What's your frame/build? I'm 5'3"and...



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    You can actually measure your frame. Google, "body frame calculator" (I would post the link but I'm on my phone, no tabs) and you can see how to measure to know for sure. Your frame size has to do with how big your bones are, not whether or not you hold muscle well.

    I'm short and everyone is always telling me how I have a tiny "build", but I'm actually a medium frame, borderline large! I'm 5 feet tall.

    According to those I am always small frame, but it doesn't take into account my muscle nor the fact that despite a 28 inch back, I am still an F cup in bras.
  • Ifly4free
    Ifly4free Posts: 203 Member
    Hi. I'm 5'5" and currently at 120 lbs. My highest weight last winter was 141 lbs. I've always been fairly thin. I do believe I have a small frame according to my wrist size and my overall body frame.

  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I'm not really sure either. I think I'm a smallish medium. If that makes sense. Right now I'm overweight, so it's hard to tell.
  • pinguina8
    pinguina8 Posts: 17 Member
    5'2.5", about 125 pounds, and a small frame (wrist circumference of 5.5 inches) with lots of curves
  • logicandlove
    logicandlove Posts: 191 Member
    I'm 5'7"/8", and definitely hour-glass shaped (measurements usually around 40-32-43) with a medium/large build. I've always been overweight though, since I tend to hold weight in my thighs, and some in my stomach.
    My smallest was 160 2 years ago, but I was struggling with an eating disorder at the time, so not the healthiest way to lose weight. However, it's where you can best see my shape

  • Just did the wrist test online to check frame size and it was stated that I am medium frame. My goal weight is 118 pounds.
  • I, as well as everyone who loves me, had me convinced that I was "big boned" or larger framed since I was 8 years old - just to prevent hurt feelings. My mom used to comment on my "football" player shoulders (because they were wide - which they are - so i assumed again that I had a large frame) I believed this my entire life until I made the commitment to change my lifestyle. I lost weight at 18 (about 30 lbs) and still felt I had a medium to large built frame. Now trhat I am at my lowest weight and still losing I am starting to realize that I have quite the petite frame. I have realized how short I am (always saw my 5'5 frame as being taller than it was when I was bigger- maybe to avoid feeling so fat?) , and how small my bone structure is (my wrists are 6 inches, which apparently indicates a normal-small frame). I have wide hips and shoulders still, but my ankles and wrists indicate a small frame. I'm 5'5 and weigh 152 lbs whereas I started out at 193.

    So I guess what I'm getting at is - I never really knew what size my frame was either!! I always thought I got the "manly" frame and my sister got the petite and fragile frame... what I didn't know is that we've basically got the same frame...mine was just hidden for most of my life!
  • kmcka637
    kmcka637 Posts: 13 Member
    You sound very similar to me.
    -5''4, 160 lbs, 22 years old

    Been doing MFP for just over a month now. Can I ask how long it took you to lose your weight?
  • I'm 5'9'' and 144 pounds.
    I'm hourglass shaped and I used a frame/build calculator and it said I had a small frame.
    I would recommend using the calculator, although I'm not sure how entirely accurate it is.
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    I'm 5'3" and my starting weight on MFP was 185. I'm currently 156. My doctor told me that I have a large body frame, and that I should be 150. My ultimate goal is to be 145. If I still believe I need to lose more, the lowest I will go down is 140, but, I want to stay in the 140s-150 for the rest of my life.
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I'm 5'3" weighing 170lbs, wrist 6.5 inches(large frame). I want to get down to 140lbs.

  • I am a small build, I'm 5'4" and at my goal weight of 108.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    I just did it too and it said large. pretty cool!

    5'4 7.25 wrist
  • rgoodearl
    rgoodearl Posts: 360 Member
    6'5" and 222
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Im 5'9ish and weigh about 150. (varies a few pounds). I have lost my butt, belly, and chest, along with 96 pounds! My profile pic was taken 2 days ago. I guess I have an "average" build?? I dunno..

    I wear a US size 8, very FEW 6s..(depending on brand). Juinors size 7.
  • I have always been told I have a large frame. I am 5'6" and currently 218lbs I am still in a size 18 us jeans but they fall down but I am not small enough for a size 16 yet :). my goal is 165lbs, that is what my doctor and I decided is my ideal weight after she took measurements and looked at some of my old x-rays to determine my bone size, she also took into account the I am a DD in bra size.
  • I feel like a giant looking at you guys' heights. I'm 5'9" and currently weigh 281, down from 308... but I know I have a small frame. Here's a link to something that will help gauge your frame.

  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    *To determine your frame size:

    Grip your wrist using your thumb and index finger.
    If your finger and thumb don't touch you are a LARGE frame.
    If your finger and thumb just touch you are a MEDIUM frame.
    If your finger and thumb overlap you are a SMALL frame.

  • Im Avg 5 6 and a medium frame :) my goal is between 140-150
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member