for those people who MFP have their net calories @ 1200...



  • lucysposaro
    lucysposaro Posts: 132 Member
    My calroie intake is 1200 a day i usually always stay under that even before my exereice so when iv done my exersice iv gained more calories to use if i wanted but i usually dont because i exerecie after diinner.
  • dizzo365
    dizzo365 Posts: 2 Member
    I say what ever works for you do it. Everyone's body is different. I tried to eat my calories back and remained at a stand still. The week prior i did the opposite and lost 6.8 pounds. So just remember everyone has a different body, it's not "one size fits all" thing here. Do what works best for you!
  • lucysposaro
    lucysposaro Posts: 132 Member
    I also forgot to add i do lose more weight staying under with exereice then what i do not exereicing and just tracking what i eat,What im doign seems to be working great
  • I'm on 1200 and it's working really well for me. I've lost 40Ibs. I excercise 5 times a week also.

    Good Luck
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Oh you could choose to not eat the calories back and will loose weight faster, but you won't have a stronger body or as strong a body if you eat some of those calories back. Body needs fuel to transform itself.

    Really? I squat 75 lbs, and bench press 50lbs, can also pec dec 40lbs.... I consider myself to be very strong, infact Ive gone from a grosely obese women to a medium, athletic shaped women in 7 months. Without 'refueling' my body...

    Just saying - everyone is different! :happy:
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    No one's body is the same. Sometimes I am under 1200 but I do not worry about it or think it is bad for me. I am a petite person and a number that prevents "starvation" for a 170lb woman is obviously not the same number for me, MFP just places it there to discourage starving or misunderstanding on their weight loss predictions.

    I eat 1000-1200, lift weights, and have a strong and healthy body according to my doctor. I have suffered from anorexia as a young teenager and I can feel when I am starving, malnourished, or sick. If I ate 1200, then went for a long walk but didn't feel like eating, I would not eat those calories back.
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    I am at 1200 calories and I am definitely losing. I only eat back my exercise calories when I am hungry. I do not starve myself. If I am hungry, I eat. I am a daily weigher, so every couple of days I lose a half a pound or so. When I go 1 week without losing anything, I eat at maintenance for a day or two. Usually the next day I lose 2 lbs. So the trick, for me at least, is to know when to have a "cheat day" So my body is assured that it is allowed to drop more weight.
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    Oh you could choose to not eat the calories back and will loose weight faster, but you won't have a stronger body or as strong a body if you eat some of those calories back. Body needs fuel to transform itself.

    Really? I squat 75 lbs, and bench press 50lbs, can also pec dec 40lbs.... I consider myself to be very strong, infact Ive gone from a grosely obese women to a medium, athletic shaped women in 7 months. Without 'refueling' my body...

    Just saying - everyone is different! :happy:

    QFT! Weight lifting is awesome :-) There is no cookie cutter diet plan, I have found my body's maintenance through trial and error and it is not precisely what MFP predicts.
  • linnapee
    linnapee Posts: 14 Member
    I'm at 1,400 cals. Have been for 6 months. I'm totally against the "NET calories" Why would you want to eat the calories you just burned off. Doesn't make sense to me.

    I'm totally with you here! Sometimes I burn 1000+ calories at the gym and I don't know how to eat an extra 1000 calories. It's like saying hey I worked hard to burn all these calories, now I have to put you all back into my body.

    Yes, I eat more on the days I exercise, but sometimes I can't get anywhere near my 'NET calories'. I eat when I'm hungry. If I'm full, I'm not going to force myself to eat more just to get my NET calories to where it 'should' be.
  • TeeMaxs
    TeeMaxs Posts: 5 Member
    Today will be my 1st day of net calories @ 1200, read other post, will keep you posted next Thursday on how I'm doing.
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Oh you could choose to not eat the calories back and will loose weight faster, but you won't have a stronger body or as strong a body if you eat some of those calories back. Body needs fuel to transform itself.

    Really? I squat 75 lbs, and bench press 50lbs, can also pec dec 40lbs.... I consider myself to be very strong, infact Ive gone from a grosely obese women to a medium, athletic shaped women in 7 months. Without 'refueling' my body...

