protein for girls??? :)



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Obviously girls need protein just as much as boys, but I don't think protein drinks are necessary or desirable. They are just extra calories.

    Eat sensibly, and exercise and you'll be fine. That's all there is to it, really.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Strength train now. Don't wait. It is funny to me that people put this off. When it is such a beneficial tool to weight loss. Did you know the more muscle you have the more cals you burn sitting around. Did you also know that strength training also strengthens your bones. Helping with osteoporosis later on in life. I am a certified personal trainer. If you have any questions on the matter. I fully stand behind strength training!!!

    This. I protein shake because the bars are so high in calories, they're just not worth it and I can't reach my protein goal of 115% of my body weight without them.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I use protein shakes. Gold standard 100% whey has been my favourite. Lot's of flavours and tastes nice with just water. Also fairly low in calories with 110-130 cals per scoop and 24g of protein!

    I'm of the opinion that strength training is important wherever you are in your weight loss. Losing weight through diet and cardio alone you will lose some lean mass (muscle) whereas getting enough protein and having a solid lifting program will help you to maintain the muscle you have, giving you a more toned look afterwards.
    It is also great for your bones and you can improve strength while you're at it :)
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    I agree with some of the previous posters.

    Don't Wait to build muscle! Muscle burns more calories than fat does (body composition wise)

    A mix of food proteins and protein supplements will do your body good!

    There is a lot of information here I recommend you take the time to read all the"thumb tacked" or "stickys" from the general diet and weight loss section of the forums.

    Answers to a lot of other commonly asked questions can be found here as well:
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I drink protein shakes on a daily basis .....

    AND as for the toning, you should be doing weight training 2-3 days a week -- Reason being - when you lose weight, something like 30% of what you lose is MUSCLE! NOT a good thing -- so if you do strength training you can minimize your muscle loss..... Addiitonally, (as one of my trainer friends at the gym put it) you want to be doing strength training so when you do lose the weight you want, it is muscle under there! *added bonus, muscle burns more calories (even at rest) than fat does. - don't worry you're not giong to bulk up.... not possible unless you're taking testosterone or something. ;)

    Good luck!
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    A general rule of thumb is one gram of protein for every pound of goal weight (so goal = 125 lbs....aim for 125 grams of protein daily.) The Smart Reclaim powders from Complete Nutrition are pretty tasty and low in carbs.

    Start strength training now. It will give you a much better appearance in the long run. If you go to a gym, a lot of times they will have someone show you the ropes for free. If not, a lot of workout DVDs are pretty inexpensive to start. Cardio is also good for your overall health and well-being, but strength training gives you a shape you can't get with just cardio.
  • tiamaria8182
    tiamaria8182 Posts: 120 Member
    I don't know what classes your local gym might have but I go to a kettlebells class that is great for toning up PLUS cardio. Depending on the day and what we do I burn around 350-360 cal/per 30 min class. I also drink Jillian Michaels whey protein shakes with coconut or almond milk after workouts in the evening.
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    Thanks everybody this has helped tons! Now... any strength training tips/reps?

    I am doing the recommended workouts from the New Rules of lifting for women (check your library). So far I love it.

    It is easy to read, and has a nutrition guideline as well as the workouts to get you started. I am a complete beginner, and I find it just the right mix of challenging, without being too easy or hard.

    Good luck!
  • mandynichole88
    Hey all,

    START LIFTING NOW. You will thank myself and anyone else giving you that information right now in the long run.

    So this is not my account :D but, my fiance always talks about the females on your site asking questions about "toning" and how much protein they should get and if its okay if they use protein supplements (bars/powders) to reach these goals.

    In the first part of those issues there is no such thing as toning, you are either building muscle or loosing fat you have to eat a caloric surplus for the former and a caloric deficit for the later. (In the case of a person new to lifting there is a short time frame where they can do both but this is short lived and does not go on for long).

    In the second area of issue there is no magic number that everyone should shoot for. There are general guidelines to follow to make sure that the weight your loosing is not muscle and is fat. Such as keeping 30-40% of your daily calories coming from protein sources. This can be any type of meat/whey powder/bar. Any way you can get your protein then go for it, just be careful to realize that getting 30g from a whole food source (meat and cheese) will make you fuller and keep you fuller longer than any drink or bar will.

    That may seem to be alot of protein but i promise it can happen if you try (my fiance is a pescetarian and she hits her protein macro on the regular).

    So just to sum it up.
    1. Start Lifting (not little pink dumbells they keep in the corner of the gym) Look up a solid lifting plan or ask for help from someone to point you toward a good routine.

    2. Get plenty of protein (30-40% of your calories from it. This can be changed in the goals menu of your mfp account.)
    Protein also burns more calories by the body during digestion than carbs or fat so you burn more cals!

    3. Using protein powders and bars are just fine. (As long as you realize they are for SUPPLEMENTATION and not meant to be your only sources of protein)

    Source - Myself (ISSA certified Personal fitness trainer) (lost over 100lbs) (TONS of personal research)
  • firefly171717
    firefly171717 Posts: 226 Member
    Strength train now. Don't wait. It is funny to me that people put this off. When it is such a beneficial tool to weight loss. Did you know the more muscle you have the more cals you burn sitting around. Did you also know that strength training also strengthens your bones. Helping with osteoporosis later on in life. I am a certified personal trainer. If you have any questions on the matter. I fully stand behind strength training!!!

    Definitly, the faster you start the faster the results, its good to do both and doing both cardio and strength will help the results of both :-)