I really can't grasp this...



  • ADobs
    ADobs Posts: 160 Member
    I also hate reading these types of comments/posts. I give myself 1,700 calories a day and I eat this very easily! I used to eat 1,200 calories and it was extremely difficult unless you live on veggies, salads, fruit, etc. I don't mean to judge but it sounds like something people with eating disorders would say.
  • mrs07312012
    mrs07312012 Posts: 30 Member

    Ok, I get the science behind it and I've read articles like the popular one titled "obesity at 700 calories"... But when I continuously see people on the forums saying how hard it is to eat 1200 calories a day and that they just can't possibly eat that much, I have to say it never fails to baffle my mind. I could easily put away 3,000 calories a day if I could. I just love to eat. That is all. :)

    These people are either lying or have an eating disorder. They're some nut jobs here with no business trying to lose weight. And there are others who'll die fat I am sorry to say.

    My heart goes out, but I am here to connect with can-do people who are as determined as I am to reach these goals.

    Wow really.... I am reading this on a support website. I guess I'm either a lier, a nut job or have a eating disorder because this is the calorie guide line I am currently following. Under doctors watch of course and due to some health issues, but I don't think that I am any of these things, and I am a very "can-do" person and will not always be on this limited amount, but I will as well reach my goals!!! And yes some days it is hard to reach 1200 calories a day, believe it or not, not all days but some it is. You plan every single meal and read calories on absolutly everything and some days it is really hard to get that 2nd snack in.... read my food journal I eat ALOT of food sometimes just this morning I had 5 egg whites, 4 strips of morning star veggie bacon, two cups of spinich ( that was around 298 calories) and I am still stuffed and it's lunch time.

    Well that's the thing - why did you only have the whites of the egg? I don't get why you say it's hard get to 1200 but then you fix your meal in a way that's guaranteed to be lower cals? Use the yolk, add a cube of feta cheese and you automatically have at least 200 extra cals!!

    This is the kind of thing that gets annoying fast - people whining and pretending they can't get to 1200 when in reality they're purposefully omitting foods (like the yolk - why would anyone do that if they're "having trouble getting to their goal cals???) or using the "low fat" or "non fat" version of things. Puhhhleaaaaze!!

    Wellllll Puhhlleeeaaazzzeee back.... my information and diet is coming from a licensed doctor!!! Did you read that I said I am on a 1200 calorie diet because of health issues????? Did it ever cross your mind that some of the reasons I cut the yolk out is because of the cholesterol. No I'm sure you didn't you were so quick to lash back with a judgemental comment. I have issues with hormones and antibiotics and other issues in meat INCLUDING Cheese (i'm pretty sure you were in another forum were this was discussed , I may be wrong) I choose to eat organic and things like veggie bacon not for the the lo cal reasons but because of my limited meat choices ( my eggs are free range , grain fed) I never once said I chose Low fat or Non fat so before you jump to conclusions and try to generlize people I think you should realize that your image of Why people do the things they do may not be correct. And again I didn't say I had this issue everyday, just some days, I choose to eat a smaller calorie breakfast (espeically on weekends when my fiance and I try to see family) because my Plan for the day may not work out and I may be eating higher calorie foods later in the day. My issue here is that this is suppost to be a Support System for people and calling people names and saying that they have an ED is a not necessary.
  • mrs07312012
    mrs07312012 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you all for your suggestions on increasing my calories...however I am good! I do not feel hungry, weak, tired or anything of the sort. I have energy to exercise and am not languishing away in a dark corner. I do not have an eating disorder. I do not have any mental illness. I do not like fish. I do not like avocado. Here's a huge shocker...I don't like sweets and I hate chocolate (since I was a small child). I know, I know....now you all think I'm a liar because what person doesn't like chocolate? Maybe I should post pictures of myself as a child at Easter sitting beside my BBQ peanuts and chips to prove the point? I log everything, including the spices I use when cooking, the excel gum I chew and the flavored water I drink. Why is it so hard for you to except that someone is eating under 1200 calories and is fine? I would fit right in if I was on here saying I couldn't stay away from pizza and chocolate cupcakes! (I don't like either!). I eat a small breakfast (one pkg of instant oatmeal with splenda and cinnamon and a peice of fruit, 2 cups of coffee with 2% milk and splenda). Three hours later I am not hungry so skip lunch. At dinner I eat a large quantity of low calorie food (large dinner plate full) and then before bed I eat a banana (after walking) or if I'm looking for something salty...cocktail tomatoes with salt and pepper. I am deffinately not starving. I generally average about 1000 calories. I am losing weight. My blood tests are all good (I go frequently). Except yesterday.... Cocktails at my Xmas party were 1956 all by themselves!

