for those people who MFP have their net calories @ 1200...



  • For me, the more often I am below my net the more and faster I lose. The days I exercise I do eat some exercise calories back but not all of them. I was trying the advice of eating them all back but it did not work and I didn't lose anything! So i tried eating some and not all and it has worked for me!
  • Nattiejean57
    Nattiejean57 Posts: 217 Member
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    I exercise so I can eat more. I ALWAYs eat them back.
  • I have to eat some of them back or I simply don't have the energy to exercise which is what we need to do to higher our metabolic rate and improve our overall fitness. Some dayz i'm ok but on dn days I feel sick and dizzy I make sure I eat more. My calorie count per day is 1270.
  • sammywil
    sammywil Posts: 104
    Sometimes I do - sometimes I dont. If I feel hungry then I will if i dont then i wont. Its what ever works for you!
  • I'm at 1,400 cals. Have been for 6 months. I'm totally against the "NET calories" Why would you want to eat the calories you just burned off. Doesn't make sense to me.

    Male eating 1400 and nothing else? o.O whatever works for ya bro

    eats exercise calories. My muscles like being fed!

    Eating that little is bound to break down muscle mass. Skinny fat doesn't look good on anyone.

    Can also cause a stall and all the hard work does nothing:
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    at the moment my cals are set to 1200 to lose 1.2lb a week and I still have 60+lbs to go
    I do now eat exercise calories as I get nearer to target I will do more exercise (I am due an operation in the new year-so exercise at present is difficult)and not eat them all back and or reduce the number of lbs a week to lose
  • veni84
    veni84 Posts: 29
    i've been at 1200 since i started 3 months ago i'm always under 200-300 calories and i've lost weight. but i seem to plateau a lot. i'll be at the same weight for a week then the next week drop 1.5lbs
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I have had my calories set at 1000 for most of the time I have been on MFP (since last May) I have been loosing an average 2.5 # per week. I was exercising 1-2 hours per day and not eating any exercise calories, For the last two weeks I tried exercising 3 hours per day and I stopped loosing weight, so apparently, for me anyway, there is a point of diminishing returns after 2 hours of exercise per day. I am healthier than I have been in years. When I started my quest for health I was in constant pain and had trouble walking half a mile. I am no longer handicapped by pain and I can now easily walk a hour at 3.5 MPH. The MFP 1200 calories is an average amount that may be too little for some people or too much for some. I advise everyone to try various levels to find where they actually are. I tried 1200 for a while when I first found MFP and stopped loosing weight (I had been at 1000 before finding MFP). I went back to 1000 and started loosing again... I wish MFP did not use the phrase "starvation mode" because medically that means loss of lean body mass and that doesn't happen until you reach 5-6% body fat, what MFP is talking about is metabolic slow down, which to totally different. (That's what happened to me when I upped my exercise, I certainly didn't LOOSE muscle mass.)
  • jagoochie
    jagoochie Posts: 218 Member
    i tried 1200 for ages and eating back calories and nothing was happening and i felt pants - have upped to around 1400 but no more than my BMR of 1650 a day and i am loosing and have more energy

    if i am hungry i will eat more, but always stay below my BMR calories needed
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Yes, eat your exercise calories, because MFP already has your goals set with weight loss taken into account.
    EAT UP - lol
  • Iv noticed that everyone seems to be saying they are managing to stay under there calorie goal just thought I'd say it's worse to eat less than ur target calories you should either eat bang on 1200 or a little over as your body stores fat when you eat under as you are sending your body into starvation mode meaning it will take longer to lose the weight and your weight continue to plato
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    1200 a day and yes, I eat most of my exercise calories.

    After three months, I've gotten used to smaller portions and lighter choices (more or less) and I've gradually upped the exercise a bit. To start with it was 15 min of walking and I needed every extra calorie! Nowdays I easily do 300 calories on the stationary bike just pedalling in front of the TV, so I can leave one or two hundred calories uneaten.

    My weight loss has slowed down with holiday social events and all the food and drink that they entail, but I'm keeping on, keeping on!
  • Weathers58
    Weathers58 Posts: 246 Member
    I'm set at 1200 and the answer is I do eat them back sometimes but not always. For instance on Weds evening I ran and burned 1566 over ten miles I finsihed running at 8 pm so its not going to happen is it?

    I ate another 500 or so cals and felt full and ok for rest of the evewning.

    If I run in the morning I'm starving by dinner and eat all my cals plus my excercise cals.

