20 pounds down by Christmas!



  • cuatesmom
    cuatesmom Posts: 173 Member

    As of today 11/30
    holding at 171 pounds
    total loss = 17.5
    ( 1 more pound and I will be at my halfway mark to ultimate goal)
    as of today 11/27
    still holding at 172.5!!
    total loss = 16 lbs!
    no change... 173 and holding...but i have worke out a lot!.... and eaten a lot this week...

    lost another half pound!!! down to 173--that is 15.5 total pounds

    non scale victory -- pulled out my old LUCKY jeans that i have not even dared to try on in ages due to the discomfort of tight tight tight jeans and....drum roll please....they fit! loose! not super loose but loose enough to def. say they were loose! maybe i will just wrap up my honeymoon jeans under the xmas tree?

    still plan to stay focused on 1 to 1.5 pounds loss per week and NOT losing too fast and therefore losing muscle.
    working on eating almost all my exercise calories. doing at least 45 min of cardio PLUS jillian's SHRED daily.
    sleeping 8 hours, eating 4 to 6 veggie portions per day.
    174.5 (down half a pound)
    worked out 45 minutes every morning AND added nightly shred video...AND did a 10k race on Saturday
    BUT this was my highest calorie week since i started MFP and i was over goal like half of the week so i am grateful for losing at all.

    this coming week the goal is 1.5 or more pounds down

    lets stay totally focused EVERYONE!

    nonscale victory: ran the 10K... cut about 30 seconds off of my average pace AND was ahead of my super fit size 4 gal-pal at the end!
  • Doingitin2013
    Doingitin2013 Posts: 56 Member
    Sorry, I forgot to post this on Sunday (11/27). From Sunday (11/21) to Sunday (11/27) I lost a total of 4 pounds. I'm hoping this will be a good week for me. I want to get out of the 260's and get in to the 250's! I've been stuck in the 260's all year (because I kind of gave up during the summer... LOL). But I have been trying so hard! I even started doing the treadmill at work for 30 mins a few times a week (my lunchbreak is an hour), plus my workouts at home. Congrats to everybody doing their thing and making progress!
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    I'm baaaaaaack! Alright- I got 10 lbs left to go- don't stop till I get it!
  • catbrand
    catbrand Posts: 227 Member
    Weigh in: 204.2

    2.6lbs down this week, 18.8 in total, just 1.2lbs to go!!!! Eeek, I'm so excited!! Unless I break my leg tomorrow and have to spend the next three weeks in bed, I think I can do this no problem :bigsmile:

    I've had a horrible cold this week (as any of you who are friends with me are no doubt bored of hearing about by now!!) So thats probably helped, I over indulged the first day with biscuits and chocolate, but then I lost my taste so haven't eaten any exciting stuff this week! Quite handy since I haven't been able to exercise either, but I've still been walking to school and going to work etc so I've kept moving.

    Hope everyone else has a great weigh in this week :happy:
  • lauraOOOO
    lauraOOOO Posts: 103 Member
    down to 162.8, down about 1lb from last week.

    have a great sunday everyone!!
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    165.2 today, from 168 last week, so a loss of 2.8! I've noticed that I will have a really good loss one week, then 1-2 weeks of little to nothing...so maybe this will keep me from getting discouraged in the future :) I'm really ready for that healthy BMI milestone at 162. My goal is to reach it by Christmas!! I definitely won't make 20 lbs, but I'm at 12 now so I could get close...maybe 15 or 16! :)

    Have a good week, everyone!
  • gain a pound:sad: .
    Spreadsheet updated.
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 365 Member
    So weight in I'm 159lbs today:) that's only one up from what I was before I left on my trip ! It a week to shake off but it was 8 lbs ( water weight or something lol) but I'm almost there ! I want to be 157 for the next weigh in!
    Good to go!:)
  • 144lbs down -2lbs from last week :) 8lbs to go :)
  • jessmars
    jessmars Posts: 131
    no change :( but at least I'm still trying...still @ 214
  • Doingitin2013
    Doingitin2013 Posts: 56 Member
    I lost 0.6 pounds from last week.... Getting discouraged and trying not to throw in the towel. I've only lost 4.8 pounds since joining this challenge on 10/23/11. There is 3 weeks left to go in this challenge and there is no way that I will lose 15.2 pounds in that time frame. I'm very disappointed and feeling like a failure.... I know that this process is not easy. I'm just feeling like there is something that I am not doing right. Congrats to those of you that are doing such a great job!
  • cuatesmom
    cuatesmom Posts: 173 Member

    As of 12/3
    holding at 169.5
    total loss = 19!!!

    holding at 171 pounds
    total loss = 17.5
    ( 1 more pound and I will be at my halfway mark to ultimate goal)
    still holding at 172.5!!
    total loss = 16 lbs!
    no change... 173 and holding...but i have worke out a lot!.... and eaten a lot this week...

    lost another half pound!!! down to 173--that is 15.5 total pounds

    non scale victory -- pulled out my old LUCKY jeans that i have not even dared to try on in ages due to the discomfort of tight tight tight jeans and....drum roll please....they fit! loose! not super loose but loose enough to def. say they were loose! maybe i will just wrap up my honeymoon jeans under the xmas tree?