    I would just like for all you people who think the under 1200 calorie people are liars or nut jobs to understand that we are all different and what works for you may not work for someone else. There are no right and wrongs and maybe you guys are pushing your issues of staying under your calories off on the ones who have a problem hitting ours. When I started this I asked the question about low calories and had many rude comments. Don't be so judgemental...we are all here to get healthier than we were. I would never be rude to someone who has a hard time staying under... Why do you think it's ok to be rude to us?

    PS: this of course is only meant for the rude people...you all know who you are!

    Perfectly said!!! I really enjoyed " I would never be rude to someone who has a hard time staying under... Why do you think it's ok to be rude to us? " I couldn't have said it better!!
  • This thread makes my head spin. Not sure how having a hard time eating 1200 calories equates to eating disorders. Interesting, I need scientific proof.
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    Ok, I get the science behind it and I've read articles like the popular one titled "obesity at 700 calories"... But when I continuously see people on the forums saying how hard it is to eat 1200 calories a day and that they just can't possibly eat that much, I have to say it never fails to baffle my mind. I could easily put away 3,000 calories a day if I could. I just love to eat. That is all. :)
    baffles me too :indifferent:
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    I have had issues some days eating 1200 calories on days that I knock out a 1200 calorie plus burn. I have been criticized for being way under and heard the speeches about “Starvation mode” , I can only eat so much peanut butter.
  • pinguina8
    pinguina8 Posts: 17 Member
    Somedays I really do struggle to get to 1200 calories, but it's because I work odd hours (and when I study/work during semester I legitimately forget to go get food, or the dining hall is so far away I'd rather wait for one big meal). I'm not saying that it's healthy or that I'm proud, in fact it really bothers me that I can't find the will to eat more, but there you go.
    However, for the sake of honesty, I must say that I am a small framed person, about 5'2" and I suffered from anorexia for about 2 years in middle school at the beginning of puberty. I really messed up my metabolism and the way I view food, so that might have something to do with it.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member

    Ok, I get the science behind it and I've read articles like the popular one titled "obesity at 700 calories"... But when I continuously see people on the forums saying how hard it is to eat 1200 calories a day and that they just can't possibly eat that much, I have to say it never fails to baffle my mind. I could easily put away 3,000 calories a day if I could. I just love to eat. That is all. :)

    These people are either lying or have an eating disorder. They're some nut jobs here with no business trying to lose weight. And there are others who'll die fat I am sorry to say.

    My heart goes out, but I am here to connect with can-do people who are as determined as I am to reach these goals.

    Wow really.... I am reading this on a support website. I guess I'm either a lier, a nut job or have a eating disorder because this is the calorie guide line I am currently following. Under doctors watch of course and due to some health issues, but I don't think that I am any of these things, and I am a very "can-do" person and will not always be on this limited amount, but I will as well reach my goals!!! And yes some days it is hard to reach 1200 calories a day, believe it or not, not all days but some it is. You plan every single meal and read calories on absolutly everything and some days it is really hard to get that 2nd snack in.... read my food journal I eat ALOT of food sometimes just this morning I had 5 egg whites, 4 strips of morning star veggie bacon, two cups of spinich ( that was around 298 calories) and I am still stuffed and it's lunch time.

    Well that's the thing - why did you only have the whites of the egg? I don't get why you say it's hard get to 1200 but then you fix your meal in a way that's guaranteed to be lower cals? Use the yolk, add a cube of feta cheese and you automatically have at least 200 extra cals!!

