Weight Loss Supplements - Ideas or Suggestions



  • wk9t
    wk9t Posts: 237 Member
    Omega 3 Fish Oil is a good supplement for heart health and it helps lower cholesterol.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    The majority of them just have 200-300mg doses of caffeine.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    I would start by walking a little more each day, and eventually think about a recumbent bike.
  • moejo3
    moejo3 Posts: 224 Member
    :happy: :

    Vegetables as snacks seem to really help. Just keep eating healthy and balanced foods with lots of water and it will come off. I figure it took time to come on it will take time to come off. Best of luck!
  • Kawaii618
    Kawaii618 Posts: 21 Member
    Does anyone on here DVR the Dr.Oz show? They have this new transformation nation thing going on and on most of his shows have alot of great tips on weight loss and healthy living.

    I recently saw a show where they talk about the benefits of Brown Seaweed supplements and how it helps reduce belly fat and boost metabolism. Maybe you can look it up on his website.
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    If you are not on anti-depressants, and you really would like to use something, take St. Johns Wort (mood enhancer) and a B-12 (energy) together pre-workout. Coffee or Red Bull if your budget allows.
  • chollingshed74
    chollingshed74 Posts: 57 Member
    water is a great weight loss supplement....before you eat...drink a full glass of water...guarantee you'll eat less than you would have....really works
  • DDsMrs
    DDsMrs Posts: 107 Member
    Everyone is right...every supplement out there has been found to have questionable stuff in it. Why risk it? The safest thing is to lose 1-2 pounds a week with hard work and healthy eating. I've lost 27.6 pounds since the end of September doing it that way. Part of me wishes it was faster, but I also understand that the weight didn't go on overnight and it isn't going to come off overnight either. It's more likely to stay off if I take it off slowly.

  • christ4life63
    christ4life63 Posts: 68 Member
    HI, You all give out wonder advice Thank YOU .. I also have asthma an bad knee, but I realize the over weight doesn't help
    the matter. Thats why I made the choice to loose weight, I lost 12 lbs in 1 month, I watch what I eat I walk couple times a week, and I live on the 3rd floor which is 36 stairs one way and we dont have elevators LOL.
    But I was so determine to loose weight, i always had excuses, but no MOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

    Good Luck everyone.

    Happy Holidays to everyone and your family.:flowerforyou:
  • I also really know what you're going through. I seriously struggle with patience, and always want fast results. Not just with weight loss with just about everything. But I've simply decided to not do that this time. I eat a lot of vegetables. You can eat tons of green leafy veggies they have so few calories. I actually never let my self get hungry. I eat a protein with every meal. I eat a snack in the afternoon. And I drink 3 liters of water everyday. And take a multivitamin one day and the next I alternate just about the same concoction of herbal supplements - we must read the same info. Kelp, dandelion, seaweed, and nettle. Helps the liver and kidneys do their job better thereby boosting metabolism.
  • Very positive people and responses :)

    Thanks so much! I feel like being apart of MFP will help tremendously :)
  • I have always heard the best thing you can do is incorporate a lot of fiber in your diet. It is helpful in a lot of ways other than the obvious. It helps keep you full so you don't eat as much of the bad stuff, it also helps take bad cholesterol out of your system and just is overall good for your digestive health. I started taking metamucil in 8 oz of water followed by 8 oz of water about 20 min before I eat twice a day and it really helps you feel full longer. I love the fact that it's good for me too. It says on the can that if you do that 3 times a day you will see a drop in your cholesterol, but I found that was too much for me so good luck on your weight loss journey!!!
  • Fish oil. And green tea. Healthy, enjoyable and fat burning.