People who were out of shape how did you start?



  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I heard about the 30 day shred. Were you able to do it everyday? It sounds like I would be sore for a week after doing that. I know gilina says to do it 6 days a week, but do you think thats reasonable?

    The first level I did it every day but 2 days, those 2 days were thanksgiving and one other day because my body had to rest. It's not meant to do every day. The 2nd level I've not finished because life has happen, I still work out but I am thinking about just starting all over after Christmas when I can focus on it more. My work outs come in at 1 minute every hour which is working for me right now. The 30 day shred works, you'll lose inches and you'll drop a little weight, but don't expect to drop weight right away because you are working muscles you probably have never really known you had like I did lol, and the pain is there but I was able to move and still take care of my kids just fine. I have a high pain tolerance and actually enjoy the soreness. Some people find they are more sore then others, it also depends on how far you can push yourself. Your muscles gain water weight in them when you start using them, and so don't get discourage if the scale goes up or doesn't move when you start out.
  • toochiebus
    I am a 43 yr old male, and started exercising four weeks ago. This is not a race so the slower you lose it the slower it is to put back on.

    I downloaded the app, added in my details and I stick to eating 1350 calories per day. I also run 3-4 times per week on my treadmill for 35 minutes - that's roughly 312 calories per run. This is all I am doing and in four weeks I've lost five pounds.
    One of my employees lost 20 pounds over a few months just by using the app and watching his diet.

    It's simple. Eat well and exercise.

    Good luck.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Start off small! I started walking 30 minutes on the treadmill, then gradually made my way to an hour, changing paces and inclines. I also started adding in various things such as cycling and the elliptical. Eventually, I started doing weights, strength, and group classes.

    Sometimes, a trainer at the gym can talk to you/help you come up with a good plan, or give you some tips. Good Luck! :D

    P.S. As far as being sore goes...STRETCH! :)
  • toochiebus
    I agree, baby steps. Then work your way up.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I am thinking about going to a Zumba class, but after looking like an idiot in the aerobics class by not being able to keep up, I am worried about dance classes. I am pretty uncoordinated. Do they switch moves really fast in zumba?

    I'm uncoordinated like you wouldn't believe lol. I refuse to take a public class for zumba, I do it on the wii and I hate it lol. I do it if I am bored and need to workout, but I usually go for the Just dance I burn more calories in that, then I do Zumba. They do switch pretty quick.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Also another tip for soreness and maybe this is why the pain doesn't bother me, because I chug 2 bottles of ice cold water before I work out. Also like someone else said, stretch before you start working out.
  • MissMisery1313
    Baby steps. Trying to take on too much too soon usually leads to pain, injury and disappointment.

    Exactly. Don't try to transform from out-of-shape to Ms. Olympia overnight.

    Start slowly and work up gradually. For example, the first week do 30 minutes of exercise per session. the next week, 35-40 minutes, and so on.
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    I am thinking about going to a Zumba class, but after looking like an idiot in the aerobics class by not being able to keep up, I am worried about dance classes. I am pretty uncoordinated. Do they switch moves really fast in zumba?

    I felt like a crazy person going to the dance class, it was a lot of latin moves that I was not familiar with; however, I LOVED LOVED how FUN it was! Did I get all the right moves? NO. Did I work up a sweat? Heck yeah! It is a great way to make those baby steps everyone is talking about. I'm back on the wagon and I am taking it slow by doing what I can.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I started with making an effort to walk the dog a lot more and a lot longer. Then Couch to 5k. Then a few zumba classes. (Keeping UP doesn't matter. As long as you keep moving, it doesn't matter if you get it right! When you're lost, just shake your butt. :wink:) Then EA Sports Active 2 on the playstation. Then switching the resistance bands in the "game" for 5# weights. Then trying a few different workout videos through Netflix streaming. Then training to run 5 miles. Then Warrior Dash. Then lifting. Then training for a 10k. Now continuing lifting and training for speed instead of distance, but still trying to get one long run in a week. :smile:
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I've always had terrible endurance, so instead of running, I started on the elliptical first. Eventually I was able to transition to the treadmill and can now actually run with some endurance. I also found starting small on my own helped.
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    i started off by walking then moved to c25k now I'm doing the bridge to 10k
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I started off with riding my bike a few miles everyday, it's low impact and great cardio.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    what i did was i started riding my bike. it was great because i was overweight, and cycling was easier then running. i really, really enjoyed it because i could go further and for longer then with running. it was also easy on the joints, and i didn't feel exhausted when i was done.

    one day it was rainy, but i wanted to get a work out in, so i decided to go for a run. i figured if i didn't feel good after 5 minutes, i would turn around go home. 30 minutes later, i had run 2 miles. i've improved my run since then.
  • tigerkittyskf
    Hi everyone,
    I am pretty out of shape and am trying to start working out. I went to a body sculpting class and an aerobics class. After the body sculpting class, I was in pain for 2 whole weeks! It makes it very difficult to continue going to class regularly when I can barely move. Those who are in shape now, how did you start?

