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Dear Mom...



  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I'm not a mom, but if I ever received a letter like this from ANYONE, I wouldn't speak to them again for a while, if ever again.

    Your heart is in the right place, but it also seems a bit disrespectful because you don't accept her for who she is, and you don't respect the authority she has over herself.

    What happens when you talk to her in person? I think a face to face conversation is a thousand times better than putting something like this in writing. It will give her a chance to respond and you should really listen to what she says.

    It's amazing that she's so delusional about this trip to Australia. I would love to go just to see the place, but I would never dream of going to be seen. Perhaps she's a bit self centered in the idea that everyone would be looking at her, because I'm sure that no one looks at her and thinks "gosh, that lady is so fat."

    It sounds like the trip to Australia was something between your dad and your mom. Were you even invited along? If so, ask your dad if you can go with him. If not, then let it go and let your parents discuss it amongst themselves. It's not your place.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I think you're a great daughter. It's true that she won't change until she's ready, but sometimes, just finding out that our actions are hurting those we love is the impetus we need to stir into action. Maybe she's never considered how painful it is for her family to have to sit silently by and watch her slowly kill herself. I think it's worth a shot.

    On a personal note, I wish I'd had the courage to have this conversation with my own mother 25 years ago. If I'd just grabbed her by the back of the neck and said, "Quit smoking now before you DIE of CANCER" she might still be alive today. Best of luck to you and your mom.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    One thing she needs to do is have a doctor check her out before hand (like they do on the biggest loser) get a full blood and body work up and see where she stands, if shes serious about it this is the best thing to do first off to be sure a doctor will be there to help anyway they can and make sure shes eating healthy and tracking everything she does and she needs to track it as well that way if something isn't working right they can try something else, start small then work your way to bigger goals is what i always say :)

    All the best to you guys!!
  • tiptoeketo
    tiptoeketo Posts: 271 Member
    As a mother, I have to say if I got a letter like that, I would be completely gutted.
    But (playing devil's advocate), if I was a mother and got a letter like that, while at first I'd probably bawl my eyes out, I'd come tot eh realization that what I'm doing is hurting more people than just me and if I really love my family I'd take care of myself. I'd also like to think I'd have more respect and admiration for the person having the courage to tell me like it is, otherwise I'd just keep lying to myself or coming up with other excuses and never doing anything.

    Ultimately, only you know your mom best and how she would react. Go with what you know and do so courageously. Good luck!

    Exactly this ^^

    Your mom sounds really depressed.... it sounds like a very frustrating situation.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    I would encourage your dad to take the trip on his own. Just because your mom has put her life on hold does not mean he should. As for the letter to your mom, do what you need to do for you. She will and is living her own life.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    email sucks. take her out for coffee or a smoothie or something and talk to her directly. this seems much too personal to handle in cyber world. good luck to you!
  • angeldelight13
    angeldelight13 Posts: 177 Member
    Hey, just want to say what a heart felt and beautifully wrote letter. I dont know your Mum so i cant say whether you should send it or not, i wouldnt know how she will react, you do. Trust your instincts. But there is something i picked up on... You make a few reference's to the family as a whole within the letter, if i personally recieved it with that in, i would feel ganged up on and as if there was wispers behind my back. My own advice to you would be to alter those small peices so its a personal letter from only you, with only your opinions. Perhaps then talk to mum and when she can see your genuine concern mention others fears...

    p.s its not quite the same, but my own mum was always a size 16/18 since my childhood, last years she had enough and dieted. She's now a size 10 and looks wonderful. ow and she's 56!
  • DawnJanette
    DawnJanette Posts: 36 Member
    I understand entirely your feelings, I am in the same situation. But nothing you can do or say is going to change her.

    She sounds like she is suffereing depression and she will not be able to see things the same as you. For you to make things sounds so easy to lose weight will be an insult to her and make her feel worse. She will already be beating herself up daily for the way she is and then learning how she has made you feel will just compound her feelings. It may also drive her to food.

    There is no answer to this, but as everyone else has said, it is her choice, she is an adult and you are not responsible for her.

    You should never give up on her and I like the bit about offering support and it's a shame that she is missing out on things - but think the letter will do more harm than good.

    Lets hope that one day she will realise for herself.

    I feel for you x
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm sure you mean well, but do you think it will help at all? People have to want to change for themselves before they'll listen to anything someone else has to say.

    i agree.

    i have exactly the same situation with my mum. She is 61, riddled with deseases that are made worse by her weight and could drop down dead at any second. This was all made worse when my dad died 2 years ago - comfort eating saw her put on even more weight. My sister and i have tried time and time again to help her, and support her on a diet, we tried getting mad, bribing her with holidays if she lost x amount of pounds etc etc

    at the moment she is losing weight, the only reason for this is that i am getting married next year and she is horrified by the idea of pictures. Having said that, she still isnt losing consistantly, a pound here and there, and she has admitted herself that if it wasnt for the wedding she would not be doing it in the first place...

    Unfortunately your mum will only lose weight if she wants to for herself. i think you should send her the email, because of course you want to help. but at some point you have to realise that you have done all you can, and it is up to her, she is an adult and she makes her own choices. x
  • easier
    easier Posts: 11
    Forgive me, I know its a thin line, but I'm not trying to insult you.

    She's had similar conversations with you in the past when she wanted to make changes with things.

    Did they work? ^^^ "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got" which is very very true in my opinion. Unless you do something to break the cycle, every day will be the same (or worse) than the previous one and you will always feel unhappy "

    I think you probably do a wonderful job at work. This is not work, this is your home and your family. Your Dad can protect himself and his marriage. Your Mom & Dad need vast quantities of the same unconditional LOVE they gave you in return.

