fast weight loss switching to juice & vegan lifestyle?



  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 483 Member
    whatever works for you is cool...I eat very similar to you and when people ask, which is rare (you must hang with nosier people than I do) I just say "I don't care for any chicken, thanks!" It never sparks any further discussion, I don't know why. Not sure where you're from, but maybe it's just different norms in different regions or something...
  • main purpose of being vegetarian is to be ' humane ' with no selfish reasons. See the slaughter of animals videos online, any sane person will be aghast at what they are financing by purchasing meats of any kind. HOWEVER one is automatically rewarded with EXCELLENT health by being vegetarian. I lowered my cholesterol from 236 to 165 in 3 months with no medicines and the same exercise of 45 minutes walk 5 days a week. I feel wonderful full of energy and 10 years younger. I do have milk and a lot of different varieties of lentils with brown rice and off course a lot of fruit ..Reducing weight is not my only goal, getting good nutrition for a better physical as well as spiritual well being is my goal.
  • fitnessgoddess17
    fitnessgoddess17 Posts: 125 Member
    You could be living off of chocolate ice cream and Twinkies and still lose weight while maintaining a caloric deficit.

    Also, how is it a "vegan lifestyle" if you are eating chicken?

    She said MORE vegan, which is just a much easier way to explain what things you are now cutting out MOST of the time.
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    You could be living off of chocolate ice cream and Twinkies and still lose weight while maintaining a caloric deficit.

    Also, how is it a "vegan lifestyle" if you are eating chicken?

    She said MORE vegan, which is just a much easier way to explain what things you are now cutting out MOST of the time.

    yep, i think she was just trying to describe that she is starting to eat more veggies and fruits and less meat.

    captain analyze!
  • CRSE1214
    CRSE1214 Posts: 196 Member
    I'm not a vegetarian or vegan ... I like my dairy, fish and chicken WAY too much to give up. But I recently seen the documentary Forks Over Knives and it makes you really reconsider your food choices especially red meats and processed food. If any of you reading this haven't seen it I would highly recommend it
  • mrs07312012
    mrs07312012 Posts: 30 Member
    I live in Central PA were most ( my apologies to those from the area, not ALL ) are very closed minded and when something is different from what they are use to it seems to be a BIG deal. Mostly I come into contact with most of my discussions in the work place. I work for a very large corporation, I am constantly meeting new people and this usually happens with lunches , dinners, parties and gatherings of some sort mostly involving food ( reasons why I am here and on my weight loss journey). Being a female in a male dominant demographic automatically draws attention and than what is on my plate is something that comes up at each an every event I attend. It's very tiring , and the same story over and over becomes very bland. I have to be nice and pleasant and make sure not to speak out of turn but at times I just want to say " mind your own business"
  • Kamalka
    Kamalka Posts: 164 Member
    So you lost muscles, not fat...I see you look forward using your bike. Keep on maintaining proteins...any time you will get them back, your weight will come back anyway.

    There are more healthy ways to obtain protein, most fruits and vegatables provide Healthy protein, Watch the movie Forks over Knives it explains about veggie proteins. And being on this sort of diet does not make you lose muscle!!

    Do not misunderstand me...I meant HER weight loss because she did not exercise. it seems we follow the same life style, or at least for the same reasons. I have seen these reportages, added a few scientific studies (the very few independant ones) and I can not eat such things since I realized that. Most of my proteins comes from fish, lentils, beans...and white meat. I went through a report comparing proteins and these source are very close to red meats (and without cholesterol). My vegetables, eggs, milk and white meat are organic (here we say "bio", I mean labelled not chemicals, additive whatsoever) and my varied type of food even give me too much proteins to run 2 hours/day 6 days a week. I eat more and more vegetarian (from once a month we are at 2/3 times a week, maybe we will jump to 7, who knows?). I can tell I nerly folow athletic trainings and meat is not necessary at all, that is for sure. Carbs are much more important to me.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    You could be living off of chocolate ice cream and Twinkies and still lose weight while maintaining a caloric deficit.