    Don't feel bad. When I first started working out, I was sore for the first two months. It's just your body building itself back up. Just take baby steps. Start working out every other day to give your body time to rest and rebuild. And I don't know if this will help or not, but when I first started out and didn't want to go out and do anything because I was so sore, I remembered this quote, "Pain is weakness leaving the body."
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I started out doing only like 25 - 30 minutes of cardio a day and a somewhat healthy diet... still slurged every once and awhile but as time went on that became less and less and I focused on increasing cardio. Although I think I did too much cardio and not enough weights in the beginning.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I started out walking and working with a trainer 2x weekly. Just do it was what I used to tell myself because if I stopped to think, I had a million excuses why I was too busy, too embarrassed, too tired, too sore to go. Instead I put walking or working out on "auto pilot" putting nothing else into my calendar for 2 or 3 mornings a week. I woke up, washed up and dressed comfortably and went to work out on those days with no other thoughts other than just do it then there's a steam room and sauna waiting for you at the end of the workout. Steam room and sauna were my rewards initially.

    After a few months I started to notice that I was walking longer and watching what was happening in the gyms hour long classes. I walked into a class one day and to my surprise I made it through the hour. Could I do everything? No way! Did I do what I could? Yes!

    This is about three years later. I workout 5 to 6 days a week. I love to do it. I am open to trying different exercise but for me I love both strength training and aerobics. I do both each day if possible. I miss working out and would do it more if time allowed.

    Can tell you this; Advil was not enough because I was taking it often so instead I used Naproxin which is Aleve. I used ice if necessary and like I already said, I used steam, whirlpool and sauna which probably helped muscle soreness too. I ached but felt changes that superseded any discomfort. My family dug up old photos last night and they are freaking out at the changes in my physical appearance. Major changes! I am freeaking out every day at the changes on the inside. Major changes!

    Also, the soreness as long as it's not from injury goes away as you begin stretching or your next exercise. Just go slow and just do it, you'll be glad you did!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I was extremely overweight and out of shape also I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue so it was extremely hard but I just started with swimming and walking, then added the wii fit, bike riding and after losing 60 lbs I joined a gym. Now I go to the gym 2xs a week , walk about 3 days a week and try to do a workout video and resistance bands 1-2xs a week. i started july 2010 and have lost 90 lbs and am so much healthier i wouldnt say I am in shape but compared to where i was it is amazing. Just start slowly and keep adding more as you go along but add slowly, and stretching, yoga and massages help alot.......
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    I don't have areas I can walk, or money for a gym, so I started (in march) with jogging in place. I could do a minute at a time, maybe up to two, and id do it several times a day..was easy cuz u can do this anywhere and not have to change clothes, , so while the microwave was counting down id use the timer, or during tv commercials, heck even in the bathroom at work.. I could only do the 1-2minutes because my calf muscles would start hurting or id be out of breath.

    I can now do 45minutes straight, with weights in each hand, without getting out of breath, without my calves hurting..but only to 45minutes cuz my toe area starts to cramp up. I do other excercises, but the jogging in place is what I started with.
  • Momwasix
    Momwasix Posts: 664 Member
    i use to do alot of taebo and turbo jam so i started back on doing the moves fromt he workouts on regualr music i like with walking as well during tv breaks i do strentgh training and during the day i do my workouts of cardio and belive me it adds all up i love it
  • fit443
    fit443 Posts: 93 Member
    I started by playing around to find out what I actually like to do. I really didn't even know. Then I started doing one of those things every day, but rarely the same thing two days in a row. Then I started paying attention to the calories and challenging myself. If you're going to stick with it you have to enjoy it. There were some classes I tried and never went back to, because my self-talk was defeatist the whole time. If I didn't come out feeling great I didn't go back. Walking lasted for about 2 weeks.For me, turns out water running, karate, baseball, an elliptical, outdoor biking (boo winter), the weight room, the wii fit and the 30 day shred are all great options. I get bored fast, I guess!

    When I started MFP, I started with a food plan of 1200/day + 300 exercise calories. That made the wii fit obselete, but I still play as long as I add something else in (or carry weights while I do it).

    Love what you do! Good luck!