    I also lose about 1lb a week even if I dont excercise but thats rare for me to go a week without burning at least 1000 cals (2 normal runs)

    I've only got 10 lbs to go and then I'll reset my goals to maintain

    Hope this helps
  • Weathers58
    Weathers58 Posts: 246 Member
    Iv noticed that everyone seems to be saying they are managing to stay under there calorie goal just thought I'd say it's worse to eat less than ur target calories you should either eat bang on 1200 or a little over as your body stores fat when you eat under as you are sending your body into starvation mode meaning it will take longer to lose the weight and your weight continue to plato

    sorry I dont agree, yes in theory if you eat far less than your allocation but this isn't what this is about.

    Slightly less or certainly if you've been extensively excercising is ok.
  • My Net Calories are what I allow myself. But I try to stick to the original amount, it's just that it's okay to eat over if I work out. Discouraged.
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Im no expert - and not the type of person who is going to say THIS IS WHAT YOU SHOULD OR MUST BE DOING. (Like so many experts here have already done!).

    Since you asked for personal experiences - here is mine...

    I have been on 1200 calories since I joined in May. Ive lost 54pounds (23.5kgs) and during this time I have had 2 International holidays and an Interstate long weekend away. I have recorded one gain only during this time - after a week in Samoa drinking beer to celebrate my 30th birthday.

    I exercise 6 times a week - a mixture of cardio (I now run 6kms at least twice) and weights. I eat between 1160-1260 every day (except for a few Christmas parties of late!!), - and fll my diet with fruit, vegetables and lowfat dairy. I eat bread for breakfast, rice for lunch and sometimes a potato for dinner. I am not starving hungry, most of the time I am actually not even hungry. I certainly dont get the shakes or massive tummy rumbles and I think this is because of what I chose to 'spend' my calories on - good healthy, holesome food. I still drink at least once a week, and I still enjoy pizza (homecooked) and eating out too (just better choices). Ive also adapted some recipes - like low fat banana/raspberry muffins and rum balls - so they are within a reasonable calorie option. (oh I have had 2 or 3 occasions within this time where i have gone to 2000 calories, and I havent tracked whilst on holidays, just FYI - I think these are my treats and there for my enjoyment!)

    I dont eat back my exercise calories. Instead I have a banana either before or after a workout depending on the time. I drink all my water and ensure I am always rehydrated. Im sure my weight loss will slow soon - and I dont expect to continue dropping 1-2kgs in a week or fortnight forever.

    I guess what I am saying is you need to figure out what works for you. MFP offers guidelines, and there are many, hundreds, even more - people who will jump on here ad tell you what you should be doing. I listen to advice, but I honestly dont care. Its all your personal choice. I think the people on here should be supportive, but its noone's business to tell you what to do - or what to eat, or when to do it. I get a bit fed up from time to time at all the directions offered - and I will admit - I wonder if they follow their own advice - do they practice what they preech? Anyway - if you're really after scientific proof, or expert advice, I think there are better places to get it. So my last words - use this time to get to know your body and what its saying. Once you do - you've learnt the best thing - youve learnt how to make this a lifestyle change.

    Feel free to friend me if you like. Here to support and encourage :)
  • Roblyssa
    Roblyssa Posts: 125
    This post is actually brilliant!

    I have been trying to lose weight for 7 weeks and have only lost less than 8lbs!!

    I joined MFP 10 days ago in exasperation, and lost about 2.6lbs in my first week of MFP (taking the total to 7.5lbs).

    I am one who has been eating between 1200-1300 calories per day and no more, and exercising 5-6 times a week but never really touching my exercise calories. I thought that was a no no.

    I I snuck a peek at the scales the other morning (mid-week look) and I had GAINED a pound, so I have convinced myself that my body is physically incapable of losing weight (despite the fact I have sucessfully lost weight in the past).

    I may start to eat closer to 1400 cal a day on my exercise days and see what the scales do. I never get the shakes or dizziness or light headed and when I feel hungry, I eat but still manage to stick to my calorie goal of 1200. I just make better choices of what I eat when I do snack or have meals.

    This post has been very informative, and I will start to look at my weight loss a little differently now and play with some scenarios.
  • My net calories are 1200, I was eating lower cals and i didnt lose but then MFP gave me advice to eat almost all my 1200 cal and it def worked i also try and eat more if i have had a great workout and i have def lost more this way!
  • uboom
    uboom Posts: 69 Member
    I'm at 1,400 cals. Have been for 6 months. I'm totally against the "NET calories" Why would you want to eat the calories you just burned off. Doesn't make sense to me.

    To replace your muscle glycogen. That way your muscles repair and recover quicker, so you can train harder next time and sooner. This translates into big gains. Just don't use the calorie burn numbers on this site. They are too high.

    Oh you could choose to not eat the calories back and will loose weight faster, but you won't have a stronger body or as strong a body if you eat some of those calories back. Body needs fuel to transform itself.