A Man's Guide To Pleasing A Woman At Christmas



  • persephone87
    persephone87 Posts: 220 Member
    Am I the only cynic who reads is as 'how to get your leg over while pretending to be doing it for her?' I agree its better than sticking a bow on your w*lly and telling her she doesn't need anything else for xmas, but the last para spoilt it for me.

    I also notice how a few men say its too much to read, shows how much they care about their SO, these will be the women who lie to their friends about what their bf got them for xmas.
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    Am I the only cynic who reads is as 'how to get your leg over while pretending to be doing it for her?' I agree its better than sticking a bow on your w*lly and telling her she doesn't need anything else for xmas, but the last para spoilt it for me.

    I also notice how a few men say its too much to read, shows how much they care about their SO, these will be the women who lie to their friends about what their bf got them for xmas.

    Actually us men don't have to read materialistic nonsense to impress our wifes/gf's for christmas. We do our part by showing our love 365 days, 52 weeks, 7 days a week. We wake up early in the morning to bring you coffee in bed or rub your feet warm during the cold winter months, love can't be bought and if you expected a guess handbag or a cloud nine hair straightener for christmas then you better start saving for my 50" LED TV with surround sound since your love is measured in money and gifts.
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Some excellent suggestions, and hopefully not just intended to get laid with LOL. I think the key thing here though is to pay attention and think about things that suit YOUR sweetheart, as there are women in the world who are not into spas, manicures, pedicures, candles, bath stuff, or perfume. One of the best gifts I ever got was a backpack for Valentine's Day/anniversary from a boyfriend. It was a need, want, and desire all rolled into one. (If you're wondering, it was an expedition pack for backpacking, etc, to be used for the first time on an overnight snowshoeing trip!) :) THAT is my idea of romance...so choose gifts to suit your girl! :) And in my opinion, the thought behind it is the most important thing, and doing something special is even better! Another fabulous gift was when he built me a bed frame, custom height to store things under it. Very thoughtful. :)
  • SLT01
    SLT01 Posts: 58
    Well said!! Hope my husband reads this, :laugh:
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
    Thank you!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Too much reading

    Typical man response :wink:
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Too much reading

    Typical man response :wink:

    Ever see a man read a manual to put something together??? Nope we just start putting things together eventually it works. Always end up with extra parts though....weird.
  • mp13cat
    mp13cat Posts: 26 Member
    This is great! I might actually send it to my husband! He asked me to make him a list this year because I'm "impossible to buy for".
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Am I the only cynic who reads is as 'how to get your leg over while pretending to be doing it for her?' I agree its better than sticking a bow on your w*lly and telling her she doesn't need anything else for xmas, but the last para spoilt it for me.

    I also notice how a few men say its too much to read, shows how much they care about their SO, these will be the women who lie to their friends about what their bf got them for xmas.

    Actually us men don't have to read materialistic nonsense to impress our wifes/gf's for christmas. We do our part by showing our love 365 days, 52 weeks, 7 days a week. We wake up early in the morning to bring you coffee in bed or rub your feet warm during the cold winter months, love can't be bought and if you expected a guess handbag or a cloud nine hair straightener for christmas then you better start saving for my 50" LED TV with surround sound since your love is measured in money and gifts.

    I love this, and I actually feel the same way. My ex-boyfriend and I (together for 6 years) had a rule about no gifts on Christmas, Valentine's Day, or birthdays because we just felt like it was forced affection. When we wanted to give each other something, we did. I just hated the thought of him racking his brain, wandering aimlessly through a shopping mall, trying to come up with something to spend money on that might impress me. It's just so far removed from how I wanted him to feel when he thought about me.

    I've got no problem with men who love going all out for their significant others on birthdays and holidays. If it's something a man is really excited about doing, I say go for it. But for me, it was more fun and more memorable when he would call me on a completely random day and say "Cancel whatever weekend plans you had ... I have a surprise for you."
  • LaurieEReid
    I solved this problem long ago.
    After 28 years of marriage, she gets ZILTCH!
    And same goes with me.
    Anything we really want, we already have, and gifts from others are never what we need or desire, and it's always a disappointment.

    We just decided not to play that game with each other.
    We get the kids things and send cards to friends, cookies to the church, and that's it.

    Oh thank goodness! I was starting to think that my husband and I were the only ones who did this. Anything I want, I buy for myself and anything he needs, he says, "Honey, would you pick me up..." It's working for us.
  • Hikaru37
    Hikaru37 Posts: 177 Member
    I'm going to paste this to every penis'd one I know

    You are a wise man
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    LOVE this!!! You must be the most awesome husband ever!

    If there's another one out there like you, I hope to find him! :flowerforyou:
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    it is very accurate ^^"
    but I would emphasize doing something with YOU AND HER if you're just a boyfriend. together time would be my favorite gift--a romantic night out, doing something silly together, or just a few drinks and a movie cuddled together.
  • waskier
    waskier Posts: 254 Member
    Wow, a few of you young ladies actually got me to blush (thank you very much!). Glad to see so many of you got the point AND the intended humor. For those of you that missed the point, well, here's another way of looking at it.

    Not too long ago I sat with my grandmother. The doctors had given her just a few more days with us. She asked me to open the drawer in her nightstand and give her a small box from it. She opened the box and asked me if I knew what it was. I told her it was the polished rock I bought her when I was 5 years old. She said it was the most valuable possession she owned because I had taken the only dollar I had, picked it out, walked up to the counter and purchased it. I then turned and gave it to her as a present. She told me she had kept it with her constantly and would hold it and think of me. She asked me to keep it now and think of her when I held it. She passed away 3 days later.

    The rock now sits on my nightstand. When I think of her I place it in my hand and smile. It is the most valuable possession I own. I do not worry about it being stolen, someone dropping it, or even losing it in a fire. It has absolutely no value or meaning to anyone in the world but me.

    We live in a society of materialism and narcissism. The point of the forum topic was to call out that we should all, at least one day out of the year, stop and think of others instead of ourselves. That regardless of our good deeds throughout the year there is always something extra each of us can do to show someone how much we care about them. And that we should probably start with the person closest to us since we frequently take them for granted.

    You do not need to pick out something expensive or fancy. From the folks who have posted here it could be a tattoo, a chameleon, installing a ceiling fan or even a simple polished rock. The value of the gift comes down to the meaning of it to the recipient. All I am suggesting this holiday season is that you do something special for someone else and that you do it with meaning.

    Merry Christmas
  • Poohsta0
    Poohsta0 Posts: 147 Member
    You sir are a successfully married man.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I'd still rather give him a list!!! complete with sizes ;)
  • socialite1
    Love this! I'm going to send this to my brothers lol.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    great post!! :o)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    So true! You should be teaching a class...one required for all men to attend.
  • LButterfly201
    This was brilliant :D