    Also, how is it a "vegan lifestyle" if you are eating chicken?

    She said MORE vegan, which is just a much easier way to explain what things you are now cutting out MOST of the time.

    yep, i think she was just trying to describe that she is starting to eat more veggies and fruits and less meat.

    captain analyze!

    Except being vegan is more than just about what you eat. Vegans avoid animal products and animal by-products (like honey, eggs, even though the animal was not killed), period. Whether in clothing, soaps, whatever. And there is usually very strong ethics behind the vegan lifestyle.
    More vegetarian - ok. I could see that describing a diet with less animals products.
    But more vegan - you either consume animal products or you don't, you're vegan or you're not.
  • mrs07312012
    mrs07312012 Posts: 30 Member
    So you lost muscles, not fat...I see you look forward using your bike. Keep on maintaining proteins...any time you will get them back, your weight will come back anyway.

    There are more healthy ways to obtain protein, most fruits and vegatables provide Healthy protein, Watch the movie Forks over Knives it explains about veggie proteins. And being on this sort of diet does not make you lose muscle!!

    Do not misunderstand me...I meant HER weight loss because she did not exercise. it seems we follow the same life style, or at least for the same reasons. I have seen these reportages, added a few scientific studies (the very few independant ones) and I can not eat such things since I realized that. Most of my proteins comes from fish, lentils, beans...and white meat. I went through a report comparing proteins and these source are very close to red meats (and without cholesterol). My vegetables, eggs, milk and white meat are organic (here we say "bio", I mean labelled not chemicals, additive whatsoever) and my varied type of food even give me too much proteins to run 2 hours/day 6 days a week. I eat more and more vegetarian (from once a month we are at 2/3 times a week, maybe we will jump to 7, who knows?). I can tell I nerly folow athletic trainings and meat is not necessary at all, that is for sure. Carbs are much more important to me.

    Sorry for the misunderstanding than. Afer reading and researching the different additives in our meat products, I can't even look at non organic items the same. If you have not watched it yet I mentioned it earlier but the movie Forks over Knives gives an excellant explanation (not that I feel you need it , but it's a fantastic study) on other ways of obtaining proteins , not just from animals, and the effects when comparing the two were very fasinating.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I'm not juicing or anywhere near vegan, but by upping my green plants, cutting back on grains, and cutting back on oils and animal proteins I am noticing the very same thing! Loving it! Feeling great! But it is a process and YES I am willing to forsake the "good" food for better health and longer life. I figure I've eaten enough junk and sugar to last me the rest of my life! I feel horrible when I eat "party" food now! Dr. Joel Fuhrman calls it a "nutritarian" diet in his Eat to Live book! I'm jumping in and not coming back! You guys can have my sugar, salt, processed food, fast food, dairy, animal proteins, and oils! I'll be over by the fresh veggies and fruits, nuts & seeds, and beans! Bye!
  • gigiangelique
    gigiangelique Posts: 233 Member
    YOU CAN GET PROTIEN FROM SPINICH NUTS BEANS :) i am not vegan but i was for many years and yeah you will drop weight if you eat clean and avoide proccesed foods. You also can gain weight on eating veagan if you dont watch what you consume. You also should buy organic fruits and veggies! I buy all organic (including meat) because the chemicals mess with your entire body and messes up weight loss. Whatever you choose good luck. XX:heart:
  • sheshe32
    sheshe32 Posts: 195 Member
    Well im definatly NOT vegan or veg..But looking at your calories (if you are logging them all in) That explains your weight loss. You dont seem to be eating many? Or is that just what I am seeing?
  • I don't juice because I have little time and like something that is easy and actually costs less then juicing but just as healthier if not more. It's been a "game changer" for me. Read the book "skinny ***** or skinny *kitten*" there is a chapter in there about what meat is doing to us... i'm vegetarian and getting closer to vegan.... feel better then ever. I don't lose weight because I'm at my goal but my muscle vs fat ratio has changed. Good job!

