst joints.

    For one thing, don't use the treadmill. That's hard on knees and hips. Also, you can do squats but only go down 90 degrees or less. Never more. Of course, there are lots of upper body exercises you can do. Moreover, isometrics are generally the safest exercise for everyone and have been used for centuries, long before weights. And, bodyweight exercises are generally safe --- such as the pushup or, in our case, modified pushup. A full pushup is hard on the knees.

    Anything that puts stress on the knees should be avoided. Once your knees go out, you really lose all mobility. Like you, I have very bad knees and often have to wear braces on one or both. Also, as another tip, buy and always wear a good pair of shoes with lots of support. It makes a big difference.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    Yep! I have severe Rheumatoid Arthritis going on 16 years now. My ankles, knees, spine, elbows and wrists are fused. I have two severely herniated discs in my neck and lower back. I also have pretty severe Bi-Polar disorder and anxiety disorder so bad that I am almost agorophobic some days. All of the years on RA meds have given me other disorders as well. I have PCOS and Cushing's Syndrome. I also have degenerative disc disease. My daily exercise consists of about 2 hours of hard swimming (college/elite) level workouts. However, I am having a super-hard time dropping weight. I have always convinced myself that I cannot do anything else other than swim because of my RA. However, I am starting to change that mindset. I recently purchased an Xbox with Kinect and spent three hours playing a dancing game and Rise of Nightmares (it requires you to run from zombies....a lot of running). I was not in pain the next day and my joints didn't really hurt!! So, I have decided that the excuses have to stop and I need to change my game plan for weight loss. And yes, my diet is atrocious, so that has to change too!!!

    The hardest part of all of this is seeing other people here on MFP dropping 1-2 lbs a week just by following the plan, yet it takes me a month or two just to lose 1 lb. Those of us with auto-immune or chronic illness have to accept that our success will be slower, but it CAN be done!!!!
  • amber_bamber09
    amber_bamber09 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks so much for all the tips. I've been told a stationary bike will help too. I'm always afraid that I will push it too much and end up on the couch for a few days or more and be set back. I'm working towards losing weight not injury haha. I'm sure you know the feeling though. Thanks again!
  • bestdaysahead
    bestdaysahead Posts: 90 Member
    Got hypothyroidism and it is a daily struggle to try to even stay at your current weight, much less loose it. I am just taking it one day at a time!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I have a rare Neurological condition that has been progressing since my early thirties and spent the last 6years in a wheelchair.

    I was born with under active thyroid but never had weight issues until the mobility problems started and had problems with my body converting my T4 meds into T3 (to feed cells etc).

    I went up to 16 stone (I'm only 5ft 3 and half) as the Ataxia developed the weight did come off as it took me more energy to do things but still took a good few years to get down to 11st 7.. then I put a stone back on and got stuck at 12st 7 for a year finally this June I realised I had to do something.. I could barely sit for an hour the pain was constant and muscle spasms/involuntary twitches were at over 200a day. .. I either had to go on medication to control or try something else.. as I was desperate to lose weight and can gain weight from muscle relaxants I decided to go with intense Neurophysio every day for 6 months!

    I literally had to learn to control my arms again as the dystonia element of my condition kicked in after I hit 40. Despite ll extra movements I wasn't dropping weight and couldn't understand why then found something about people with thyroid probs having probs also with nut and wheat allergies (I already have nut allergies). so I dropped wheat (around end august/beg sept) and instantly dropped half a stone!.. I've stayed off wheat since and lowered other carbs so may have potato once a week but most meals they are substituted with something else and bread is gluten free ( also limited to not more than twice a week) and dropped another 18lbs (i think) after doing this.. so 2 stone lost in total since June.

    On the exercise front I can do more cardio (like boxercise/tennis games on Wii from sitting in chair) do some pilates floor exercises, some Wii Fit ones from either standing or sitting on the board and have got better voluntary control when trying to use arms and legs.

    I've got a passive trainer bike too (like exercise pedals with motor) I can burn 500cals with half an hour on there. It's been a long battle for me (8years total since first started) but I finally feel more in control!
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    I have depression, anxiety & bipolar. Some days it's so bad. I won't get out of bed.

    I also have depression, bipolar (type 2) and anxiety disorder.
    The medication that I was started on last year caused me to gain around 60 lb in under a year.
    I was already 15-20 lb overweight. I am fighting hard to lose weight.
    It's slow going, but at least it's in the right direction (most of the time!).
  • jojoof4
    jojoof4 Posts: 120
    I can totally relate! I struggle with Multiple Sclerosis and Fibromyalgia. My weight seemed to balloon up shortly after I initially got sick and it's been a battle since. I've started and stopped and started and stopped, but I keep picking myself up and re-starting. I'm hoping this time is the one that sticks. I've been faithfully logging and exercising since Nov 5. Haven't lost a whole lot, but it's a step in the right direction. I have found amazing support on this site. The days that the pain is too much, I do just what I can and try to work harder the next time I feel up to it. Remember, the excess weight didn't happen overnight; it's gonna be a process to take it off. Soooo, to answer your question, YES, there are others fighting the same fight. Good luck on your journey!