    still plan to stay focused on 1 to 1.5 pounds loss per week and NOT losing too fast and therefore losing muscle.
    working on eating almost all my exercise calories. doing at least 45 min of cardio PLUS jillian's SHRED daily.
    sleeping 8 hours, eating 4 to 6 veggie portions per day.
    174.5 (down half a pound)
    worked out 45 minutes every morning AND added nightly shred video...AND did a 10k race on Saturday
    BUT this was my highest calorie week since i started MFP and i was over goal like half of the week so i am grateful for losing at all.

    this coming week the goal is 1.5 or more pounds down

    lets stay totally focused EVERYONE!

    nonscale victory: ran the 10K... cut about 30 seconds off of my average pace AND was ahead of my super fit size 4 gal-pal at the end!
  • Oops I'm a day late, lol I thought it was Sunday today

    Weigh In:

    146.2 FINALLY lol took forever to see more than a pound lost in a week :) going to update spreadsheet!
  • MrsFelton2010
    MrsFelton2010 Posts: 339 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I have started 30 day shred and 6 week 6 pack for the month of December. I am determined to see a nice drop on the scale when I weigh-in at the end of this challenge. You guys are doing awesome with your weight-loss. I am always going to post some changes in my measurements in the end if I see any.
  • cschu544
    cschu544 Posts: 320 Member
    Hey ladies! Sorry I have been so busy lately, what with the holidays coming I'm working longer hours and am just so busy! I have been keeping an eye on the spreadsheet, it looks like a few of us are almost AT OUR 20 POUND GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!

    Let's give a shout out to everyone who is close to hitting that 20 lb mark, and for those of you that aren't quite there yet, time to pull out all the stops! This is OUR last chance work out. Christmas is at the end of the month!! Give me EVERYTHING you have!

    I finally broke my plateau! I was on that thing for weeks! You all need to give me more cardio!! DO IT UP!! I want to see everyone at LEAST -2lbs this week. Let's get it done :D

    Also- I love how everyone's been so accountable lately! Weighing in without a loss or even a gain is really difficult to do, I'm guilty of it as well. I only post when I lose weight.. but I need to be more honest with myself. You're all an inspiration, and the reason I run in the morning :)
  • 143lbs -1lbs from last week
  • YOUR NOT EXACTLY THE SAME...YOU'VE LOST 15 pounds! WOOHOO:flowerforyou:
  • cuatesmom
    cuatesmom Posts: 173 Member

    As of 12/10
    holding at 169!!!
    down another half a pound
    holding at 19.5 TOTAL loss (even though the ticker shows 20)

    For DEC started DOING RIPPED IN 30 everyother day...plus the usual work out schedule (teach 3 spin classes, teach 1 cardio/strength training/core class, run 4 to6 miles at least one day per week, 60 min zumba one day per week, and if it doesnt rain on sunday ride my bike 40 or more miles)

    nonscale victory: today i am wearing my size 12 Anne Taylor lined wool pants (no stretch and not oversized) and they are soooo looose i look silly! and can slide them off without unbuttoning! OMG!!! time to open my suitcase of formerly retired skinny clothes.

    when I weighed in today the digital scale kept bouncin back and forth between 168.5 and 169 -- I actually saw 168.5 several seconds before that TEASE of a scale settled down to 169

    Hit me with some James Brown: I FEEL GOOD...
    total loss = 19!!!

    171 pounds
    total loss = 17.5
    ( 1 more pound and I will be at my halfway mark to ultimate goal)
    still holding at 172.5!!
    total loss = 16 lbs!
    no change... 173 and holding...but i have worke out a lot!.... and eaten a lot this week...

    lost another half pound!!! down to 173--that is 15.5 total pounds

    non scale victory -- pulled out my old LUCKY jeans that i have not even dared to try on in ages due to the discomfort of tight tight tight jeans and....drum roll please....they fit! loose! not super loose but loose enough to def. say they were loose! maybe i will just wrap up my honeymoon jeans under the xmas tree?

    still plan to stay focused on 1 to 1.5 pounds loss per week and NOT losing too fast and therefore losing muscle.
    working on eating almost all my exercise calories. doing at least 45 min of cardio PLUS jillian's SHRED daily.
    sleeping 8 hours, eating 4 to 6 veggie portions per day.
    174.5 (down half a pound)
    worked out 45 minutes every morning AND added nightly shred video...AND did a 10k race on Saturday
    BUT this was my highest calorie week since i started MFP and i was over goal like half of the week so i am grateful for losing at all.

    this coming week the goal is 1.5 or more pounds down

    lets stay totally focused EVERYONE!

    nonscale victory: ran the 10K... cut about 30 seconds off of my average pace AND was ahead of my super fit size 4 gal-pal at the end!
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    My weigh-in today is 164.8. Of course I would have loved to drop a whole pound (I was 165.2 last week), but given that I lost almost 3 lbs the week before, I knew I wouldn't see a huge loss this week. I also went over maintenance Friday night, which is the FIRST time since I started this 4 months ago! I only got to the gym 3 times, & didn't do weights or the elliptical before class a single time, so not my best exercise week, either. This week is not nearly as crazy so I should get my normal workouts in! I hope everyone has a good weigh-in today. Just 2 more weeks until Christmas! I can't believe it!
  • Another 2.4 pounds lost... Total loss to date: 13.6
    spreadsheet updated