What do you ladies do for horrible Aunt flow visits?

I suffer from horrible periods!

Starts off with the PMS where I get extremely irritable. For example, putting on clothes alone is almost unbearable.. It bugs my skin and I’m almost too lethargic to do so. I get seriously bloated and I lose allll motivation to eat right and move.

I think the hardest part for me is the lethargy that I get.. It's hard for me to even go to work and if it falls on a weekend forget about it..Sweats all day.

and then of course the HORRIBLE CRAMPS and LOWER back pain I get month in and month out.

Anyways you get the point MY QUESTION IS, How do you battle this? Do you take any special supplements? Anything for energy? Mood lifters? I'm willing to try anything!!!!!!!!!

I would really like to stay on track too but I am more worried about just having the energy and mood to get up in the a.m...

Thanks in advance


  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    You may want to consider getting on a birth control pill. You sound like me when I'm not on a pill.... I'm much better on them. Besides that, I have found that using a Diva Cup and cloth pads also decreases my cramping (and flow, TMI)... versus disposable pads and tampons. Yuck.... wouldn't go back to those ever.
  • Do you take any type of birth control? I just started taking Loestrin24Fe a few months ago and it's helped a lot.
  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    Definately agree with the two people above, the birth control pill is a saviour! I had terrible periods, too, and used to be unable to leave bed some days because I was in so much pain and was very reluctant to go on the pill because I was worried about weight gain.

    I tried everything else instead.....evening primrose oil, various different painkiller, hot water bottles, hot drinks, curling up in bed with a book and trying to distract myself from the pain. Eventually I went to the docs and got prescribed a prescription anti-inflammatory called Mefenamic Acid which helped a little at first but is associated with stomach ulcers and after I'd been on it a few years it became less effective and I was also getting stomach pains taking it, so went to the docs again to ask if there was anything else he could suggest and he suggested the pill.

    I haven't looked back! My periods are lighter and a lot less painful. I used to have to take painkillers non stop all through my period (usually used to take ibuprofen, then 2 hours later paracetamol, 2 hours later ibuprofen) etc. and would still be in pain. Now, I rarely need to take any painkillers and don't have to be so worried about having a super heavy period that gets in the way of life.
  • NGMama
    NGMama Posts: 384 Member
    Willing to try anything?? Try going vegan for a month. According to traditional Chinese medicine all of those symptoms are liver stagnation signs. I used to be doubled over in pain and sick as a dog every cycle (including brutal migraines). Adopted a vegan lifestyle for other reasons and lo and behold.....aunt flo is a breeze now. Not a cramp or headache to be had. Good luck!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    After trying nearly every pain med, anxiety med and some anti depressants, I talked the doc into trying a mild muscle relaxer. It took away the cramps and the low back spasms, then I could take motrin for the headache. After the pain was gone I could deal with people and my moods better. A good B complex and D daily seem to help with the PMS. Due to family and personal medical history I can't take hormones of any kind.

    Good Luck!
  • I agree that a birth control pill is a good idea to help with the heavy flow and PMS. I take a multivitamin and that seems to help my energy. B12 is a good energy boosting vitamin as well. I also take iron and it helps as well because fatigue is a symptom of anemia.
    I'd talk to your doctor and see what they can recommend for you as they know you and your medical history.
    <3 Britt
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Willing to try anything?? Try going vegan for a month. According to traditional Chinese medicine all of those symptoms are liver stagnation signs. I used to be doubled over in pain and sick as a dog every cycle (including brutal migraines). Adopted a vegan lifestyle for other reasons and lo and behold.....aunt flo is a breeze now. Not a cramp or headache to be had. Good luck!

