Divorcing and need support


Im 28, and currently going through a divorce. Its been really hard, and wondered if there were any people out there who's also been through it, and could help with some support? Ive lost 27lb and am now 131lb, but Im finding bad habits creeping back in. I got back to the gym yesterday and it feels great, but just got to keep going....:smile:


  • monchand
    monchand Posts: 62 Member
    sad but true, I have been through two divorces, finally find Mr. wonderful after the third. My first divorce was at 26, so i can relate. add me if you want
  • jms052664
    jms052664 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm so sorry for your situation. My name is Jacky and I have been through it also and the best advice I got from my attorney was "it is like a roller coaster - you will have ups and downs but eventually you will get off." I just kept reminding myself of that when things got hectic. Try to set small daily goals and that will help you feel good about yourself instead of the big picture.
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    I'm so sorry for your situation. My name is Jacky and I have been through it also and the best advice I got from my attorney was "it is like a roller coaster - you will have ups and downs but eventually you will get off." I just kept reminding myself of that when things got hectic. Try to set small daily goals and that will help you feel good about yourself instead of the big picture.

    Thats the thing, I keep trying to look to the future and then getting in a panic as it seems so hard. Its only been 2 months so still really raw.
  • spiritwolf13
    spiritwolf13 Posts: 67 Member
    Hello well I have never been married so I do not know what you are going through but look at is a new begiining yes cliche but true. Also take pride in how far you come, you have lost weight, are working out and here on MFP getting support. I hope you have a loving supportive family. Journaling helps me not just what I ate but when and how I felt afterwards. Good luck :flowerforyou: Send me afriend request if you like
  • Hi there,

    I went through it myself. I can fully sympathise with you, and dont worry if you feel alone..i certaintly did. I seperated from a 7 year relationship, within which i suffered from depression because of not being happy with how i looked, and since gained loads of weight.. I was 270 pounds. When you seperate in your late 20s it is very shocking. I had post traumatic stress after the breakup as well.

    Last year i lost 75 pounds. Sadly when i was with another partner i gained 30 pounds this year. I lost 18 pounds in the last 2 weeks and i am determinded to get to my ideal weight of 150 pounds asap. I do have a lot of muscle however. Now i am doing it for myself rather than out of shock, or unhappiness. Remember that health is the most important thing, and losing weight is crucial for a healthy and happy life.

    Problem areas for me
    Going out/socialising and drinking and eating unhealthy food and alcohol
    socialise less, do physical activities when sociailising, drink less alcohol and water in the bar
    Coming home after work and being extremety hungry
    always have prepared meals, snacks and water on you always-nuts, peanut butter, apples, bannanas

    Some things that help me

    Cut out wheat, gluten, most sugars
    Eat a small meal or a snack every three hours, which always includes some protein
    Reduced carb intake-replace with energy giving foods and drinks
    Aim to use up your daily calories-your body will struggle to maintain weight loss-eat high cal low fat/sugar/salt foods
    Drink black coffee to increase my slow metabolism and steady blood sugar levels
    High lean protein foods-tuna, eggs, beans, nuts
    HIIT high intensity interval training
    EMS electronic muscle stimulation systems

    Supplements:-Adios, kelp, apple cider vinegar, green tea, water retention tabs, cayenne pepper tabs

    I hope this helps. Keep your head up and do it for yourself. Fitness and wellbeing will make you happier on its own!

  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Hi there,

    I went through it myself. I can fully sympathise with you, and dont worry if you feel alone..i certaintly did. I seperated from a 7 year relationship, within which i suffered from depression because of not being happy with how i looked, and since gained loads of weight.. I was 270 pounds. When you seperate in your late 20s it is very shocking. I had post traumatic stress after the breakup as well.

    Last year i lost 75 pounds. Sadly when i was with another partner i gained 30 pounds this year. I lost 18 pounds in the last 2 weeks and i am determinded to get to my ideal weight of 150 pounds asap. I do have a lot of muscle however. Now i am doing it for myself rather than out of shock, or unhappiness. Remember that health is the most important thing, and losing weight is crucial for a healthy and happy life.

