I really can't grasp this...



  • diamondcory
    Me too! I could probably easily put away 1200 calories in one meal.

    i just did
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I am one of those 'nutjobs' who struggles to get 1200 cals a day. I'm recovering from an ED brought on by years of dancing and body scrutiny. I eat healthy foods, I eat treat foods, I will try to keep my cals as close to 1200 as possible and on workout days I will not eat my exercise cals back.

    I'm here to try to get a healthy attitude to food and nutrition, and yet I read a thread like this and anyone with my illness is branded as attention seeking or insane.

    Gee. Supportive.
    I don't think anyone said that people with the disorder are nut jobs. I don't have an issue with people who admit they have an issue and struggle to reach 1200 because of their disorder. It's the people who claim it's hard to reach 1200 because they're full yet only eat low cal stuff on purpose that get under my skin a bit. In a way they might even be encouraging those with EDs by making it look like it's normal and ok to do eat let's say 800-1000 casls on a regular and daily basis.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I am one of those 'nutjobs' who struggles to get 1200 cals a day. I'm recovering from an ED brought on by years of dancing and body scrutiny. I eat healthy foods, I eat treat foods, I will try to keep my cals as close to 1200 as possible and on workout days I will not eat my exercise cals back.

    I'm here to try to get a healthy attitude to food and nutrition, and yet I read a thread like this and anyone with my illness is branded as attention seeking or insane.

    Gee. Supportive.

    I started this thread as something lighthearted and definitely not meant to include people who suffer from eating disorders. I never made any comments about anyone being insane or a nut job. I realize other people did but i guess its that most people dont understand the depth and perplexity of mental disorders. I am 16 months clean in drug addiction recovery qnd except for people who have been through it or seen it first hand, they do not understand and would call me an insane nut job as well. My intentions of this post were to say that because I have such a huge appetite it's hard for me to see how people (eating disordered excluded) have trouble eating 1200 when it seems easy to me! Just like a rocket scientist would have trouble understanding how someone struggles with basic algebra. I am not putting anyone down or truly baffled by the concept, it was just meant to be a lighthearted post like "man, I wish I had that problem" kind of thing. Not trying to create the sh!tstorm that I did!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I would be in a world of hurt if I had to eat a 1200 calorie lifestyle, My daily caloric intake is 3000-4000 calories a day to lose 1 to 2 lbs. a week. And no I don't eat crap food, I eat alot of chicken and fish but I also add in alot of whole grains, peanut butter, nuts, 1% milk, eggs, veggies. Only eat beef (tenderloin butcher cuts) once a month, and only have 1 cheat meal a week on friday nights (eat out, whatever I want only rule is I don't bring any leftovers home.) I have no problem consuming enough calories. My breakfast are consistently the same. 3 pcs. Brownberry Nutty grain bread with natural crunchy peanut butter, 1 glass of 1% milk, DanActive drink yogurt, coffee, banana. That meal nets me around 850 calories all by itself. The one thing i had to learn and it took me until I joined MFP in October that I needed to eat more to lose weight. This went against everything I had thought I was doing right while losing 260 lbs. but the healthier I was getting the more I was exercising and the problem was I didn't adjust my eating. Sure my body adapted to my eating fewer calories but it also but me into plateau's and eventually Starvation mode. I had to retrain myself that eating less meant losing weight. It worked in the beginning because I had so much to lose but now my body has less fat stores and relies on my fueling the fire so to speak. I am not going to judge anyone on how they do what they think is right for them but if you are here to learn and get healthy then like me you have to be willing to try new technique to stimulate weight loss. Use me as a primed example, you would think after losing over 260 lbs. I would have it all figured out but I am proof its never to late to teach an ole dog new tricks... since joining MFP I have had several straight weeks of weight loss (1 to 2 lbs. a week) again and I am sure as I continue on my journey with an open mind I will continue to learn new ways to get healthy and lose weight.....

    I agree 100% with what you are saying. I think that I will need to change things as I go along. Currently I am down 20lbs in 6 weeks...so at this point what I'm doing is working for me. When it doesn't work anymore I know I will need to change things. Your success is amazing!

    In my particular case, I take medications that are likely supressing my appetite. I've been on them for many years and the specialists are looking at changing my meds around. They have recently added a stomach medicine which is what allowed me to quit drinking milk (milk was the only thing that helped and I was drinking a lot of it). I am hoping that will help with my appetite over time.

    I am certainly not opposed to eating higher calories. I just don't want to force myself to eat when I'm not hungry, go back to eating unhealthy foods just to increase calories, or force myself to eat things I don't like just because they're "good" for me. After the first time I got rude comments because of the lower calories I have never asked for advice on the subject. I do better on days I eat salad because of the dressing, cheese and slivered almonds I throw on top. I try to have salad a few times a week and get about 1300 calories on those days.