    Sucks to be all of u guys that have such trouble (my only symptom is a little emotional right before), but the above comment really intrigues me. I've heard gluten free diets remove food cravings and such but never heard of these types of effects from vegan living. What r we doing to our bodies with all these foriegn chemicals and processed foods? Theres research that shows certain food coloring can cause eratic behavior, and gluten has similiar affects, etc. Ok, completely the wrong forum post to start this kind of talk, but the comment just surprized me
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I used to get them bad like that but they have gone much lighter; I don't know if its age (I'm 42), diet and exercise or if my fibroids have shrunk from losing weight as my bladder problems have eased up too (my doctor suspected one was pressing against bladder when I was overweight)

    This week I've exercised every day through 'PMT week' and I haven't had the fatigue, the emotional.. finding myself in tears and not knowing why... the cramps have just started to kick in this morning so they just starting for me.. water weight is high but I'm expecting to be back down to 10st 7by Tuesday and hopefully a few more pounds besides! I rest for couple of days once they have started then re-start (exercising) about day 4 when they are much lighter and nearly over.
  • lthomas42
    lthomas42 Posts: 73 Member
    If you are on a birthcontrol, switch to a new one. If you're not on a birthcontrol, get on one. I was on Alesse for years and it made my periods a breeze. No cramps, no emotional issues, nothing. It was awesome. I switched to Diane-35 to help with acne, and my period wasn't as breezey, but still easy.

    I tried nuvaring for a few months when my life was erratic and I was forgetting my pill. It was a disaster. Two week long periods, horrible cramps, emotional distress. Awful.

    Now I'm on Minera and I love it, but I wouldn't recommend it for cramping. IUDs can make it worse.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I drink tons more water, eat better, and workout even harder during those days... I don't want to feel the "effects" of it so instead of being moody, lazy, dont fell I can be productive during those days, I completely break that and get more active etc. Thats how I deal with it.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Regarding the lethargy - you might want to look into an iron supplement and take a good multivitamin,
    Luckily I don't have cramps or PMS (don't hate me!) so can't help you much there but I'd be wary of going on birth control just for the symptoms. If the cramps are that bad you might want to get checked out for endometriosis.
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    I take mefenamic acid prescribed by the doctor.

    I used to skip school and almost faint, regularly throw up, just from the pain of cramps every month. I didn't want to go on birth control because of the whole gain weight, horrible skin thing. So mefenamic acid was a non-birth control solution that actually works. I never get awful cramps anymore.

    They shouldn't ruin your life, see a doctor if it's really bothering you! :smile:
  • I know that a lot of people are pushing the birth control idea, but I guess maybe it's the holistic side of me that is screaming "no!!!". I went off birth control because the chances of breast cancer go up pretty substantially, plus, you are putting artificial hormones that your body has a really hard recognizing them and shuts down making it's own. It took my body almost a year to get back on track once I stopping taking BC, and it was not a fun experience at ALL. Study up on the hazards of BC, even my gyno says that BC has the most risk than any other form. For PMS, I would recommend trying a natural progesterone cream for about 3 months. Don't use a lot, but just a little to help ease the symptoms you are talking about. PMS is NOT normal. It is caused by a hormonal balance that is caused by mal-nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle or unfortunately, some people are just genetically predisposed to have it. You can ease symptoms as well by supplementing with calcium (won't have immediate relief, but it started to help me after about 3 months) and I take magnesium when I have cramps. I'm not sure what your diet is like, but try eating more natural, less processed (I have a problem with this myself =\).
  • I am on Mirena IUD, and I love it. I used to have horrible flow problems, along with terrible mood and all the rest. Now about every six weeks or so I will spot for a day or two and that is it. It's awesome! But I will say that if I weren't finished having children (I have two and we are done) then I probably wouldn't do the Mirena. Also, you do have to go through and initial phase where you are friggin spotting all the time (mine lasted 8 months and there were mood swings) but having come out on the other side, it was totally worth it. It lasts for 5-6 years, so definitely something to consider. Good luck, doll.
  • Are you sure that it's PMS and not PMDD? I have PMDD and I used to take Yasmin (which I love to death) until I developed a pulmonary embolism (that almost lead to death). What I do now, is chart my cycle and adjust my life during those days of "instability." When I feel horrible (sleepy, bloated, ugly, etc.) I remember that it's not me but my body. I also started taking pics to look back on my "normal" days to confirm that it's all in my head. I also started taking Motrin 800 2 days prior to my period being due and have had a much better cycle pain wise. HTH!
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    <sigh> So lucky. My sister got all that in the family. Maybe I just don't understand because I don't really have the mood swings, & physical discomfort... to me it's just another day, plus tampon. Life doesn't exactly change. Well, my first 2 periods, I did have some serious cramping, but it was nothing a little muscle relaxant & a heating pad didn't cure. Even to this day, I find that the only real affects I have from it are a tendency to weep at sappy moments on TV/movies a few days before I start.

