I gained a pound!



  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    And it's been 7 days since i've had a bm.

    That is from the Slimfast! I drank them for 3 days and have never been so constipated in my life.

    Seriously - take a laxative (just once - not habitually!) and you'll be down 3 pounds - and quit the Slimfast garbage.
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    Try to eat back at least some of the exercise calories, personally I don't let my net calories go below 1250 when I work out. And for the other problem, I'm a pharmacy tech, and I've heard many pharmacists I work with recommend Miralax
  • mjn710
    mjn710 Posts: 11
    I've eaten less than 1200 calories per day and have worked out everyday for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and a half!

    This could be your problem. Eat more. It might sound odd, but try it.

    Eating more will NOT cause you to lose mass. The only way that would be applicable is if you were eating so little protein that your body couldn't accurately control it's own fluid dynamics. Which would mean you would also look cachetic (like a dying cancer patient).

    However, I would say your likely issue is a combination of answers given by the prior posts. Your 4 lbs weight loss previously was likely a fluid shift from the excess salts from the fast food you had been previously taken in. Usually, your body will either under or over shoot and then come in to a happy medium. At the same time that was going on, you were working out and you were building muscle and losing fat (CONGRATS!!!); unfortunately, the muscle has a higher weight :(

    So the combination of more muscle and your body properly achieving its fluid base weight equated in a greater weight but I bet a loss of fat. Let me know if I can help at all.... I know there is a bunch of crap on websites....
  • I'm going to take a laxative tomorrow night. I have IBS so i'm used to this happening, but I was regular for weeks until I started this diet so i guess i'll be staying away from the Slim Fast shakes
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    I'm going to take a laxative tomorrow night. I have IBS so i'm used to this happening, but I was regular for weeks until I started this diet so i guess i'll be staying away from the Slim Fast shakes
    you are used to that happening because your metabolism has slowed down.. and taking a laxative is not helping. it only makes your digestive system dependent on the laxative and stops functioning the way it is meant to function.
  • It took time to put the weight on and it will take time to get it back off. Eat a little more and give it longer than a week.

    P.S. Muscle does not weigh more that fat. 1lb of muscle is weighs the same as 1lb of fat. A pound is pound. :smile:
  • fudog
    fudog Posts: 16 Member
    I'm no expert but I think they mean weighing equal quantities of both. Theoretically muscle should weigh more or so I've always been led to believe.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    I've eaten less than 1200 calories per day and have worked out everyday for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and a half!

    This could be your problem. Eat more. It might sound odd, but try it.

    Eating more will NOT cause you to lose mass. The only way that would be applicable is if you were eating so little protein that your body couldn't accurately control it's own fluid dynamics. Which would mean you would also look cachetic (like a dying cancer patient).

    However, I would say your likely issue is a combination of answers given by the prior posts. Your 4 lbs weight loss previously was likely a fluid shift from the excess salts from the fast food you had been previously taken in. Usually, your body will either under or over shoot and then come in to a happy medium. At the same time that was going on, you were working out and you were building muscle and losing fat (CONGRATS!!!); unfortunately, the muscle has a higher weight :(

    So the combination of more muscle and your body properly achieving its fluid base weight equated in a greater weight but I bet a loss of fat. Let me know if I can help at all.... I know there is a bunch of crap on websites....
    Sorry, but the information you're giving is incorrect. It's not muscle. Muscle is built on calorie surplus. Only a few selective type of people can build even just a little muscle on calorie deficit and she doesn't sound like one of them.
    The gain is from water retention. Muscle needs water to rebuild and store glycogen.
    If someone doesn't eat enough, it lowers their BMR. A lower BMR means that they are burning less calories at rest. You burn more fat at rest than doing activity. This is why it's important to eat enough so the BMR stays active. The body doesn't really like to give up body fat. The body will actually try to utilize lean muscle tissue for energy before body fat. This is why strength training is important. To help retain lean muscle.
    Overall if she is in calorie deficit (along with eating back her exercise calories), and strength training with cardio efficiently, then the weight will come off.
    Water retention from the exercise will subside in a couple of weeks.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    You should be eating at least 1200cals. Your not eating enough.
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    Sorry, but the information you're giving is incorrect. It's not muscle. Muscle is built on calorie surplus. Only a few selective type of people can build even just a little muscle on calorie deficit and she doesn't sound like one of them.
    The gain is from water retention. Muscle needs water to rebuild and store glycogen.
    If someone doesn't eat enough, it lowers their BMR. A lower BMR means that they are burning less calories at rest. You burn more fat at rest than doing activity. This is why it's important to eat enough so the BMR stays active. The body doesn't really like to give up body fat. The body will actually try to utilize lean muscle tissue for energy before body fat. This is why strength training is important. To help retain lean muscle.
    Overall if she is in calorie deficit (along with eating back her exercise calories), and strength training with cardio efficiently, then the weight will come off.
    Water retention from the exercise will subside in a couple of weeks.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    thank you.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    I've eaten less than 1200 calories per day and have worked out everyday for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and a half!

