Logging 'cleaning' and 'shopping' cals burned etc



  • samantha0176
    samantha0176 Posts: 67 Member
    i only log cleaning on the days that i spent 3-5hrs cleaning...and i only do light cleaning for 45 min or 1hrs instead of putting the 4 hrs or so i spent on cleaning the house.....and if i am walking at the mall shopping for few hours i do log it as walking slow 2m/h because i am walking what is the difference between walking in the mall or outside? if i am shopping for 3hrs i only put 1.5hrs though...:o) happy shoppping and cleaning! :o)
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Don't log this in.
    It's NOT exercise.

    What a classically male attitude!

    Not all males *ahem*cough*thisguy*cough*
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I probably should log those things since I've set my lifestyle to sedentary. But I don't.
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    i recently did a very big cleaning of my flat which took a couple of hours and i did log it. if it was the minor clean that i do every weekend, i personally wouldnt bother.

    i have logged the walking on my shopping trip before as well. as far as i am concerned, i was doing something out of the ordinary. it is not everyday i walk around the shops for a few hours. i think i deserve credit for it!

    i noticed a couple people on my friend list logging "food preparation/cooking" and "ironing". i think this is abit extreme. i cant imagine these 2 activities burning enough calories to make much of a difference
  • jsv454
    jsv454 Posts: 30 Member
    I have hardwood floors, so scrubbing them on my hands and knees definitely counts as a workout for me, and so does moving heavy furniture (by myself) to clean the floors underneath. By the time I am done, I have sweat pouring off me, so yes, I log an activity like that. Sweeping, dusting, washing dishes-- not so much.
  • suavequeen
    suavequeen Posts: 273 Member
    I log cleaning as cardio on weekends because my second job is constant walking, cleaning, heavy lifting, and washing dogs for 8 hrs. I only log 5 hrs of it just in case. My normal routine on weekdays is sitting at a desk so it changes my "normal mode".
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    Don't log this in.
    It's NOT exercise.

    Says who?
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    If I do a heavy cleaning, all day type cleaning marathon, then yes, I log it... Otherwise, I usually don't... I guess I figure it just gives me a bit of a buffer for days I might go over a bit.
  • Klein1475
    Klein1475 Posts: 248 Member
    I agree with some of what you are saying but not all... Out of complete respect I say this... Our cleaning day is on Sundays... That is when everything gets cleaned from baseboards, ceiling fans, floors, walls, scrubbing, etc... I DO have my heart rate monitor on while I am working my butt off... I will burn around 700 to 800 calories if not more during this time but it takes me hours to do that... I am a sweaty mess when done... The other time I will log is if I am gardening b/c you kick some major calories and use muscles you haven't used in a long time... I also wear my heart rate monitor for that as well...

    I DO NOT log for walking around my house, going to the grocery store, washing dishes, sweeping the floor at night which takes 10 minutes...

    I also DO NOT eat workout calories... I don't do it to eat more...

    thank you for hearing me out... Have a great day...
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Don't log this in.
    It's NOT exercise.

    You've either never cleaned in your life or never done it properly. Cleaning is physically hard work when done properly.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Cooking as a daily activity, no (unless I'm so exhausted I would have ordered take out pre mfp under similar circumstances).. Cooking Thanksgiving Dinner all by myself, including setting the table? You bet! I know mfp is off, so I only count for 25% of the time spent cooking. Same for cleaning. Day to day chores don't get logged, but preparing for company does, at 25% of time spent.
    It is not my intention to eat back these exercise calories, but to remind myself that even if I was too busy and tired to go to the gym, I was still physically active and don't deserve to feel guilty.
    Do I praise someone for calories burned cooking and cleaning? Why not? I don't know that they didn't work at it intensely. They are the best judge as to whether it should count as exercise for them!
  • Redneckdarling
    Redneckdarling Posts: 8 Member
    I am loging my cleaning to day cause I am steamcleaning the carpents and pretty much doing an over haul on my house. we had to spray for pest so this is not some thing i do day to day. i steam clean my carpets once a year and that means moving everything and taking stuff apart i dont go around things. So yes cleaning like that I will log. Shopping on the other hand it depends on what it is if i go to the mall then maybe (how long I am there.) It just depends on the person if they want to log it or not. About the over estimateing you cant do anything really about that they are just hurting them selfs in the long run.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I can tell you, trying to squeeze my butt into size smaller jeans definately burns calories!

    More seriously though, some people that do that may not yet be sure which 'activity level' they are to get an accurate calorie goal from MFP, if they are sedentary then they should log everything.

    Try not to be so judgmental though. I don't really see why it bothers you so much.

    Im not being judgemental and it doesnt bother me, I am using this forum to ask an opinion on something, which is what is for!!!