    I am a firm believer that this is a lifestyle change so I have to do the things that will fit into my lifestyle or I will never be able to do it long term. The changes I have made so far fit well. I'm sure that as I adjust to these, other changes will fit in as well. My life has never centered around food (I don't have an addiction, which I know so many people have to deal with). That's not to say I don't really like some things that are unhealthy....bacon double cheeseburgers are my weakness! I'm not having any problems as of yet staying away from fast food. I have always loved certain veggies and now keep them well stocked for when I get the munchies. For me...quantity wise...I am eating more food then I ever have before. I am not starving myself at all... If I get hungry I eat, and it's always things that I really like. So at this point my changes have been very easy. I'll work on more when the time comes and hopefully it will be just as easy.

    Thank you again for not being judgmental and just telling what worked for you. You are a great example of success!

    Your Welcome, Coming from where I was 29 months ago has truly changed alot about who I am inside and out, There is no denial when you get to 560 lbs. and can't walk from room to room without a rolling chair to sit on. I had major food addictions, and still face them demons everyday. I am afraid of food too, it works the same for under eaters as it does for us that over ate, I am afraid of going back to that guy but I am learning ways to keep that from happening. Everything I do is in Baby steps (as I like to call them) None of the things I do are split second decisions, I take the time to think them out and then apply them to my life. The biggest thing I had to learn was giving into the process of regaining control of my life. I tried it my way and it practically got me bed ridden and nearly dead. So I keep an open mind and constantly learn from past mistakes but always keep putting one foot in front of the other and never look back any longer than to reflect on where I have come from. Good Luck to you.......
  • horror_hamster
    Ok, I get the science behind it and I've read articles like the popular one titled "obesity at 700 calories"... But when I continuously see people on the forums saying how hard it is to eat 1200 calories a day and that they just can't possibly eat that much, I have to say it never fails to baffle my mind. I could easily put away 3,000 calories a day if I could. I just love to eat. That is all. :)

    These people are either lying or have an eating disorder. They're some nut jobs here with no business trying to lose weight. And there are others who'll die fat I am sorry to say.

    My heart goes out, but I am here to connect with can-do people who are as determined as I am to reach these goals.

    I gained weight eating unhealthy “food” (ex: fast food, sugar, way too much cheese, white bread….). When you take that out you have to learn to eat healthy food. It’s very hard to get enough calories eating fresh fruit, veggies and lean protein. You learn to add in nuts and seeds, fresh nut butters, and healthy fats. You have to learn to cook.

    I think that some of these statements are unfair, judgmental, mean and more than a little rude. It took me months and help from my doctor and nutritionist to be able to get to 1200.

    Be baffled no more.

    thank you for this. i feel some people in here have been more than rude. just because some people are fat, doesnt mean they overeat everything and are now lying about it or "nut jobs". Some people just need help learning. the names and insults are absolutely unnecessary.
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    We are going in circles now.... If you aren't going to read the previous posts why ask questions. I'm done trying to make anyone understand....I'll do what works for me and you guys can do what works for you! If sitting with a jar a peanut butter at the end of the day gagging down spoonfuls until you reach your magic number makes you feel good...good for you! It doesn't work for me. I will only be taking criticism/advice from the guy in the white coat that has an M.D. after his name.
  • patsyacs
    patsyacs Posts: 1,322 Member
    Ok, I get the science behind it and I've read articles like the popular one titled "obesity at 700 calories"... But when I continuously see people on the forums saying how hard it is to eat 1200 calories a day and that they just can't possibly eat that much, I have to say it never fails to baffle my mind. I could easily put away 3,000 calories a day if I could. I just love to eat. That is all. :)

    These people are either lying or have an eating disorder. They're some nut jobs here with no business trying to lose weight. And there are others who'll die fat I am sorry to say.

    My heart goes out, but I am here to connect with can-do people who are as determined as I am to reach these goals.

    Not wanting to sound rude, but that in itself is false. I have a naturally small appetite and even on days that I am trying to splurge (like today) I have a problem eating 1200 calories a day. I have my fiance on here monitoring it because 1) I am not lying and 2) I do not have an eating disorder. I just do not get hungry that often. I joined MFP not knowing that and it has been a shock to know that on days like today where I had both arbys and in - n - out that I stilll needed to eat when I got home to hit that minimal mark. I was 145 when I started losing weight and am now at 129 at 5'7''. I am still in my healthy weight range so that is not classifiable as an eating disorder. As long as someone is still in their healthy BMI and does have that issue of not having a large appetite it is not right to judge them just because you think that they don't need to lose weight. I know that there are people on here with legit ED's but it is not right to make a generalization that either these people are liars or have a disorder. You don't know everyone on this site and that comment did not need to be made in multiple threads (Skinny People Dieting thread). The judgmental generalizations are not needed. Just sayin.