    "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got" which is very very true in my opinion. Unless you do something to break the cycle, every day will be the same (or worse) than the previous one and you will always feel unhappy

    " - theres nothing really in there that I haven't said to her face to face at one time to another -

    but the fact she said she considering divorcing my dad because she didn't want to go on holiday "fat" was just the icing on the cake.
  • lbencomo
    lbencomo Posts: 30 Member
    As a mother, I have to say if I got a letter like that, I would be completely gutted.

    I agree with this person. From your moms stand point she may be the type of person that is happiest being miserable because it's comfortable. She will change when she's ready, and the sad part is that no matter what you say she wont change till she's ready. Just love her in the mean time. The best motivator is for you to live healthy as an example for her.
  • LuLuRunner1
    LuLuRunner1 Posts: 329 Member
    Like the others have said, only you know the relationship that you and your mother have and how she would respond to the letter.

    With that being said, I have said those exact things to my own mom over and over, but in my head. We've talked about each point individually, and she knows that if she would drop even 50 pounds her health would improve. My dad has tried, I have tried, my brother has tried, but until she is ready, there is nothing. I fear now that at 64 years old, her health is too big of a factor and that there is irreversible damage done. She is my biggest inspiration on my diet & exercise journey as I am scared to be so unhealthy and unhappy. She yo-yo'ed with weight all of her life. The last time that she was under 200 pounds (granted, she is 5'8"), was 21 years ago.

    My dad told her several years ago that if she would lose 25 pounds, he'd buy them a motorcycle/scooter and they could go on trips together, but she refused. The number was just too big. Now, she is overweight & unhappy & has a tendency to make everyone else unhappy with bitter comments.

    I wish you the best in your decision on this letter and I would love to know what your decision is on the letter & how she responded.
  • Oh my gosh!!! You have a wonderful daughter who loves you enough to risk your displeasure to save you from disaster! You are so fortunate! And a husband who loves you enough to plan a international vacation for you! What do you have to lose, but something that is weighing you down. I invite you to join us at MY FITNESS PAL! We will encourage you, help you out, teach you how to use the website, soothe you when you stumble, and I will even pray for you. If you decide to join us at MFP, please look me up and we can connect. I am "Slimntrim90"..............not really yet, but I have flushed over 25 lbs. of me down the toilet. It hasn't been a fast process, and I have taken many advil so that I could walk up hills without my legs killing me. I have become addicted to the endorphins which the brain produces when I exercise (feel-good hormones)! I thought I would die when I first started working out by walking--I didn't! I went from walking around the block to walking around the lake, to walking around it 3-4-5 times, to walking 3 1/2 miles, to walking 6 miles..................Every journey starts with the first step! You can do it! And you will be so glad you did! Feel free to contact me............I'm friendly! :-)
  • Roly59
    Roly59 Posts: 21
    The one thing that comes from your letter is that you love your Mum. As a Mum of 3 girls if one sent me an email like this I would at first have a good cry and then probably get angry but... and this is the crux I would do something about the problem because it would make me realise that I am loved and not alone an that would give me strength to tackle the problem. Most of the time losing weight is a very isolating thing and that is why so many of us fail. Also, being close to your Mum's age I do think that we women can think "oh what's the point, I've had my day". Not true but it is an easy thought to hook up to. Send it what's the worst that can happen?
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Coming from a person who is climbing down that ladder...started @ 361 on June 28 of this year (see my results in my ticker). I think that this letter would be a huge wake up call. I'm surprised my family didn't do it for me. Now that I have lost, my family is expressing their past concerns. My aunt told me "This is an answer to my prayers, I was so worried about your health." My mom said, "I dont think I would have been able to raise your daughter for you if something happened."

    With those comments, meant to be encouraging, they broke me down. BUT I have to decide whether I let that keep me down or build me back up. Send this to your mom. If she hates you and stays that way, so be it. If she changes, you will have your mom a lot longer!
  • I think the letter to your Mom is fantastic, it shows you really love her and want to help her. She just has to start and take one day at a time. You are a good daughter :) Although this letter was for your Mom, I have to tell you it helped me see things in my life that I need to change. I am 58 and have to start back up with exercise. I first started by coming to MFP because my sister advised me to do this so that I can keep track of my eating and exercise. My needs are not weight loss, but weight gain. This is a good site to track your food, and exercise. All of us are here to get healthier, whether it is weight loss or weight gain, we are all heading toward a goal of good health. I am so glad I read your letter to your Mom, it was eye opening for me and my needs. I do hope your Mom will read the letter and take her first steps toward being healthy. If all daughters cared as you do about their Mom, the world would be a better place.
  • kyylieeeeee
    kyylieeeeee Posts: 197 Member
    I think it is a great idea and a big gesture. If you're close with your mom, then she'll probably be both MORE offended and MORE likely to listen seriously to your concerns.
    I wrote out a similar letter to my mom, who is quite overweight but doesn't have health issues--yet. But I still live at home (poor recent college graduate), so I realized that instead of writing a letter, I would just force things to happen, even if slowly. I plan healthier meals for the week, help with cooking, go food shopping with her, and make her take walks with me when the weather is nice.

    Of course everyone is saying the decision to change can only come from herself-- but sometimes it takes an external catalyst to help someone make better decisions, like seeing a photo of themselves, watching others around them become healthy through diet and exercise or life-threateningly unhealthy through lack of those things, or reading a heartfelt letter from a loved one.

    The only thing I'd recommed changing is to NOT DO IT BY E-MAIL. Send it postal mail with a cover letter telling her to read it comfortably and privately, because you love her and want her to know your words are serious. E-mails can be too surprising, too unexpected, and too easy to delete and never looks at again. Having a letter on a piece of paper is a tactile piece of motivation. I think that would help greatly.

    Best of luck, it takes courage to say those things.