    This is the kind of thing that gets annoying fast - people whining and pretending they can't get to 1200 when in reality they're purposefully omitting foods (like the yolk - why would anyone do that if they're "having trouble getting to their goal cals???) or using the "low fat" or "non fat" version of things. Puhhhleaaaaze!!

    Wellllll Puhhlleeeaaazzzeee back.... my information and diet is coming from a licensed doctor!!! Did you read that I said I am on a 1200 calorie diet because of health issues????? Did it ever cross your mind that some of the reasons I cut the yolk out is because of the cholesterol. No I'm sure you didn't you were so quick to lash back with a judgemental comment. I have issues with hormones and antibiotics and other issues in meat INCLUDING Cheese (i'm pretty sure you were in another forum were this was discussed , I may be wrong) I choose to eat organic and things like veggie bacon not for the the lo cal reasons but because of my limited meat choices ( my eggs are free range , grain fed) I never once said I chose Low fat or Non fat so before you jump to conclusions and try to generlize people I think you should realize that your image of Why people do the things they do may not be correct. And again I didn't say I had this issue everyday, just some days, I choose to eat a smaller calorie breakfast (espeically on weekends when my fiance and I try to see family) because my Plan for the day may not work out and I may be eating higher calorie foods later in the day. My issue here is that this is suppost to be a Support System for people and calling people names and saying that they have an ED is a not necessary.

    It's one thing to say "I eat less than 1200 because my doctor said I should and I am under supervision" and quite another to say "I'm having a hard time even reaching 1200". The motivation behind these two statements are different.

    By the way your info is outdated because dietary cholesterol does not raise serum cholesterol. And even the link between cholesterol and heart disease is being debated.

    With all due respect, I wonder how people who have a hard time reaching 1200 got overweight or plump in the first place. Speaking generally, not of you, since I can't see your stats or goals.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I would be in a world of hurt if I had to eat a 1200 calorie lifestyle, My daily caloric intake is 3000-4000 calories a day to lose 1 to 2 lbs. a week. And no I don't eat crap food, I eat alot of chicken and fish but I also add in alot of whole grains, peanut butter, nuts, 1% milk, eggs, veggies. Only eat beef (tenderloin butcher cuts) once a month, and only have 1 cheat meal a week on friday nights (eat out, whatever I want only rule is I don't bring any leftovers home.) I have no problem consuming enough calories. My breakfast are consistently the same. 3 pcs. Brownberry Nutty grain bread with natural crunchy peanut butter, 1 glass of 1% milk, DanActive drink yogurt, coffee, banana. That meal nets me around 850 calories all by itself. The one thing i had to learn and it took me until I joined MFP in October that I needed to eat more to lose weight. This went against everything I had thought I was doing right while losing 260 lbs. but the healthier I was getting the more I was exercising and the problem was I didn't adjust my eating. Sure my body adapted to my eating fewer calories but it also but me into plateau's and eventually Starvation mode. I had to retrain myself that eating less meant losing weight. It worked in the beginning because I had so much to lose but now my body has less fat stores and relies on my fueling the fire so to speak. I am not going to judge anyone on how they do what they think is right for them but if you are here to learn and get healthy then like me you have to be willing to try new technique to stimulate weight loss. Use me as a primed example, you would think after losing over 260 lbs. I would have it all figured out but I am proof its never to late to teach an ole dog new tricks... since joining MFP I have had several straight weeks of weight loss (1 to 2 lbs. a week) again and I am sure as I continue on my journey with an open mind I will continue to learn new ways to get healthy and lose weight.....
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    By the way I am sometimes under 1200 myself, because of a busy day or whatever, but I don't pretend it's because "it's so haaaaard to eat 1200".
  • CathiAnne
    CathiAnne Posts: 193 Member
    I'm with you, Jack'smom! :noway: By the way, I'll be a Jack'sGrandma on Wednesday or Thursday of this week!
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I don't see why it would be hard to eat under 1200, but I know my calories can easily come in at 700 or less if I'm not paying attention. I don't like most of the foods that can be used to add fast calories (rice, pasta, milk), I don't like egg yolks, and peanut butter and nuts are not a good idea for me.