    Feel free to friend me anyone for positive food for thought posted daily! ;) Happy Holidays!
  • gigiangelique
    gigiangelique Posts: 233 Member
    I don't juice because I have little time and like something that is easy and actually costs less then juicing but just as healthier if not more. It's been a "game changer" for me. Read the book "skinny ***** or skinny *kitten*" there is a chapter in there about what meat is doing to us... i'm vegetarian and getting closer to vegan.... feel better then ever. I don't lose weight because I'm at my goal but my muscle vs fat ratio has changed. Good job!

    Feel free to friend me anyone for positive food for thought posted daily! ;) Happy Holidays!

    Skinny b#$% changed my life
  • TheNaturalNanny
    TheNaturalNanny Posts: 27 Member
    It makes a huge difference depending on what your "diet" was like before. I havene weighed myself but my pants are falling off already after switching 2 weeks ago. I do green smoothies in the morning and a vegitarian diet the rest of the day. before i ate whatever, but now i meal plan and make the effort to not just grab food on the run. My energy is through the roof. Keep up the healthy eating and start making a better effort to hit the bike even for a little bit every day. Just make sure your veg lifestyle stays balanced so your still getting your proteins etc

    ps: to those who say you cant get enough protein from vegan or vegetarian please do your research before you spout off.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member

    ps: to those who say you cant get enough protein from vegan or vegetarian please do your research before you spout off.

    I didn't see anyone say you can't get enough protein on a vegan or vegetarian diet. One person said they can't get all the protein THEY want to get in while staying in their calorie range unless they add in protein shakes. That person even said they realize not everyone is trying to get in that much protein.
  • Debkam
    Debkam Posts: 80
    Just started eating this way about a week ago myself, and I believe you. I already feel lighter, and have a lot more energy! I recently bought The Idiots Guide to Plant Based Nutrition. I'll be glad to get through the learning curve. The adjustment has been challenging, but worth it.
  • Kamalka
    Kamalka Posts: 164 Member
    To be successful, you might require to add several cereals to your panel too. I discovered russian cereals thanks to my wife, in addition to the arabic and european ones I used to eat. In addition, my parents never cooked lentils and beans because they had to many when being children (war and post war restrictions). Without these, I would definitely require more meat but these really give me so much energy that I have the feeling I could live on them. No fat, carbs and proteins, they are ideal for me. Unfortunately, even tough there would be very little chemicals in the final product, they use very bad ones to stock them afterwards, which are much more present if you eat whole grains)...which even make a whole-weat bread worse for health than white bread according to some,again, have to go organic!
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    OP, accept my pre-emptive apology about this threadjacking.

    I'm not at all concerned about labels, etc., but I do have to say that in a lot of ways, it is important to use the correct terminology when describing animal-free diets. If the only meat you eat is fish, you are pescatarian, if you eat no meat or dairy but eat eggs you are ovo-vegetarian, etc. If you still eat chicken, fish, pork, or beef, you are not a vegetarian, you are simply eating less meat than you used to.

    This may sound like nitpicking, but it really does come from a good place. The reason I feel it is important is not to make one person feel superior to another, but because there is a lot of confusion in the restaurant world, etc. about what a "vegan" actually is. As a vegan, I often call ahead to make sure that there are vegan options for me at restaurants, etc. because it is part of my morals and values. If people think that "vegan" means you sometimes eat fish, or use chicken broth in soups, it makes it difficult for more "strict" vegetarians and vegans to ensure that they are being served food that is in line with their beliefs. It would be just as frustrating if people say that they keep Kosher or Halal, but fry their eggs up in bacon fat.

    Again, I know this sounds silly but really, it's mostly to clear up confusion rather than to assign labels to people.
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    Your weight loss looks like a nice steady decline.... Not that fast. Looks about right to me.

    But, unless that butcher us making you some kind of soy chicken, you aren't vegan. You aren't even vegetarian..... Sorry!