Slowly Giving up



  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Wow Girl - Look at all the support you are getting!!! I have only lost 20 since July!! I am sooooo HAPPY and feel so good.. MFP and all the support here is showing me I can do anything I set my mind to!!! I am having a successful holiday season so far....I have really focused on exercise 5-6 days a week....I am also doing it all on my own...I don't have a gym buddy, I just go myself...I signed up for a running class and am trying new things. Oh and I thought because of my age it would be harder....yes it is alittle slower but it is still coming off because I am making good choices!!! I still enjoy some non diet things, but count them.

    Hang in there and Don't give up!!!!!!!!!!! "AS LONG AS YOU NEVER QUIT YOU WILL ALWAYS WIN!!!!!" Feel free to friend me:happy:
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    When life throws us a curve ball ... we can either duck or give it our best shot ! Your not just facing the odds of trying to stay focused, you have alot of other issues going on in your life. Step out of the box and look in from where I stand. You are a beautiful person who wants to do well ... you just don't know where to begin. I can tell you from personal experience that you must begin from within. You have to search for what makes you happy .... get a piece of paper and write down everything that makes you happy ... from places to people to nature and food. Then get another piece of paper and write down everything that makes you sad ... compare these pages and the answers are in between. When sad we often think giving up is easier than fighting the battle ... but we don't realize is that being sad is no way to live our lives. When we are eating poorly, rarely exercising and just barely existing ... we will never find happiness longer than the 15 min we are digesting the comfort food. But if you could just implement one change a day ... that would increase your activity / energy and focus on how long you feel good afterwards ... you will see that the key to being happy is much more likely when we are living a healthy lifestyle. I would encourage you to reach out to some support groups ... there are so many of us whom need a little support, motivation and perhaps someone to inspire us. I can be your inspiration ... But, I need you to want to get to this point, where living is not just merely existing ... but grasping life by the ropes, hanging on tightly ... and jumping ! C'mon ... let me and soooo many others on here motivate you ... If we can do this, ANYBODY can ! Wishing you all the BEST this life has to offer ! :)
  • FrancesGallagher
    FrancesGallagher Posts: 88 Member
    I am surprised that you think a 15 pound loss is not GREAT. I think it shows that you are doing well in the losing weight department. Weight that is lost quickly is many times weight that will be regained quickly so think of that when you feel it isn't quick enough. Why do you feel you can't eat pizza and many of the other foods you mentioned. I eat pizza about once a week, my husband and I share a small cheese pizza (10 ") and each have a side salad and coffee, usually after church services each Sunday. I am not losing fast but I don't want to anyway, but I am losing about 1/2 pound most weeks. Those 1/2 pounds add up to a nice loss by the end of the month. No food should be "off limits" if you use portion control. Good luck and try not to get too down on yourself and you will be successful. fg
  • AriannaTiyen42
    AriannaTiyen42 Posts: 86 Member
    I think that is great weight loss! I have lost 5-7 depending on the day since October. It can be discouraging yes but I feel so much better and happier so I just keep going. Be Proud, you are doing wonderful! Btw, in HYPER-thyroidism your metabolism is faster right? So why does your doctor have you eating so much less? Nevertheless, you are right on track!
  • coloradocami
    coloradocami Posts: 368 Member
    100 days is only 14 weeks- yet, you've lost 15 pounds!!! At this rate, you're losing 1 pound a week- which is perfectly healthy and recommended!
    Keep doing what you're doing... because you're doing it the right way!

    Absolutely!! Please do not give up on are worth it!:flowerforyou:
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    Are you lifting weights? As you get older, you need to build muscle because we lose muscle as we age.

    Also, I would see a doctor. If you've stuck to this faithfully, you should have lost more than 15 lbs in one year. There could be something metabolically wrong wtih your body.

    It takes a couple of years for the cravings to go away; however, I still succumb if someone brings junk into the house.

    Don't give up yet. Go and see a doctor that is a specialist wtih hormones (endocrinologist).

    Thanks. I just waned to say I have seen 2 endo doctors. They are having difficulty regulating the thyroid. Tomorrow I see doctor #3. They say three is a charm. I hope so.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I want to thank everyone for their support, kindness and words of encouragement. Each one of you has offered me new hope and given me the motivation to carry on. I truly appreciate it my friends.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    My guess would be the problem is eating under 1000 calories. I have thyroid problems too, have my medication and I am insulin resistant, but no doctor would ever tell me to starve myself, I really would look into other doctors...

    This is what I was thinking, too. Why would they risk your overall health, including mental (thyroid heavily affects brain function just as it affects everything else) rather than finding you a medication balance that allows you to eat a healthy number of calories every day?
  • RobynC79
    RobynC79 Posts: 331 Member
    My bf has Grave's Disease - it's hyperthyroid, so I agree with the poster above who said you would be burning excess calories if you were untreated, but I'm guessing you're on heavy meds to control it (methimizole?)? Or possibly had your thyroid irradiated? I know my bf has had trouble maintaining his weight since he's been on medication, even with his very active workout regimen - perhaps your doc could alter your med levels a little to give you a break on the metabolic slowdown?

    Good luck with you weight loss - it sounds like you're losing weight at a quite reasonable pace. 1000 cals seems very low though, particularly in combination with other profound changes to your metabolism going on at the same time. I'd definitely seek out some other opinions on what's the best weight-loss strategy for your current metabolic status.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    My bf has Grave's Disease - it's hyperthyroid, so I agree with the poster above who said you would be burning excess calories if you were untreated, but I'm guessing you're on heavy meds to control it (methimizole?)? Or possibly had your thyroid irradiated? I know my bf has had trouble maintaining his weight since he's been on medication, even with his very active workout regimen - perhaps your doc could alter your med levels a little to give you a break on the metabolic slowdown?

    Good luck with you weight loss - it sounds like you're losing weight at a quite reasonable pace. 1000 cals seems very low though, particularly in combination with other profound changes to your metabolism going on at the same time. I'd definitely seek out some other opinions on what's the best weight-loss strategy for your current metabolic status.

    TY. Yes I am seeing my third endocrinologist tomorrow. I hope she will help me. The other 2 doctors have had no luck stabilizing my meds at all. I am a little leery of the RAI, and hopefully she will have some treatment.

    Thanks for your advice.
  • jmehere
    jmehere Posts: 108 Member
    I have a friend who has the same issue as you. One thing I've noticed is that when she's stressed, her levels get harder to control. I don't know if that's one of your issues. I imagine it being the holiday season, you may be a little more stressed than usual. But also, she does have periods of time where she can be without any medication every so often and I think it's because of what she eats. If you haven't already, look up foods that are helpful to eat with your condition. Good luck on the third Doc!