    Problem areas for me
    Going out/socialising and drinking and eating unhealthy food and alcohol
    socialise less, do physical activities when sociailising, drink less alcohol and water in the bar
    Coming home after work and being extremety hungry
    always have prepared meals, snacks and water on you always-nuts, peanut butter, apples, bannanas

    Some things that help me

    Cut out wheat, gluten, most sugars
    Eat a small meal or a snack every three hours, which always includes some protein
    Reduced carb intake-replace with energy giving foods and drinks
    Aim to use up your daily calories-your body will struggle to maintain weight loss-eat high cal low fat/sugar/salt foods
    Drink black coffee to increase my slow metabolism and steady blood sugar levels
    High lean protein foods-tuna, eggs, beans, nuts
    HIIT high intensity interval training
    EMS electronic muscle stimulation systems

    Supplements:-Adios, kelp, apple cider vinegar, green tea, water retention tabs, cayenne pepper tabs

    I hope this helps. Keep your head up and do it for yourself. Fitness and wellbeing will make you happier on its own!


    Thank you. It really does make you feel alone. So many of my friends are getting married/having kids, and now being 28, I feel like Ive wasted 10 years of my life, and having to start all over again. I feel a failure of being divorced already (although the divorce was not my choice at all). Its only been 2 months, so feels so raw and depressing. this time of year doesnt help coming up to Xmas. I try to hide my feelings as dont want people to think that Im miserable all the time and not want to spend time with me. Some people I feel look at me when Im upset as though I should be over it by now. Its hard to look to the future. Everyone keeps saying that everything happens for a reason, but Im struggling to find it at the moment!!
  • I hear ya. No one in my family has ever seperated. My sister had 2 kids and is living the perfect life and i am now 31 and i am on my own. My family consider me as the black sheep of the family, and i wont even get an invite on christmas day. Sadly when i started to get introverted, i lost all my friends. I gained some new ones last year, but they turned out to be aquaintances only, when things got rough they were not there.

    I identified that because my family and friends arent there for me, i had issues with being on my own. I am actually quite content with it now, as i have independence. I can socialise with these aquantences now and again but generally im focusing on my fitness which is the key to success in people respecting you, doing well in business and getting on with partners etc. I was with a model this year, and i dont know how i expected her to be comfortable with me when i am not confortable with myself.

    You are a very attractive woman. Just because it didnt work out iwht one person doesnt mean you are a bad person or you should feel ashamed. I just took whatever i could to change, and fundimentally changed myself for my benefit and any future partner.

  • CreepyOne
    CreepyOne Posts: 221 Member
    Here is the cool part lol, you will loose weight and find yourself a hot younger man...........:)
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Here is the cool part lol, you will loose weight and find yourself a hot younger man...........:)

    Dunno about younger, he was a few months younger. Think I need a more mature older man!!
  • I can totally relate. Feel free to add me, if you'd like. :)
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    I hear ya. No one in my family has ever seperated. My sister had 2 kids and is living the perfect life and i am now 31 and i am on my own. My family consider me as the black sheep of the family, and i wont even get an invite on christmas day. Sadly when i started to get introverted, i lost all my friends. I gained some new ones last year, but they turned out to be aquaintances only, when things got rough they were not there.

    I identified that because my family and friends arent there for me, i had issues with being on my own. I am actually quite content with it now, as i have independence. I can socialise with these aquantences now and again but generally im focusing on my fitness which is the key to success in people respecting you, doing well in business and getting on with partners etc. I was with a model this year, and i dont know how i expected her to be comfortable with me when i am not confortable with myself.

    You are a very attractive woman. Just because it didnt work out iwht one person doesnt mean you are a bad person or you should feel ashamed. I just took whatever i could to change, and fundimentally changed myself for my benefit and any future partner.


    You're right. I need to analyze what went wrong so know how to identify it and change it in the future.

    Im sorry about your family. But sometimes those closest to us are the most toxic in our lives. We need to surround ourselves with positive people who will support us, through good and bad
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I'm sorry for your situation. I've never been there, so I don't have a lot of advice as far as that goes.