    I have a lot of food limitations and can still eat 1500 a day.
  • If I eat less than 1500 calories a day, I get dizzy and cranky and mean. :tongue:
  • mrs07312012
    mrs07312012 Posts: 30 Member

    Ok, I get the science behind it and I've read articles like the popular one titled "obesity at 700 calories"... But when I continuously see people on the forums saying how hard it is to eat 1200 calories a day and that they just can't possibly eat that much, I have to say it never fails to baffle my mind. I could easily put away 3,000 calories a day if I could. I just love to eat. That is all. :)

    These people are either lying or have an eating disorder. They're some nut jobs here with no business trying to lose weight. And there are others who'll die fat I am sorry to say.

    My heart goes out, but I am here to connect with can-do people who are as determined as I am to reach these goals.

    Wow really.... I am reading this on a support website. I guess I'm either a lier, a nut job or have a eating disorder because this is the calorie guide line I am currently following. Under doctors watch of course and due to some health issues, but I don't think that I am any of these things, and I am a very "can-do" person and will not always be on this limited amount, but I will as well reach my goals!!! And yes some days it is hard to reach 1200 calories a day, believe it or not, not all days but some it is. You plan every single meal and read calories on absolutly everything and some days it is really hard to get that 2nd snack in.... read my food journal I eat ALOT of food sometimes just this morning I had 5 egg whites, 4 strips of morning star veggie bacon, two cups of spinich ( that was around 298 calories) and I am still stuffed and it's lunch time.

    Well that's the thing - why did you only have the whites of the egg? I don't get why you say it's hard get to 1200 but then you fix your meal in a way that's guaranteed to be lower cals? Use the yolk, add a cube of feta cheese and you automatically have at least 200 extra cals!!

    This is the kind of thing that gets annoying fast - people whining and pretending they can't get to 1200 when in reality they're purposefully omitting foods (like the yolk - why would anyone do that if they're "having trouble getting to their goal cals???) or using the "low fat" or "non fat" version of things. Puhhhleaaaaze!!

    Wellllll Puhhlleeeaaazzzeee back.... my information and diet is coming from a licensed doctor!!! Did you read that I said I am on a 1200 calorie diet because of health issues????? Did it ever cross your mind that some of the reasons I cut the yolk out is because of the cholesterol. No I'm sure you didn't you were so quick to lash back with a judgemental comment. I have issues with hormones and antibiotics and other issues in meat INCLUDING Cheese (i'm pretty sure you were in another forum were this was discussed , I may be wrong) I choose to eat organic and things like veggie bacon not for the the lo cal reasons but because of my limited meat choices ( my eggs are free range , grain fed) I never once said I chose Low fat or Non fat so before you jump to conclusions and try to generlize people I think you should realize that your image of Why people do the things they do may not be correct. And again I didn't say I had this issue everyday, just some days, I choose to eat a smaller calorie breakfast (espeically on weekends when my fiance and I try to see family) because my Plan for the day may not work out and I may be eating higher calorie foods later in the day. My issue here is that this is suppost to be a Support System for people and calling people names and saying that they have an ED is a not necessary.

    It's one thing to say "I eat less than 1200 because my doctor said I should and I am under supervision" and quite another to say "I'm having a hard time even reaching 1200". The motivation behind these two statements are different.

    By the way your info is outdated because dietary cholesterol does not raise serum cholesterol. And even the link between cholesterol and heart disease is being debated.

    With all due respect, I wonder how people who have a hard time reaching 1200 got overweight or plump in the first place. Speaking generally, not of you, since I can't see your stats or goals.

