I gained a pound!



  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member

    Even if you're eating 1100-1200 calories, if you are exercising 200-300, that is around 800 or less calories NET per day. Your body needs WAY more than that. I eat 1900 calories per day and still lose .5-1 pound per week (though I realize YMMV with metabolism and activity level). You did not gain this weight overnight and you will not lose it overnight, no matter how much you starve yourself. Besides that, if you have had an eating disorder in the past, you have to try to do this while finding a healthy relationship with food. Starving yourself does not help you develop a healthy eating routine and it will eventually lead to a rebound gain.

    Up your calories by another 200-300 per day, at the very least. :) Good luck!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    I am not a medical professional and I realise that it totally depends on how much you have to lose, but I am not a huge fan of eating back all of my exercise calories. I try to have an average net of around 700 calories a day. And I eat...a lot. I think that as I get closer to the overweight BMI and out of the obese I might have to revise my thinking but I do not think there is a blanket answer. Some people succeed by eating back every single exercise calorie, others succeed by eating less.

    I think if you are in this for the long haul you have to accept that there are going to be times when you gain a pound or two. I have been up 2 for the past 3 weeks. It is frustrating, and I am changing things up a bit, but I am focusing more on how I feel, and the fact is that eating sweets and giving up on the exercise is not an option for me. I can't do it, I have come too far. Even in the beginning though, just the decision to change my life was something I was not willing to sabotage. But it is hard. Please dont get discouraged.
    While not a blanket answer, it's not wise to only have a 700 calorie net daily.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Eat real food, too. I know the shakes and the frozen dinners are convenient but you are much better off measuring your food and eating "whole" foods rather than processed ones. Eat oatmeal, oat bran, whole wheat, chicken, fish, lean beef, spinach, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, beans, nuts, eggs, etc. The closer the food is to its original state, the more nutritional it is for you.

    Losing weight in a healthy manner takes some time. Keep working out, and fueling your body with good nutrition and you will see results!
  • Are you drinking enough water? Also, not to be to personal but my weight jumps back & forth around that time of the month. I avoid weighing in a few days before until a few days after, because during that time a female retains more water. Even though this happens every month I usually have a larger drop the week after. Woman are just curse with a different body structure.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member

    I had this on my wall for the longest time.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    And by slim fast meals, i mean the shakes. I love those things. The French Vanilla is awesome
    Liquid diets are not an effective way to lose weight. It's going to be temporary. The reason for this site is to teach people how to EAT food and learn calorie control.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    I agree with the others, try to eat more and just my 2 cents a pound is a pound, so a pound of fat is a pound of muscle.

    So muscles don't weight more than fat. It is like 2 lbs of feathers weight as much as 2 lbs of concrete :)

    Ya, but 2 lbs of feathers looks like a hell of a lot more than 2 lbs of concrete. LOL
    I think we all know what people really mean when they say muscle weighs more than fat - but it might be helpful if people would say, "The amount of space that 2 lbs of muscle takes up is less than the amount of space that 2 lbs of fat takes up."

    Putting that aside, I really doubt you'll gain a pound of muscle in a week, it's more than likely water retention from working muscles harder than they are used to being worked.

    Thanks for this! I hate it when people say muscle weighs more than fat. Muscle takes up less space than fat so a muscular 140 lb person wears smaller clothes than another person who's body fat ratio is higher but weighs the same 140.
  • I disagree with the person who said you cannot see tone and definition in 7 days. I already have a lot of muscle tone I just haven't worked out frequently for a few years but i have never quit working out. And my clothes do fit better and look better than they did 1 week ago. I do drink at least 9 bottles of water a day so i'm probably retaining water. It seems like most of the people who have posted think i need to eat more, so i'm guessing fruits and vegetables count so I'm going to eat a lot more of those. Along with yogurt, cottage cheese, things like that.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    You might have gained some muscle mass since you've been working out everyday. Muscle weighs more than fat.

    No. You cannot gain muscle on a caloric deficit.

    You need to eat *at least* 1200 calories plus a good portion of your exercise calories. The weight you gained is likely water weight and glycogen from your new exercise.

    Eat more. Drink plenty of water. Take a rest day at least once a week.

    And give yourself at least 3 weeks before you freak out and decide something isn't working.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Take a rest day or two. Up your water. You mentioned you haven't had a BM in a while? How long again? This could easily be the reason in addition to water retention. Unless you ate 3500 cals over maintenance you did not gain 1lb of fat.
  • Ok, so i will try not to freak out if I weigh myself next Saturday and weigh the same or have gained a little. I'm just not a very patient person. I will want to be able to fit back into my size 13 jeans by the end of Feb. So no matter what the scale says next week I'm sticking to dieting and exercising this time.
  • I drink at least 9 16.0 bottles of water per day. Sometimes up to 15. I'm on meds that make my mouth extremely dry so I have to drink a lot of water. And it's been 7 days since i've had a bm.
  • oopps i meant 16.9 ounce bottles of water
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    On the plus side, my jeans fit better from all the ab work i've been doing
    :) Focus on this. Think big picture.

    Do you want to look and feel better, or do you want to look at the machine (scale) and see a specific number? I bet you'd rather look better and feel better. My opinion, sometimes unpopular, is damn the scale. :)

    Muscle weighs more than fat, and that probably doesn't play into this discussion for you today, but water has weight, and ONE POUND usually has to do with that. Don't sweat it. (or, actually, DO sweat. LOL Just don't sweat one pound.)
  • LaLaMicha
    LaLaMicha Posts: 37 Member
    I don't get it. I started a diet and exercise program 7 days ago. I've eaten less than 1200 calories per day and have worked out everyday for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and a half! And I mix it up by doing a different cardio workout every other day and I do strength training every other day after my cardio. I can usually lose weight easily when I diet and exercise like this. I just don't get it!

    Welcome to my world.
  • lol..I will still go by the scale, but you are right, i do want to look and feel better. Which is the main reason I'm not giving up, because I do look and feel better. I have problems with severe depression and all these endorphins are really helping with that
  • bigprettygirl69
    bigprettygirl69 Posts: 19 Member
    just keep going......nothing beats failure like a good try
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Definitely give it a bit more time! You will see pounds come off. I sometimes go for almost a month with no loss!
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    You might have gained some muscle mass since you've been working out everyday. Muscle weighs more than fat.

    This did NOT happen.
    you LOST muscle mass.. you need calories to build muscle.. you need to eat more, your metabolism has slowed down trememdously since you are not feeding it sufficiently
  • hang in there OP :)