Muscular or Skinny model look?



  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    It's YOUR body, so don't let us tell you how you should look, lol! I prefer more muscular, just not super huge. It's all about definition, not necessarily muscle size, for me. Skinny male models make me want to gag, though...
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I like men that fall somewhere between the two. If you get too bulky, you'll look like a meat head. Too skinny, you'll look like you can't protect me. Just my opinion on what I like in a guy.

    I agree.
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    I think most younger girls prefer skinny w/ abs these days. Women closer to 30 prefer muscles.

    ^^^Obviously a huge generalization, but these are just my observations.

    kind of what ive noticed too... its because of twilight bahaha edward skinny little basterd so they want anythign that looks like him... the problem with skinny cut look is........ 96% perfect of guys you see on "" or pics at other places everyone looks 100% the same.. looks like they just straved them selves until their cut and didnt workout to build up any muscle..
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    I like muscular. Chris Evans from Captain America looks pretty good I think.


    Agreed! This is what I'd go ga-ga for :love:
  • 0510mommy
    Muscular and cut, lean over bulky. No thanks to a big body builder. I'd prefer slimmer and toned.
  • 0510mommy
    Oh and I'm late 20's, and prefer in between, if it matters!
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    I think huge and muscular is so unattractive.
    These are my ideal body types on guys, although any more muscular than the first one, and it would be a bit too much.

    body by peacefulvibrations, on Flickr

    brazil by peacefulvibrations, on Flickr

    zac5 by peacefulvibrations, on Flickr

    (Zac at the end is nice, because he doesn't have a super chiseled six pack, but his abs are nice and tight and toned with little body fat on top of i)

    No contest. I'd pick #1. Only I wouldn't mind if he had more meat on him. His waist makes him look too skinny. :happy:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I like muscles and definition but not so much that you can't put your arms down :laugh: I prefer a man's thigh to look like a tree trunk not his neck haha :laugh:
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    Ryan Goslings body.

    Serious polls repeatedly show that average women choose the skinny pretty boy bodies over bodies of manly men (bodybuilders/spartans/Football players/etc)

    Most men don't realize when they are aiming for an aesthetic physique, that it's actually the bros that are going to be most impressed.

    With that said, Ryan Gosling is a tiny scrawny little f*** and I'd never want his body.
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 665 Member
    I did the bulking and cutting phases over and over and over....I just like the "he looks athletic" in a tshirt look, then take the shirt off and show em the hard work
  • katz22
    katz22 Posts: 116 Member
    To answer the original question, looks wise I prefer muscular men, not bothered if they are really defined with low bodyfat , as long as there is no beer belly, it's all good. If you can do cool things like lift heavy stuff (my shopping bags) it's even better :)
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member

    Serious polls repeatedly show that average women choose the skinny pretty boy bodies over bodies of manly men (bodybuilders/spartans/Football players/etc)

    Most men don't realize when they are aiming for an aesthetic physique, that it's actually the bros that are going to be most impressed.

    Women do the same thing though. So many women want to be model-thin, but most men prefer curves and/or muscles.
  • _JamieB_
    _JamieB_ Posts: 417 Member
    Ryan Goslings body.

    Serious polls repeatedly show that average women choose the skinny pretty boy bodies over bodies of manly men (bodybuilders/spartans/Football players/etc)

    I prefer the manly men :)
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    Ryan Goslings body.

    Serious polls repeatedly show that average women choose the skinny pretty boy bodies over bodies of manly men (bodybuilders/spartans/Football players/etc)

    Most men don't realize when they are aiming for an aesthetic physique, that it's actually the bros that are going to be most impressed.

    With that said, Ryan Gosling is a tiny scrawny little f*** and I'd never want his body.

    lmao spartans!!!!!!

    yeah id never end up scrawny again lol
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    Aesthetics and symmetry over size any day IMO.

    V-taper waist line, jutting lats, prominent serratus, full shoulders, swollen arms, sculpted chest, developed quads and well separated gastros. That's where the money is made.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    Aesthetics and symmetry over size any day IMO.

    V-taper waist line, jutting lats, prominent serratus, full shoulders, swollen arms, sculpted chest, developed quads and well separated gastros. That's where the money is made.

    ^I would say this is somewhere in the middle no? Show me a "Skinny Guy" with all of these characteristics
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Seen Chris Hemsworth in Thor? That. But I'd definitely go for more muscular over skinny, and yes, I'm in my 30s.
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    Aesthetics and symmetry over size any day IMO.

    V-taper waist line, jutting lats, prominent serratus, full shoulders, swollen arms, sculpted chest, developed quads and well separated gastros. That's where the money is made.

    so you dont like synthol man look?? COPY PASTE EVERYBODY YOU WILL DIE LAUGHING

  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    I think Daniel Craig has the body type that I find most attractive. Definitely not overly bulky and not anywhere near emo skinny.

  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    Aesthetics and symmetry over size any day IMO.

    V-taper waist line, jutting lats, prominent serratus, full shoulders, swollen arms, sculpted chest, developed quads and well separated gastros. That's where the money is made.

    ^I would say this is somewhere in the middle no? Show me a "Skinny Guy" with all of these characteristics

    Oh for sure! You know what they say about skinny dudes with muscle...It's like a big girl with boobs...It just doesn't count.