    "Under doctors watch of course and due to some health issues," from my very first reply on this forum! My information from not eating yolks comes from the advice of my PHD who , herself , despite being fit is fighting cholesterol issues.(it is not always an issue of weight). So considering she is usually pretty current on her information and is very "in- the - know" about things I'm going to stick to her advice.
    Obviously those of us that are striving for this sort of calorie intake a day were not always eating the proper things,(we got cubby because we were most likley eating one meal of 1200 calories) we are now (not all) educating ourselves on the proper things to eat to fuel our body. The things that give us energy , fill us up and help us reach our goal, I'm sure we are in the learning stages of what works for us. And in regards to this post and the post you posted after about you yourself only eating 1200 calories a day, I have not heard on person "complain" or ask for pitty of any sort for not being able to reach their goal for the day, everyone was simplysharing expierences and things that they have issues with , and I will reinerate this is a support system site. It is a site to share expierences , learn from each other, support each other when we need it , NOT DOWN EACH OTHER FOR OUR CHOICES AND CALL OUT FAULTS.
  • jacki0486
    jacki0486 Posts: 12 Member
    I don't really understand how some people can't reach the 1200 calorie mark unless they have some serious issues. And I don't mean that in a "you're a nut job" kind of way... I mean it in a health way. I used to have a coworker who had really severe Crohn's disease and she had a hell of a time trying to hit 1200 calories because of all the foods she wasn't allowed to eat. My only concern for the people who don't hit the 1200 mark is that they aren't getting the right nutrients or are going about it in an unhealthy way (like living off of nothing but lettuce or chemically-modified sugar-free, fat-free, nutrient-free cardboard).

    As a recently converted vegetarian (8 months and counting!), I have very few problems with restricting calories for weight-loss because I replaced all meat products with veggies rather than pastas or cheese, but I still never drop anywhere near 1200. A bagel is 300 cals, 1 serving (83g) of pasta is 300 cals, 1 serving of black beans is around 200, 1 serving of rice is between 170 and 200 cals (dependent on the type of rice), a banana is around 120 cals, a single slice of veggie pizza is 250 cals, a baked potato with nothing on it is still over 250 cals... Even a caesar salad with low-fat dressing is going to top out at 200+ calories.

    Three things concerned me about your description of a typical meal plan:

    1) skipping lunch - It wreaks havoc on your metabolism and body to skip meals... even if you're not really hungry, at least have a small snack to keep you going. This is coming from a long-term breakfast-skipper, and since starting to eat something in the morning (hungry or not) I notice a HUGE difference.

    2) "At dinner I eat a large quantity of low calorie food (large dinner plate full)" - what kinds of low cal foods? If you're just eating a bunch of low cal veggies (lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, cucumber, etc), then I can see why you're feeling full but not hitting the 1200 mark.

    3) where's the protein? Generally speaking, high-protein foods have a solid calorie count so if you upped the protein then you'd be fine.

    Bottom-line: if you legitimately can't reach 1200 cals, then just make sure that you're healthy. I don't want to log on and read that you got sick because you weren't eating getting enough calories or nutrients. :)

    Peace, Love & Veggies!

  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    1200 calories of lean meat, veggies and fruit is a lot of food.

    Who said you have to only compose your diet from these foods!?:huh:

    The reason the posts are irritating, is they just smack of "OH Look at meeeee I'm doing my anorexia the BESTEST" Especially because when other members offer sensible, easy ways to increase calories, they protest, "OH nooooo I just couldn't eat one MORE grape!"

    If you are a bird eater, and you struggle with ways to increase calories, and ask for help, then someone gives you healthy and easy ways to fix that, your response ought to be along the lines of, "Oh thanks so much" but most of the replies that are given are laden with excuses that protect their ED and refuse to take the advice they just asked for.

    If you ask for help, and get it, COOL! That's what MFP is for.

    If you just wanna post about your supposed inability to reach calories because you want attention and praise for your "incredible willpower" (ED), then take it elsewhere, MFPers aren't interested in coddling or nurturing your disease.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I get panicky if I have less than 1200 calories left for dinner and my evening snack. :blushing:

    But I wasn't always this way. I used to be one of those "I just don't have much of an appetite" people, and I was very skinny. I ate whatever I wanted and didn't gain, but I didn't really enjoy eating until I got older and was exposed to a greater variety of foods. (My parents were amazing cooks, but they made a lot of basics which get kinda boring after a while.) I also had very low lean body mass. No muscles at all.

    I'm willing to bet I have a better metabolism at 39 than I did at 19. I really pack away the food. But I also burn a lot and my (estimated) lean body mass is higher than my full body weight was at 19, and I'm wearing about the same size clothes.