    Keep yourself going to the gym (or at least working out). Exercise releases endorphins, which combat the stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol). That'll make it easier for you to maintain good habits and not give into the stress.
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    I'm sorry for your situation. I've never been there, so I don't have a lot of advice as far as that goes.

    Keep yourself going to the gym (or at least working out). Exercise releases endorphins, which combat the stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol). That'll make it easier for you to maintain good habits and not give into the stress.

    I got back to the gym yesterday after 2 months, and felt so strong afterwards!! I finally found what everyone was talking about with the "high" you can get. It felt good, so went back again today. Going to try to go to the gym on the same days at the same time, then might make some friends....
  • felicityksr
    felicityksr Posts: 208 Member
    You are a beautiful woman and also on the right track with MFP and your fitness training to become an instructor. Let that be your concentration for now as everything else will fall into place when it is meant to be. I know that sounds a little cliche'; however, I am a firm believer in things happen for a reason. There is something/someone bigger and better out there for you and it will happen. Don't let this event consume you. Trust me, there are worse tragedies that can happen to someone. I went through a divorce in the late 1990's and I didn't know how I would go on, but something like this only makes a person stronger.

    Keep on keeping on. You will be great!
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    You are a beautiful woman and also on the right track with MFP and your fitness training to become an instructor. Let that be your concentration for now as everything else will fall into place when it is meant to be. I know that sounds a little cliche'; however, I am a firm believer in things happen for a reason. There is something/someone bigger and better out there for you and it will happen. Don't let this event consume you. Trust me, there are worse tragedies that can happen to someone. I went through a divorce in the late 1990's and I didn't know how I would go on, but something like this only makes a person stronger.

    Keep on keeping on. You will be great!

    Thank you. I just keep saying to myself that the future will be better, but at the moment it feels like your whole world is falling apart. Im really grateful for the great people on MFP.
  • Hello,
    I went through a very hard divorce when I was 28 also. My daughter was 1 when her dad left! It was VERY hard, very painful and I had no one to turn to. I was very alone. All of my friends were his friends, his family was my family and of course they all stuck with him. We had moved to his town, and I had no friends or family to help. My family was not supportative at all. It was so hard some days, but I had my daughter to keep my busy and motivate me. I had to move to a new town, get a job and make new friends. I did it though and every small victory was like a boost in self esteem. I started feeling like I could do anything, I was raising my daughter all by my self, I was working full time, paying my own bills and making new friends...good friends that helped me get through all the hard stuff. My X was fighting me for custody of our daughter and I was not gonna let him win, I needed her as much as she needed me! In the end, we setteled for shared custody and it all worked out, her dad and I are friends still and I realize it was for the best. I met a great man in my new town and am now married and have three great kids!
    Always remember that you cannot let this beat you, you are too strong for that. Maybe you don't need to lose weight for a while, concentrate on being healthy and getting through each day a little stronger. Exercise can be great if it takes your mind off things for a while. And don't try to be happy to please your friends! Any friends that are worth keeping will understand that you are sad. Like you said, it was 10 years of your life! You have every right to fall apart!
  • I know things might look tough right at this point in your life. All I can say is find good friends or someone you an talk to. It will help. It might help to connect with a church group of person who can help you find the answers you seek.
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Everyone is being so nice. Thank you.x
  • I just went through this last year. Our divorced was finalized March 28th 2011. I say one of the happiest days in my life. I know how you feel. Take one day at a time and relax. I'm here I'd you ever need a friend to talk to.
  • stephevers1227
    stephevers1227 Posts: 175 Member
    I was about your age when my first husband and I separated. My kids were 5 and just barely 2. I got an additional part time job waitressing in order to keep my house and my mom watched the kids so I didn't have a babysitter for that job. I was exhausted but it was empowering to realize I could do it on my own. I went to counseling and she told me to get a notebook and when I was feeling strongly, to write it down and get it out of my head. Sounds weird but it did help...i stopped obsessing over every little thing and focused on what I could do that was best for me and my kids. Two years later, I met my current husband and I actually had the confidence to approach HIM. Now, he's 7 years younger, was a cute cop in uniform and HOT HOT HOT. If you need someone to talk to about it, feel free to add me as a friend. I've been through the good and bad. ;)