Two bad days and worried it's all over

Ahhh I'm so angry with myself for falling off the wagon so to speak. I cant even work out why, combination of lack of exercise (kids off school so unable to go to the gym), boredom and bad weather = bad diet. I have a terrible habit of throwing the towel in after a bad day and now it's been two i'm scared it's all over. Need lots of strength to get back on it. Any advice greatly appreciated!


  • I could have written you post word for word.

    Make the choice to get back on the wagon tomorrow and get back on. You're in control.

    Gee that sounds so simple but that's because it is!

    Good luck.
  • janeinspain
    janeinspain Posts: 173 Member
    Since I started MFP I learned that you can just pick yourself up and carry on where you left off. even if you undid some of the work. it doesn't matter, this is how you change, one step at a time. plus, nobody's perfect.
  • ruthiebear123
    ruthiebear123 Posts: 18 Member
    Me 2! :/ I've had a bad week and not been to the gym at all! I have a 3 course xmas meal tday at my work and was over my cals yest! I usually loose between 1-2lb a week and last night at my weigh in I only lost 0.5lb so I really need t get back on it this week!!

    Good Luck u can do it!! :) X
  • I'm right there with you! Accept your mistake and know that tommorow is another day :) You've got this!
  • crisnis
    crisnis Posts: 83 Member
    Don't give yourself the option of making excuses - Just do IT! Bad weather and kids aren't really reason enough to fall off the wagon - unless you let them be (you said can't work out, when really it's didn't/won't)... Mind over matter my dear :smile:

    ps... Exercise at home - I have kids at home and I can't afford a gym membership so there really isn't a good excuse there.
  • lucysposaro
    lucysposaro Posts: 132 Member
    U have had a really really bad week myself and now that its the end of the week i feel horrible about it and this is my first week actually using the site the right way but i know im going to start clean in the morning because i have my first weigh in in the morning just start fresh thats what i do and just think why your really doing this
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    if it helps.. last time i went on a bit of a food binge it actually helped me lose weight.. the good thing is it confuses your metabolism so it starts working better.. but obviously if you have too many days like it then it gets used to it and you'll gain again. just stick to your daily calories quite strict for the next few days and hopefully it would have done you good :)
  • KarlDR
    KarlDR Posts: 55 Member
    I'd suggest a simple solution - forget about it! Forget it ever happened and just carry on where you left off. 2 days off the wagon isn't going to make any difference in the grand scheme of things.
  • sisterofseven
    sisterofseven Posts: 82 Member
    Thanks guys. Have given myself a good talking to and am off to bed filled with good intentions for tomro!
  • monkeymouse74 have you tried setting goals? This is something that helps me. What will I look like? What will I be wearing? What will I be doing differently: – In my relationships? – For my health? – For myself? – For others? – At work? • How will I feel about myself? • How will other people be responding to me? Then draw a picture of yourself a year or two years from now Doing this activates both the right (symbols or pictures) and left (words) sides of the brain, bringing together both your logical side and your emotional side. You need both sides to be powerful in your life I think I'm going to do a topic posting on goal setting, it might help some people.
  • Maagrie
    Maagrie Posts: 49 Member
    Just think how empowering it will be to get back on the wagon and make up for the bad two days? That's what thin people do. They have bad days and make up for it with better days. It's part of the lifestyle change we are all working for. You will be stronger and really feel better about yourself after you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get going girl!
    Good luck! You CAN do this!
  • Coming from someone that struggles with the same thing I want you to know that you have not ruined your week or plan. I honestly sike myself out every single week. I "take off" weekends or am less conscious of what I consume and I weighed in this morning and lost a lb+ so please do not give up! You can do this. It's ok to have a bad day or two but do not give up on yourself. I'm living proof that you can go a little crazy sometimes and still do well. Stick to it! I believe in you :)
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Don't say "tomorrow is a new day." Get back on the wagon today. Do something now. Right now. You'll be glad you did and feel better and more positive about carrying it forward.

    Don't throw in the towel, you might need it later!

  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    It's so easy to give up. I should know, I've done it thousands of times.

    Don't say "OK, I'll start over tomorrow" Start over at your next meal.

    You didn't put the weight on with just a few bad meals so a few bad meals aren't going to undo ALL your hard work.

    Will you be discouraged because you did slip? Sure.

    But you'll be so much more proud of yourself if you just pick yourself up and start again with the very next bite you put in your mouth.

    Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • You've gotten some great advice! It's so hard...but just jump back in and do it, do it, do it! For you! Go!
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    Don't give up. Jump back on track today. My daughter and her family were here for 5 days and I blew it big time. I did manage to get a workout in but I was eating and drinking a lot. Now she has gone back home to New England and I am right back to working out and watching my food. It feels so nice to be back in control. Remember, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. So jump right back on track. You'll be proud of yourself!!! If I can do this, you can do this. Stay strong!!! :flowerforyou:
  • firefly171717
    firefly171717 Posts: 226 Member
    You got this!!! It's okay to take a few days off, and sometimes you break the rules of your diet, I just got over a two week stretch where I didn't work out, so its okay you can do it and get back in the saddle!!!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Since I started MFP I learned that you can just pick yourself up and carry on where you left off. even if you undid some of the work. it doesn't matter, this is how you change, one step at a time. plus, nobody's perfect.

    Yup. One bad day, two bad days, or a week of bad always have the choice to stop eating crap and getting serious again. If you want to lose weight, start fresh right this second. Not tomorrow, not Monday, but now.
  • kitten76
    kitten76 Posts: 6 Member
    I have had a few bad days as well due to Christmas parties but I always get right back on. Forget about one or two bad days and go back to doing well. Allow yourself to have the occasional bad day and don't beat yourself up for it. Life happens and sometimes we have a bad day but if you persevere you will be able to put those days behind you and go back to eating well!
  • Missmaggieann
    Missmaggieann Posts: 68 Member
    A two day break does not stop your journey. This is a life time journey and you will have good days and bad ones (which we have all had), as long as the good ones out weigh the bad you will be fine. Don't give up.