    So on one hand, I'm not boggled that people can eat so little. But my ravenous appetite wonders why they'd want to eat so little.
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I would be in a world of hurt if I had to eat a 1200 calorie lifestyle, My daily caloric intake is 3000-4000 calories a day to lose 1 to 2 lbs. a week. And no I don't eat crap food, I eat alot of chicken and fish but I also add in alot of whole grains, peanut butter, nuts, 1% milk, eggs, veggies. Only eat beef (tenderloin butcher cuts) once a month, and only have 1 cheat meal a week on friday nights (eat out, whatever I want only rule is I don't bring any leftovers home.) I have no problem consuming enough calories. My breakfast are consistently the same. 3 pcs. Brownberry Nutty grain bread with natural crunchy peanut butter, 1 glass of 1% milk, DanActive drink yogurt, coffee, banana. That meal nets me around 850 calories all by itself. The one thing i had to learn and it took me until I joined MFP in October that I needed to eat more to lose weight. This went against everything I had thought I was doing right while losing 260 lbs. but the healthier I was getting the more I was exercising and the problem was I didn't adjust my eating. Sure my body adapted to my eating fewer calories but it also but me into plateau's and eventually Starvation mode. I had to retrain myself that eating less meant losing weight. It worked in the beginning because I had so much to lose but now my body has less fat stores and relies on my fueling the fire so to speak. I am not going to judge anyone on how they do what they think is right for them but if you are here to learn and get healthy then like me you have to be willing to try new technique to stimulate weight loss. Use me as a primed example, you would think after losing over 260 lbs. I would have it all figured out but I am proof its never to late to teach an ole dog new tricks... since joining MFP I have had several straight weeks of weight loss (1 to 2 lbs. a week) again and I am sure as I continue on my journey with an open mind I will continue to learn new ways to get healthy and lose weight.....

    I agree 100% with what you are saying. I think that I will need to change things as I go along. Currently I am down 20lbs in 6 weeks...so at this point what I'm doing is working for me. When it doesn't work anymore I know I will need to change things. Your success is amazing!

    In my particular case, I take medications that are likely supressing my appetite. I've been on them for many years and the specialists are looking at changing my meds around. They have recently added a stomach medicine which is what allowed me to quit drinking milk (milk was the only thing that helped and I was drinking a lot of it). I am hoping that will help with my appetite over time.

    I am certainly not opposed to eating higher calories. I just don't want to force myself to eat when I'm not hungry, go back to eating unhealthy foods just to increase calories, or force myself to eat things I don't like just because they're "good" for me. After the first time I got rude comments because of the lower calories I have never asked for advice on the subject. I do better on days I eat salad because of the dressing, cheese and slivered almonds I throw on top. I try to have salad a few times a week and get about 1300 calories on those days.

    I am a firm believer that this is a lifestyle change so I have to do the things that will fit into my lifestyle or I will never be able to do it long term. The changes I have made so far fit well. I'm sure that as I adjust to these, other changes will fit in as well. My life has never centered around food (I don't have an addiction, which I know so many people have to deal with). That's not to say I don't really like some things that are unhealthy....bacon double cheeseburgers are my weakness! I'm not having any problems as of yet staying away from fast food. I have always loved certain veggies and now keep them well stocked for when I get the munchies. For me...quantity wise...I am eating more food then I ever have before. I am not starving myself at all... If I get hungry I eat, and it's always things that I really like. So at this point my changes have been very easy. I'll work on more when the time comes and hopefully it will be just as easy.

    Thank you again for not being judgmental and just telling what worked for you. You are a great example of success!
  • I am one of those 'nutjobs' who struggles to get 1200 cals a day. I'm recovering from an ED brought on by years of dancing and body scrutiny. I eat healthy foods, I eat treat foods, I will try to keep my cals as close to 1200 as possible and on workout days I will not eat my exercise cals back.

    I'm here to try to get a healthy attitude to food and nutrition, and yet I read a thread like this and anyone with my illness is branded as attention seeking or insane.

    Gee. Supportive.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member

    I'm here to try to get a healthy attitude to food and nutrition, and yet I read a thread like this and anyone with my illness is branded as attention seeking or insane.

    Gee. Supportive.

    Do you post all the time whining that you can't meet your calorie goals? Do you reject the help other members offer? No? Then none of those comments were directed at you.