20 pounds down by Christmas!



  • akyraj2006
    akyraj2006 Posts: 83 Member
    CHECKING IN!!! CW: 264.4!!! much better this week!! TOM made me fluctuate for a few days too but i kept at it and stayed on track and the scale showed that after TOM left... yay me!! :) # let's keep this up!!!
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member
    Sorry this is late. Weigh in for this week is 198.6
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    hey there! My weight is the same as the last time I weighed in 223! :O)
  • MommyNemo
    MommyNemo Posts: 29 Member
    Yay.. Love challenges
  • cschu544
    cschu544 Posts: 320 Member

    I still need someone to help me with the Google page. Please give me an e-mail address if you're interested.

    Ok, so I kind of fell off the bandwagon for a few days with TOM here and all. TOM forced me to eat chocolate and sleep all day, so I didn't get much accomplished. I'm back on track today and going hard this week. Today I went to Zumba then after class I went to the gym to arc train. My legs are killing me! I won't dare weigh myself until at least next week. I'm super bloated and I know I probably gained a few. I don't want to think about it yet.

    How are you all doing? Anyone have an NSV they want to share? How about work? What do you all do for a living? :)
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    I'm in!! My current weight is 245...
  • LolaVaantz
    LolaVaantz Posts: 74 Member
    Checking in-

    Still scared to weigh myself, next Monday I finish a challenge and will need to face the dreaded scale.

    On a good note, i'm losing my pajama pants, literally I was walking downstairs with my jammy pants and they started to fall off!
    So, we are moving in the right direction (me and my jammies)

  • cmoutarimoussa
    cmoutarimoussa Posts: 97 Member
    Ok i am fairly new to MFP and I dont know the lingo lol!! what does NSV stand for? And right now I am a full time mom and work part time. My daughter is 14 months old today! She is getting so big. She is the love of my life!
  • AbbyWigintonBlack
    Ooh.. I've got an NSV! (Non-Scale Victory for those of you who haven't been stalking the message boards like I have. lol)

    I'm on week 2 of C25K, (Couch to 5k.. man we have a lot of these little abbreviations) and yesterday, I ran/walked all the way to my mom's house, stopped for some homemade low-fat chicken tortilla soup, and then walked back. It was a total of 5.5 miles, and I felt AMAZING afterwards! Hilly neighborhood conquered!

    Oh, and I just bought a dress for a wedding that is a size 8! The last dress I bought in a size 8 was my own wedding dress! (Which was the last dress I bought before I got pregnant with my son, who is now almost 3.)

    Feeling pretty motivated! Ready to bust through this plateau and get some Scale Victories! :o)
  • mmbarnes1973
    mmbarnes1973 Posts: 339 Member
    I'm in!! I don't know what happened to 160, then 170 and I swear just last month I was 180. Hello 190! I swore I would never reach 200, but I also never thought I would be this close. I want to get married in march and would like to be 145 or 150. So this challenge will get me started. (and through the holidays). I'm going to need all the support I can get though. Maybe if I do this with you guys I have some thing to hold myself accountable to. Here we go!!!!
  • SusanWinters
    Late check-in - I gained 2 lbs...what in the world! My clothes are getting looser though.
  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    I'm in... will be weighing tomorrow for sure
  • mcrowder109
    mcrowder109 Posts: 18 Member
    I lost 6lbs last week and have gained 4 of it back. Now I have to work like the devil to get it back off.
  • Kerseygeek
    edit - sorry posted on the wrong thread
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Well now that TOM is nearly over I am excited to weigh in again on Sunday, which just so happens to be MY BIRTHDAY! :) My goal was to get to 222 or 220...I usually set more than one goal, lol. So I had a 10 lb goal (which would get me to 220) and a 40 lbs lost goal, which would get me to 222. I'm just hoping all the excess water weight falls off within the next couple days. It better....I was just telling my friend, I'm so glad that we don't have more than one TOM/month. :)
    My friend and I are both doing this challenge and both training for a 10k! Right now we are doing c25k to get us started. We have just finished week 3 tonight, week 4 starts in a couple days--- ahhhhh! Alright, well I'll be checking in again sooooon!
  • Guerita83
    Sorry gals..no access to computer to post on Sunday :( But this Sunday my new weigh in was 181.2!!!!! Yay for me!!
  • kalebsmama07
    can someone message me on how to join...??? please
  • kalebsmama07
    also when do i post as a weigh in day???
  • mpbfmom
    mpbfmom Posts: 49 Member
    I weighed in today at 266.8 (down 3.2 this week) :happy:
  • ashreneeknutson
    Count me in!!!