A Man's Guide To Pleasing A Woman At Christmas



  • Momkat65
    Momkat65 Posts: 317 Member
    Woild love to place you in a CLONING MACHINE so I could get one like you!!

    However......most learn from mistakes so I bet you have stories that made you this smart..hahahaha
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    Perhaps you have this right for " most " women ... and you are adorable. But ... there are exceptions to every rule and I do not fall under any of those. Does this make me high maintenance ... no, just the opposite. I will cook for you, bring you a drink ... even sit beside you and watch football or anything else you fancy. But I do not need any of the hardwork you listed above to get that treatment. If your with the right person and you know them well, it comes naturally to know that we are " simple " creatures and just a little cuddling, some smooth kisses and alot of love works better than anything. Heck ... you could even but me some power tools and I'd be just as happy ! Just sayin'

    PS ... I'm not the norm, and I know that ! Sooo carry on fella's ... start planning ! LOL !

    Merry Christmas ! :wink:
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 706 Member
    I solved this problem long ago.
    After 28 years of marriage, she gets ZILTCH!
    And same goes with me.
    Anything we really want, we already have, and gifts from others are never what we need or desire, and it's always a disappointment.

    We just decided not to play that game with each other.
    We get the kids things and send cards to friends, cookies to the church, and that's it.

    Same here^^^^^^If she or me want it we buy it!
  • MrsObundles
    MrsObundles Posts: 138 Member
    Good man and so very true! My birthday is right before Christmas and usually gets forgotten or thrown in with Christmas. But not by my husband! He recently bought me the best birthday presents I've ever gotten before. It was so special to me b/c he bought me a bagful of gifts. Every gift was something I had exclaimed over or said I loved in the past year. It was so precious to me that he had paid attention for such a long time and REMEMBERED! I cried for a good ten minutes :)
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    I solved this problem long ago.
    After 28 years of marriage, she gets ZILTCH!
    And same goes with me.
    Anything we really want, we already have, and gifts from others are never what we need or desire, and it's always a disappointment.

    We just decided not to play that game with each other.
    We get the kids things and send cards to friends, cookies to the church, and that's it.

    THIS!!!! Could not agree more. We buy for ourselves and each other all year long so Christmas presents are for my son and the other kids in the family / friend circle. My gift to her this year is the freedom to visit the Coach store and buy anything she wants. You think I am crazy to go buy her something on my own? No way!
  • 1FitMom326
    You have some very nice ideas, and they all point to the fact that it really is the thought that goes into planning. It is not something off of a list that she gave you to buy. Shows you really care. Maybe more men and women should both take this kind of advice.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Your wife is one lucky lady. :flowerforyou:
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Do you have a clone? No, wait I'm married...... You are a star!
  • cfergy
    cfergy Posts: 67 Member
    You are a rock star. Could you enlighten my bf please? I wonder how many women have printed out your post to show their SO. I wish you and your lucky lady continued success. Do you have a brother? lol
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    That's an impressive post, your wife is a lucky lady!
  • c0mmonN3rd
    Every woman has their own choice and chance.
    Trying to figure them out without spending time and asking.
    Your on eggshells boyo.
    Luckily mine likes chocolate, movies, decent liquor, and romantic notions.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Real man pleases his woman early, late, often and not just at Christmas. So much emphasis on this single day when it should be your thoughts and actions year round.

    True, but we also like to feel super special on the holidays and will return the thoughtfulness.
  • red_hatorade
    I wish my man would read this...
  • Mama_CAEI
    Am I really the only woman married to man who doesn't need to read this message? Back off ladies, he's mine and I'm keeping him. :heart:
  • DLPanther
    DLPanther Posts: 14 Member
    It all depends on the woman, really. I'm pretty handy with a toolkit, so I tend to be the one who fixes things around the house. My gift this year was a new ceiling fan. Nice but not real thrilling. The BEST PART is after we picked it out, he installed it the SAME DAY. That was awesome.

    The speaker I got to hook up to the stereo for the kitchen, same thing. Speaker is cool, but the installation! Wow!

    But I'm atypical. Really, it's more about the thought than the gift.
  • casirdms
    casirdms Posts: 145 Member
    omg.. you are so adorable! your wife must still get butterflies :smile: good for you!

  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    LOVE this post!
    My husband god love him is not too terribly romantic at other times of the year ... but every year for Christmas I never tell him what to get me. Part of the gift for me is seeing what he comes up with ...he never disappoints either! Some years its practical ... one year I really really wanted this blender and he had me going all the way until Christmas that I was not getting it ... lol
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I just kept saying "This is so unfair that he knows this... but so true!"

    And it is.

    It's actually slightly disturbing.
  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
    Your wife is one lucky girl :) All husbands should read this and learn something!!
  • ladybug91254
    ladybug91254 Posts: 232 Member
    A cute, funny read and probably fairly accurate. Laughed several times while reading this. However, none of us are "cookie cutters" and so every marriage/relationship is different. I have been fortunate enough for the past 32 years to have a fantastic husband that now has Alzheimers...the past couple of holidays have been "different". But the fact that he still remembers that he is supposed to do "something" makes whatever he does very special. He has a package wrapped for me already that looks like a 5 year old wrapped it and for 2 days has been asking me "don't you want to open it now?" I have to keep reminding him that I need to save it for Christmas Day. I have a great daughter that helps him but there is usually something (usually a little odd) that he just has to get me on his own. Those of you that have healthy spouses/significant others...take great joy in every day you have together...whether you get "just the right" gift or not. Merry Christmas everyone!