    My question is... can't you just take a Mydol & ignore it? Go on with your day? I'd think letting something affect you like this that happens every month would be really hard on you, and those around you. Why let it impact you so much? If the Mydol doesn't work, shouldn't you see a doctor?
  • Mine are really really bad, but last month instead of curling up in a ball in my bed for 5 days i continued to eat right and exercise and i only had cramps the first day and the rest were a breeze.
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    I would agree with the posters saying to go on BC. It did WONDERS for me, I used to have severe cramping to the point I'd have to stay home from school, a VERY heavy flow for about 5 days (I'm talking switching tampons every 2-3 hours for the first few days), total of 7-10 days in total. Now, I have maybe one day of cramping and it's not bad at all, and 1 day of heavy flow, 4-5 days in total. I'm currently taking Tricyclen Lo, but talking to your doctor would help you pick one that's best for you, and it's a bit of trial and error.

    In regards to this:
    My question is... can't you just take a Mydol & ignore it? Go on with your day? I'd think letting something affect you like this that happens every month would be really hard on you, and those around you. Why let it impact you so much? If the Mydol doesn't work, shouldn't you see a doctor?

    Mydol personally makes me pretty ill, I'm not sure what it is about it, but I get all kinds of nauseous, it's not very nice.

    On a side note, I always found that drinking more water, eating more protein, and going for walks and stretching would help with the cramping. I can never seem to push my workouts like I would normally want to during that week, it's a bummer.
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    I am on Mirena IUD, and I love it. I used to have horrible flow problems, along with terrible mood and all the rest. Now about every six weeks or so I will spot for a day or two and that is it. It's awesome! But I will say that if I weren't finished having children (I have two and we are done) then I probably wouldn't do the Mirena. Also, you do have to go through and initial phase where you are friggin spotting all the time (mine lasted 8 months and there were mood swings) but having come out on the other side, it was totally worth it. It lasts for 5-6 years, so definitely something to consider. Good luck, doll.

    I had one. Loved it... well... except that I hadn't had kids, so my body tried to expel it every time I had my period. THAT hurt like nothing I've ever been through. Sitting on a hospital bed in the ER watching my stomach cramp up into points wasn't fun. Apparently, I was in labour. Without a baby. It was BIG fun. And, it happened every month for the first SIX MONTHS.

    Oh yeah, and be sure it doesn't slip. I had to have mine surgically removed after 14 months because it was growing into my uteran wall, & a) I could've gotten pregnant anyway, and b) I could have hemmorhaged & bled non-stop.

    Be careful with these things if you haven't had babies yet!
  • eddyca
    eddyca Posts: 153 Member
    I agree with SooZ1138 that BCP is not the best choice for your health. The only reason I take it is so I don't get pregnant. But if you do want to go on the pill for the same reasons as me, then I recommend taking Safryal. It contains a diuretic progesterone that eleviates bloating, also it contains folate a b-vitamin. The only thing I hate about Safryal is the last week of active pills:
    I get sooo tired and hungry! I'm actually about to embark on this horrible week :(
    It actually makes my period seem pleasant because I get my energy back and my carb cravings diminish once I stop taking the active pills.