    You are being judgemental. Call it what you want but yes you are. Why are you using this forum to ask a question about other peoples business when it has no bearing on your own life and weight loss? This forum is not for that. You might want to try www.thisismyjudgmentofothersbecauseIknowbest.com/forums

    This is a website and the forum's purpose is to discuss things like this, if you have a problem with people asking opinions and want to try and turn a simple question and post into an argument maybe you should stay away from it!!!!

    I am simply saying its not your business how anyone else logs their exercise.
    I also think that the purpose of the forums is to discuss weight/fitness/health as it is relevent to us and our journeys. This thread is not that, it is a blatant attack on how other people log their exercise.
    If it is a discussion that directly affects your journey then please share how and maybe we can share our stories of how the way we log our exercise helps us as individuals and give our opinions on good ways to improve logging for maximum results. Otherwise I'm afraid, intentional or not, your OP comes across as judgemental and I was not the only one who picked up on that. If it was not your intention then perhaps you could change the wording to avoid further misunderstandings?
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    I used to log cleaning and house chores, but I would only count things like yard work or vigorous cleaning i.e. scrubbing, vacuuming, etc. I would also underestimate my calories burned. Now, I don't log any of those calorie expenditures at all. I count those as part of my daily activity. I only log workouts.

    Logging shopping as a workout... is pretty ridiculous. It's not a deliberate and heart rate raising workout, in my opinion (unless you're battling other Black Friday shoppers, or something, then maybe...). I push myself HARD physically and mentally when I workout. The only "pushing" I do when shopping or cleaning doesn't even come CLOSE to my gym workouts, therefore, I don't count it.
  • spookiewon
    spookiewon Posts: 59 Member
    A calorie burnt is a calorie burnt.

    Do you log sex :blushing: ? Hey, at the end of the day, it all adds up!

    Yes! Not often enough, though!
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    A calorie burnt is a calorie burnt.

    Do you log sex :blushing: ? Hey, at the end of the day, it all adds up!

    Yes! Not often enough, though!

    That's another one of those things that (even though it's NOT an every day activity sometimes... grrr) I just would rather include in my daily calorie expenditure.
  • spookiewon
    spookiewon Posts: 59 Member
    I used to log cleaning and house chores, but I would only count things like yard work or vigorous cleaning i.e. scrubbing, vacuuming, etc. I would also underestimate my calories burned. Now, I don't log any of those calorie expenditures at all. I count those as part of my daily activity. I only log workouts.

    Logging shopping as a workout... is pretty ridiculous. It's not a deliberate and heart rate raising workout, in my opinion (unless you're battling other Black Friday shoppers, or something, then maybe...). I push myself HARD physically and mentally when I workout. The only "pushing" I do when shopping or cleaning doesn't even come CLOSE to my gym workouts, therefore, I don't count it.

    I sure do wish enduring the pain of walking to shop and clean wasn't something that wasn't "pushing." I push myself, too, but it's to even move; because even moving causes me excruciating pain. Acting like you're somehow special because you "push yourself hard" ...is pretty ridiculous.
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    I used to log cleaning and house chores, but I would only count things like yard work or vigorous cleaning i.e. scrubbing, vacuuming, etc. I would also underestimate my calories burned. Now, I don't log any of those calorie expenditures at all. I count those as part of my daily activity. I only log workouts.

    Logging shopping as a workout... is pretty ridiculous. It's not a deliberate and heart rate raising workout, in my opinion (unless you're battling other Black Friday shoppers, or something, then maybe...). I push myself HARD physically and mentally when I workout. The only "pushing" I do when shopping or cleaning doesn't even come CLOSE to my gym workouts, therefore, I don't count it.

    I sure do wish enduring the pain of waking to shop and clean wasn't something that want' "pushing." I push myself, too, but it's to even move; because even moving causes me excruciating pain. Acting like you're somehow special because you "push yourself hard" ...is pretty ridiculous.

    Your comment on my post is pretty uncalled for and wrongly presumes that I don't understand that other people do have to work harder at more routine activities. I explained my personal reasons for not logging certain cleaning and daily chore activities. I'm not claiming that I'm special. I simply set the bar higher for myself. What you want to do is your own business. I'm certainly not trying to compare the value of my workouts to someone else's. I never judged, just stated my opinion in response to the OP's question. What's so wrong with that?
  • abbigail_r
    abbigail_r Posts: 283 Member
    I only log if I did vigorous out of the norm cleaning. but yeah I dont agree with those that log all cals. The minimum amount you are given is to offset the ones you should be burning normally...
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    I don't log things like that, because honestly most people over estimate what they are burning which means they usually eat more than they should. However I have a pretty active lifestyle so I figure it is included.