Friends with your ex's



  • bonnynblithe04
    bonnynblithe04 Posts: 123 Member
    Only one ex ... nosireebob! Not only does he have problems with telling the truth, I don't think he likes women very much!

    Saw some recent photos ... don't recognize him and realize I don't really know him. Never did.
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    I'm "facebook" friends with most of them, but not friends so to speak. Doesn't really motivate me too much, honestly. At first, it did but was for the wrong reasons; to make them jealous. That motivation has to be for me, myself, and I and NOT for a sinful reason.
  • dragonflybird
    I'm friend's with most of my exes. :)
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    Nope and all the better for it. My reprieve from civil behavior was about 6 years ago when my son cut ties.
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    I tend to still be friends with all my X's. (Meaning boyfriends, I have never been married) My most serious, we were together 7 years, looked at rings, but never got officially engaged, then split. He's probably my best friend. He always seems to be there when I need him. It's kinda sad, cuz I love him dearly, but just not "in that way". We definitely make better friends then lovers. We travel together & do dinners and concerts, but strictly as friends. I kinda think he hopes we will get back together, but I don't see it.
  • oldsoul918
    oldsoul918 Posts: 110 Member
    Not at all. Mainly because my Fiance gets extremely angry when I talk to any guys, let alone an ex. If he wasn't so mad about it, there is only one I wouldn't mind talking to anyway. The rest... I wouldn't care if I never saw them again.

    This doesn't seem healthy at all.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Nope. Not friends. They are ex's for a reason. No need to hold on to something that's not there.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I have 0 friendships with my ex's. Mostly because I dated A TON of random people and none of them went anywhere. I've been married happily for 3 years almost and we could care less what happened to our ex's. Fortunately I suppose I barely even recall names or faces. Anyone I dated long term (more then 3 months LOL) was in complete agreement that once the relationship ends there is nothing more. Guess the only thing that sucked about it was if I was friends with their friends I would just cut them off because it was easier to just let things to back to the way they were then to drag it out. My husband only dated a couple girls before me met me because he's super geeky and shy like that. We have such an awesome relationship and I talk to male acquaintances at school and church enough to not feel the need to talk to an ex or old guy friend. :smile: I think the best thing is whatever makes you happy.
  • canroadrunner
    canroadrunner Posts: 203 Member
    Yep, my ex husband and his wife are friends ( I call her my wife in law). They'll be here for Christmas dinner with the kids.

    A lot of the credit for being able to be friends rests with his wife who took A LOT of flack from HER friends. Apparently they could not believe we got along.

    However, I will never forget that she took the high road. I think the telling comment was at their wedding. After the ceremony, I congratulated them, said I'd see them at the reception and she said "What, you aren't coming with us for the family pictures?" And so I did.

    There is a picture hanging on their wall of my ex with his arm around me and around her. I told her this is the one we'll use at the funeral.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    Just facebook friends, basically. We're civil but we didn't have much to talk about when we were together so why the hell would we talk now? I am still friendly with his family but barely talk to him. I'm mostly only still in contact with him to rub in his face how awesome I am :D

    I lost weight pretty quickly after we broke up due to less emotional eating and more emotional working out, but I've stabilized and he has no effect on it at all. Other than the rubbing in his face thing. Which benefits me in the end.
  • mrsknotts
    he's hes an alcoholic and threatening
  • mwright24skinny
    mwright24skinny Posts: 122 Member
    Oh my gosh!! Someone please take my aggravating ex off my hands. He wants to be friends because he always needs something. I never had to put up with him for the past 9 years until these past 2 years since he got divorce. I thought I could be his friend but he drives me nuts!!!!
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Not at all. Mainly because my Fiance gets extremely angry when I talk to any guys, let alone an ex. If he wasn't so mad about it, there is only one I wouldn't mind talking to anyway. The rest... I wouldn't care if I never saw them again.

    Not setting off any red flags or warning bells, eh?
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    If something ever prompted me to give her the boot, I'd never want to see her face ever again.
    Get Lost!

    I can't imagine being friends. :smokin:
  • deethinks
    I am friends with like one who I still like. I still use it as a inspiration to get fit so I can be like "SUCK IT!" and what not. I also plan when I get fit to take my first bikini photo and friend my ex's on fb.
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    I don't have many true ex's. I was in 2 somewhat serious relationship, and I don't talk to either. The first is by my choice. After he ran off with a close friend of mine, I had the chance to speak with him a few years later when things didn't work between them. Apparently he thought we could just pick up where we left off a few years ago. LOL We were friends on MySpace (way back before Facebook took over), and one day I finally decided to let go and let the past be the past with him.

    The 2nd ex is by my choice too. He was freaking PSYCHO! We dated a total of 4 months - 3 of which we lived together, only 1 of which was really great. BIG mistake. I felt we could work on things better if I wasn't living with him and we just dated like we should have before moving so quickly. Wow, the stuff he sent me in his email just reeked with angry and hatred. I was okay with just being friends because up until that point, nothing really bad had happened. We just weren't meant for each other. It sucks too because he's best friends with my best friend's husband! And unfortunately, he would be the type that couldn't be civil for their sake, if we were in the same room.
  • kyrstensmom
    kyrstensmom Posts: 297 Member
    Not at all. Mainly because my Fiance gets extremely angry when I talk to any guys, let alone an ex. If he wasn't so mad about it, there is only one I wouldn't mind talking to anyway. The rest... I wouldn't care if I never saw them again.

    Not setting off any red flags or warning bells, eh? flag is flying high.
  • Well, my ex nicknamed me "tubby" ... even though we're still friends, I always get nervous about my appearance & NEVER eat in front of him.

    He's a cool guy, just a really dry, blunt sense of humor.
  • springfield5780
    Not friends at all with ex husband he is a major tool! My current love was actually an Ex. We remained friends and got back together. The anniversary of our first date is today and we celebrate it like we were never apart. We had a lot of rocky roads but they paved the way for a wonderful relationship! <3
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    My ex and I live together. That part of our relationship ended almost a year ago. But we're best friends and are very supportive of each other. Living together is obviously tremendously helpful for expenses and other everyday things, just as with any roommate. I'm sure we'll reevaluate once we both graduate, but there's no reason to live apart at the moment.