    Just saying - everyone is different! :happy:

    Oops - I actually squat that in kilos - so times it by 2.2....

    So thats squatting 165lbs, bench press 110lbs and pec dec 88lbs. Damn Australian to International conversions!
  • I'm at 1,400 cals. Have been for 6 months. I'm totally against the "NET calories" Why would you want to eat the calories you just burned off. Doesn't make sense to me.

    I agree with this.. Im at 1200 a day and there is no way Im gonna exercise for 60 minutes burn 400 calories then eat them back...You need a calorie deficate to loose weight, if you want to just maintaine i would eat the extra..But again you need to do what works best for you :-) Good luck
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I'm at 1,400 cals. Have been for 6 months. I'm totally against the "NET calories" Why would you want to eat the calories you just burned off. Doesn't make sense to me.

    I agree with this.. Im at 1200 a day and there is no way Im gonna exercise for 60 minutes burn 400 calories then eat them back...You need a calorie deficate to loose weight, if you want to just maintaine i would eat the extra..But again you need to do what works best for you :-) Good luck

    What part of "MFP has already calculated a deficit in your 1200 cals allowance" isn't clear?

    Anyway, When I was losing weight with MFP, I ate all my exercise calories back. There's no way 1200 cals was enough lol!
  • I am at 1200 calories/day. If i dont work out, i do not eat more than 1200. If i do workout I will only eat back SOME of the calories I burn off. SO If i burn off 400 calories, I'll only eat back 200. It works AMAZING - trust me, you will be lighter the next day!

    What are your daily Fat, Carbs and Protein set at?
  • I have always use 1200 and when I did not eat back my exercise calories I would end up with 800-900 cals net. I lost weight drastically doing that but looking back now, I thought I was a lot crankier those times.
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    If I were to put in a 2lb loss a week then I'd get 1200 calories, maybe 1250 max. The thought of only eating this much sends me into despair let alone eating that and not eating my exercise calories back! On average, I burn around 700 calories in a session, you gotta love HRMs!

    You must eat back your exercise calories! Your body needs to know it is expecting x amount of calories a day in order to give you the energy to make it through the day itself and function properly.

    I hope that helps!
  • elizamc
    elizamc Posts: 285 Member
    This is really interesting - my goal is 1250 net per day and I do eat back my exercise calories. I'm 166lbs and aiming to lose 26lbs maybe more (if I can be bothered lol!) but I am really struggling to lose anything at all. I tend to go by my average net calories - somedays i'm over and somedays i am under. This week I was about 1000 over my net cal goal for the week (oops!) but that should still be enough to lose a bit less than 1lb even - but no!!! nothing, nada, everyweek - frustrating is an understatement!

    I'm the same Melanie, struggling to lose anything for months now, up and down the scale within a 4Ibs range. Eaten my calories, not eaten my calories, upped and lowered my daily allowance and nothing is working at all.
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    I'm 1200 net. I allow myself to eat back those exercise calories - sometimes I do - sometimes I don't - usually it's in between. I know me - I don't function well consistently on say 700-800 net calories - that means I used energy to burn off 400-500 calories - typically my body needs some of it back to feel good and energized and happy without feeling "wiped out" the next day. No point getting in a great work out and starving if it means I can't function the next day - that does not feel good or healthy.
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    i tried 1200 for ages and eating back calories and nothing was happening and i felt pants - have upped to around 1400 but no more than my BMR of 1650 a day and i am loosing and have more energy

    if i am hungry i will eat more, but always stay below my BMR calories needed

    That doesn't seem right. My BMR is does that mean I should be eating LESS than that to lose weight? MFP set my calorie goal to 1440 to lose .5 lbs a week. My "goals" page says I burn 1690 calories from normal daily activity. Shouldn't I lose weight by staying UNDER that instead and not worrying about my BMR?
  • I try to eat back half my exercise calories.

    So a typical day may be 1200 calories (base), I exercise and burn 500 calories, so I then add 250 and end up with a goal of eating around 1450 calories.

    Not eating the calories doesn't work.
    Eating 100% of the calories defeats much of the purpose of exercise, and my motivation (in my opinion).

    Eating HALF the calories is my compromise.