    This could be your problem. Eat more. It might sound odd, but try it.

    Eating more will NOT cause you to lose mass. The only way that would be applicable is if you were eating so little protein that your body couldn't accurately control it's own fluid dynamics. Which would mean you would also look cachetic (like a dying cancer patient).

    However, I would say your likely issue is a combination of answers given by the prior posts. Your 4 lbs weight loss previously was likely a fluid shift from the excess salts from the fast food you had been previously taken in. Usually, your body will either under or over shoot and then come in to a happy medium. At the same time that was going on, you were working out and you were building muscle and losing fat (CONGRATS!!!); unfortunately, the muscle has a higher weight :(

    So the combination of more muscle and your body properly achieving its fluid base weight equated in a greater weight but I bet a loss of fat. Let me know if I can help at all.... I know there is a bunch of crap on websites....

    This is so incorrect. All of it.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I'd stick with the workouts and 1200 calories and give it a little more time. It's too early to panic!
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    thats the prob, you have to eat more! good luck honey! :)
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    It took time to put the weight on and it will take time to get it back off. Eat a little more and give it longer than a week.

    P.S. Muscle does not weigh more that fat. 1lb of muscle is weighs the same as 1lb of fat. A pound is pound. :smile:
    Of course people know that. :) We likely couldn't form a sentence if we didn't get that-- the statement "muscle weighs more than fat" is assuming an equal size of both. Sorry I didn't specify when I repeated it, I assumed people would get that.

    (Of course, I don't think it's relavent here, OP is very unlikely to have gained muscle, I think the 1 lb is water weight that shouldn't be fretted over :)).
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You did not gain muscle. You dont' gain muscle on a caloric deficit.

    Eat more. You're not eating enough so your body is hoarding what little food you're giving it. A fire will burn out if you don't give it enough fuel.

    Yes!! Also, muscle does not weigh more than fat. A pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat.
  • I don't get it. I started a diet and exercise program 7 days ago. I've eaten less than 1200 calories per day ---

    Would be where I stopped reading. Your body thinks it's starving, and is holding onto the fat you have. You will CONTINUE to gain. Please follow the set up the website provides and educate yourself by using all the previous threads that discuss intake vs outake.

    Starving yourself (yep, that's what this is, doesn't matter how fat you are) does. not. work.
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    I'm no expert but I think they mean weighing equal quantities of both. Theoretically muscle should weigh more or so I've always been led to believe.
    if you have the same volumes of fat & muscle ... muscle will weigh more than the fat..
    but they have to be the same volume!
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I'm going to take a laxative tomorrow night. I have IBS so i'm used to this happening, but I was regular for weeks until I started this diet so i guess i'll be staying away from the Slim Fast shakes

    YES! This is your problem - I don't typically tell people they are full of crap, but in your case, it's just the simple truth. You are one good poop away from losing at least a pound and feeling a heck of a lot better to boot.

    I second the recommendation that you plan a couple of 'rest' days into your week too. At least one. Many of us register a loss after a rest day, even more so if I throw a little nap in. LOL. I suspect it's because the muscles often retain water when you're working out a lot.

    Seriously though, there are far healthier meal replacement options than Slim Fast, which is full of sugar. If I make a protein shake, I add some fruit and a good quality fiber supplement to it - it makes the texture wonderful and helps with the regularity too.

    You'll get past this short-term obstacle and if you stick with it this time around, and change your lifestyle, you can keep it off! Best of luck to you.
  • I'm not going to starve myself anymore. I'm going to start eating more, healthy foods though of course
  • I hadn't planned on taking a day off from exercising but I will do that today and start again tomorrow. I guess taking 1 or 2 days off a week won't be so bad.