Scale not moving? Don't freak out - see photos



  • Fighting4Healthy
    Fighting4Healthy Posts: 336 Member
    this post makes me feel so much better! I let the scale rule over me, but seeing your pic that helps me realize that I am better than my scale!
  • sara338
    You look amazing! You must have worked very hard. Keep up the great work! :)
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,375 Member
    I need to show this to my mom! She freaked out because I had a 2 lb gain one week. I told her after strength training for a while I'm bound to gain a little muscle weight before I start losing again. You look great, and I am posting that list on my fridge, next to my vision board. Thanks for this post!
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    I need to show this to my mom! She freaked out because I had a 2 lb gain one week. I told her after strength training for a while I'm bound to gain a little muscle weight before I start losing again. You look great, and I am posting that list on my fridge, next to my vision board. Thanks for this post!

    You'll also weigh more the day after a workout due to water weight. You create micro tears in your muscles when you workout; this is how you get stronger. Your body will retain water to repair these tears. For consistency purposes I only weigh in on days that follow a rest day :)
  • ladybuglvr
    ladybuglvr Posts: 13 Member
    Thank u for posting! I SO needed to read this today!! You look fabulous :)
  • zenJes
    zenJes Posts: 198 Member
    GREAT work, loving the photos i think im definately going to have to take some and see where crossfit takes me!!!
    It really scares me when i see people weighing themselves every day, i hardly do it once a month :D all about the results in fitness and strength more!!
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING THIS! I joined a gym October 7. I haven't even lost two lbs yet. I've been working out hard with weights and a trainer. Inches are creeping down and my clothes fit so much better, but it's SO discouraging not to see the scale move!

    You look fab, woman!
  • Carrie704
    looking good! I'm in the same boat. thanks for posting
  • chicago_dad
    thanks for posting.
  • Aurelina
    Aurelina Posts: 197 Member
    Most excellent!!
  • Denik71
    Denik71 Posts: 22 Member
    You look awesome! :smile:
  • amg0811
    amg0811 Posts: 2 Member
    Awesome post! Thanks for sharing! I couldn't agree more!
  • jewel6018
    jewel6018 Posts: 210 Member
    You look fantastic. Thank you for sharing. I also needed to see progress pics. I have lost weight but I can't wait until my body is totally toned. You should be so proud of yourself. You worked hard and it shows. Congrats
  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    I TOTALLY needed this today - Thank you so much!
    Your photos look fantastic and really does hit home that I need to stop obsessing about "'weight" and more about being fit/healthy.
    Tuesday Hero! YAY
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,375 Member
    I need to show this to my mom! She freaked out because I had a 2 lb gain one week. I told her after strength training for a while I'm bound to gain a little muscle weight before I start losing again. You look great, and I am posting that list on my fridge, next to my vision board. Thanks for this post!

    You'll also weigh more the day after a workout due to water weight. You create micro tears in your muscles when you workout; this is how you get stronger. Your body will retain water to repair these tears. For consistency purposes I only weigh in on days that follow a rest day :)

    Even a straight aerobic day? I try not to do strength the day before weigh-in. I have to call my mom after every weigh-in to tell her my weight because she's paying for the program I'm doing (you'd think I was 16, not 45!), and last week I had lost the 2 plus another 1, and she said she didn't want to hear about any more gains. Oy! :huh:
  • ahadj
    ahadj Posts: 257 Member
    Wow!! What an awesome transformation. I feel the same way about the past month that I've spent doing Jillian Michael's 30DS - I've barely lost a pound, but the difference in the mirror is huge!

    Seriously though, you look awesome. I'm 5'5 as well, and around 135 lbs. I don't look nearly as fit as you do -- that little number doesn't mean much! Congrats on your progress.
  • catattack13
    you are wonderful :) thank you for this!
  • princessf1
    princessf1 Posts: 495 Member
    Great inspirational post! Thank you! You look amazing!:smile:
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    great job! You look great!
  • au640
    au640 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for posting this--you look great!! I'm trying to work on strength training and I get easily frustrated with the friggin scale.