    Sorry OP for getting off topic.

    I'm the same way, just don't get hungry. I eat 3 meals a day and usually a snack but I eat very small portions. It has taken e a while to get up to 1500 calories a day by adding nuts and cheese for snacks. Trying to cut back on the soda and drinking more water too. I weighed 100 pounds after two kids and have gained a couple pounds per year since then - 39 years! I don't ever want to go back to 100 but would like to lose the 50 or so extra.
  • BrendaPetersen
    BrendaPetersen Posts: 69 Member
    I wouldn't be able to if it wasn't happening to me at times. I would rather not eat...I think it's a mind set whether it be from past experiences or just thinking for so long if you eat your going to gain...
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    MFP gave me 1200 calories a day bases on my ht and wgt ( Im assuming ). It has been very difficult staying at that level. The more exercise I do the more calories Im given, and I eat all of them. This is only week 2 so Im still working out the kinks. But, as a RN I can tell you that metabolically some people just dont consume that many calories. Its not how much you eat but what you are eating. You must monitor the quality of your calories.
  • bijoux2711
    Another nut job/lier here! And yes I am working my way down from morbid obesity. I work hard to eat 1200 calories or more a day and I eat constantly. I've always cooked from scratch. I don't eat full fat versions of dairy just to increase my intake because heart disease is rife in my family. I have pre diabetes, so simple carbs and sugar are not a great option.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,665 Member
    MFP gave me 1200 calories a day bases on my ht and wgt ( Im assuming ). It has been very difficult staying at that level. The more exercise I do the more calories Im given, and I eat all of them. This is only week 2 so Im still working out the kinks. But, as a RN I can tell you that metabolically some people just dont consume that many calories. Its not how much you eat but what you are eating. You must monitor the quality of your calories.
    You can eat high calorie quality foods.

    Oily fish
    Peanut Butter
    Coconut milk (try making coconut chicken)

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • gcarpntr
    Everybody on this site can - and did - easily eat more than 1200 calories. I have also had days where I had trouble eating the whole 1200 calories, but it wasn't the calories that were a problem; it was the minimum amounts of every food group you had to have every day. At the end of the day, I would sometimes have to eat a can of green beans to get in my minimum veggies!
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Well now, I have to get into this, lol. Some (of course not all) who say they have trouble getting 1200 are talking NET 1200, I have to admit that after a 900 calorie burn at the gym I can have a tough time eating healthy and netting 1200. Now, having looked at some of the 1200 calorie folk diaries they are just plain not eating, well that's kind of silly. I pm them stuff like add some fruits or veggies, or eat and avocado, lol whatever I can think of that fits with their pattern. Otherwise I just shake my head, and say to myself "well there goes another "dieter". This is serious life change business, do the damn research and find out what the words "fuel your body" means.
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    I totally agree!

    I love to eat and I can easily consume 1200 calories between breakfast and lunch. I really don't understand the whole "I can't make myself eat 1200 calories" mindset.

    I am allowed quite a few calories in a day (right now I'm averaging around 2500) and there are days when I'm STILL over.

    I can't imagine only getting 1200 calories and then "not being able to eat them all".

    I'm really confused by the whole thing.

    Me too, I eat at the lowest 1800, but mostly always average 1900-2200 and much more on Sunday which is spike day. I eat healthy too not junk food, But can easily eat many cals. I wish I could eat unlimited:-)
  • tjbarlow3
    tjbarlow3 Posts: 2 Member
    I have just recently started and I feel I am that person eating all the foods that I would not normally eat just to stay at 1200 calories. Can anyone offer some of their meal plans (breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as snacks) so that I can get some other ideas. Calories included please.

    Thanks so much,:smile:

    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    I have just recently started and I feel I am that person eating all the foods that I would not normally eat just to stay at 1200 calories. Can anyone offer some of their meal plans (breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as snacks) so that I can get some other ideas. Calories included please.

    Thanks so much,:smile:


    If you do a search on this site of open diaries, you will get a good idea of healthy eating menus. You need to find foods you enjoy to make it doable for you:-) best of luck to you.
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    Even when eating low-cal food, I find it very hard to eat anything below about 1600 calories without feeling ravenous the entire day! I have a big appetite, unfortunately, which caused me to gain weight when I started puberty. Over the past couple years, though, I've learned that in order to eat what I want, I need to exercise. I've discovered that I LOVE exercise, especially running!
    I'm of the mind that if you're hungry, you should eat something healthy, and if you're concerned about calories, go exercise!

    This is almost me (I don't remember back to puberty though!) - even on good healthy clean eating days I am never under 1600 calories and if I exercise I still net around the same.

    There are so many ways to get up to 1200 or more and if you don't then that's purely your own choice.