P.I.N.K Method



  • wtongen
    wtongen Posts: 5 Member
    From TED:
    Every day there are news reports of new health advice, but how can you know if they're right? Doctor and epidemiologist Ben Goldacre shows us, at high speed, the ways evidence can be distorted, from the blindingly obvious nutrition claims to the very subtle tricks of the pharmaceutical industry.

  • Vegas09
    Hey I literally just finished watching that episode (I am not a fan of Dr. Phil/the Doctors but I was waiting for the Dr Oz show to start when I was flipping through channels and happend to catch that exact segment ) I believe that the young man said he would "marry her no matter what she looked like"... It was her that was not comfortable with her own weight... Dr Phil gave her a free Alfred Angelo wedding gown,the program and a trainer to take home along as long as she set a goal and a date for her wedding... date was set for April of 2012 (her grandparents were married in April so the month was significant to her).
  • Schubox
    So... I am a little surprisedby these responses.
    Number 1: Dr. Phil's NOT the person who came up with this method. The method was featured on his show and it was also on the Doctors, and they did go to medical school.
    Number 2: there is almost NO calorie counting. Its mostly about knowing the food you eat and maintaining proper nutrition. Its eating healthy for women and excersising.
    Number 3: This is not about rapid weight loss. It can help lose faster but not so fast it becomes unhealthy. It is a 60 day program, but it also gives specific and realistic ways to keep the weight off even after the diet ends. And the personalized journal helps you plan meals and track progress as well as recipes an online community and the shakes are extremely tastey. This is healthy carbs, protiens, slow digesting food to boost metabolism and stay full longer.
    My sister is on week three and has lost 9lbs. I'm starting tomorrow. It works... if you try.... its 76.00 and thats a heck of a lot cheaper than nutri-system, dieting books, Hollywooddiets, and 25.00 a month in a gym... do it at home private and comfortable.
  • Avecmoi
    This method was also featured on the Dr. Oz show recently... I was wondering about it myself. I know that Doctor Phil isn't really a doctor but is the Oz guy? lol
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    There is nothing new under the sun with these diet plans. If you do it the healthy way, it takes time to lose weight. Any time they promise you more than a 1-2 pound loss per week, be wary. The rules are the same no matter what...move more, eat less. If this program gets you to do that, then fine. It is just another gimmick...the same old stuff in a pretty pink package. Oh, and I honestly don't trust any of those shows. Those guys will do anything to make a buck, including hocking whatever fad diet comes down the pike.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I wouldn't buy it. Those ladies seem to be sucking it in on the after photos and the plan is expensive. You're better off buying a cheaper workout dvd at Walmart (or even borrowing some from the library!) and just counting calories/eating healthy.

    I lost 100 lbs in about a year and I didn't buy anything special to do it... I just wrote down everything I ate in a notebook and walked 3 to 6 miles a day.

    HIGH FIVE! I started out with 70 pounds to lose. The only thing I bought was a diet/lifestyle book to follow and give me motivation, sensible walking shoes, exercise DVDs, dumbbells, better real food to eat, and oh, yes a doggie walking parther! 4 pounds left! I refused to fork over any money to anyone who thought I couldn't do this with a little helpful information and some motivation!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    This method was also featured on the Dr. Oz show recently... I was wondering about it myself. I know that Doctor Phil isn't really a doctor but is the Oz guy? lol

    Dr. Oz is a cardiac surgeon and got me started back when he was on Oprah. Lately he has been irritating me with seeming to be more commercialized and giving what seems to me "odd" advice often enough! = (
  • Avecmoi
    Yeah most tv docs aren't trustworthy in my opinion. I had never seen the show until the one that had the pink method on it, and it piqued my curiosity. From what I saw on that particular episode the method doesn't seem to be anything spectacular, but offers nutrition advice and exercizes...etc. No one 'method' or 'diet' is a cure all....that much I do know! :)
  • liberella
    liberella Posts: 57 Member
    Not that it particularly matters but that's one terrible looking website and all those ultra-pink materials are enough to paint a picture of unhealthy, fad-dieting to me. I wouldn't give them a dime or risk my health.
  • cskehan
    It is unnecessary to knock this plan. If you dont want to pay for it, then dont. but if it works for someone who has no idea what to do, it gives a great nutritional meal plan book with a plethora of written out explanations. it also comes with workout dvds with cardio and strength training exercises. while it may be expensive for some people, its better than not knowing what you are doing and wasting time trying to figure it out. ive researched this, bought this, and used it and have lost 25 pounds. no its not rocket science, but its helpful when all the information is right in front of you. less stress is a good thing. so for all the haters of this, hush up and dont buy it if you have something negative to say.
  • cskehan
    not to mention, for what its worth, it IS actually a healthy diet. its even comparable to weight watchers. it promotes healthy, natural eating, starting from scratch and slowly adding things back into your diet. the exercises are perfect for muscle confusion which is what you need to lose weight. i myself go to my gym 6 times a week but as for what to do with strength training i needed a personal plan. this was good. what works for one doesnt have to work for all, but this happened to work.
  • froggytank3
    froggytank3 Posts: 15 Member
    I saw it on Dr. Phil too and what made me wonder was at the end when he gave everyone the book, and was talking to the P.I.N.K. girl and said something about how he talked to his son and told him that if he was going to promote it on the show he was going to have give the audience something. I don't remember if he said his son was the publisher or what, but he's promoting it because it's one of his sons projects, which makes me wonder....
  • jstalenhoef
    jstalenhoef Posts: 2 Member
    So I bought into the hype and bought this, and here are my honest thoughts on it....
    Cynthia (the nutritionist behind it) talks to you like you are an idiot, the whole book she's like "Honey, I'm going to get you to your sexy weight!!" Sweetie that's cardio with a K! Bleh, I don't care how much know how she has, she write likes an air head.
    The diet consists of 3-14 days of "reset" which is essentially a detox, you are only allowed the pink drink (any non soy or dairy milk, strawberries and 100% whey or hemp protein), low calorie veggies and 8oz of lean protein. Then you do "primary" which is 8oz of protein, 3 servings of slow carbs/slow fruit and veggies. You do this until you are 5 lbs from your "sexy weight" and then you do shred, which is basically reset but you eat "shred soup" which is essential a vegetable soup I think but don't really recall. During the primary phase you do the videos which come in three phases plus three extra mini work outs (yoga, lower body mat and abs). Each phase is 3 weeks, then you do reset for 4 days and continue on to the next phase. I've only done one video thus far but they seem pretty solid (nothing different than any other home work out video though).
    I lost 8lbs in a week of reset, which is excellent, however, I personally am not a fan of detoxes and had I known that's what reset was I wouldn't have bought the program. Of course you lose weight, you eat just under 1000 calories. Being not very far into primary I don't have personal experience with this yet, but many people have said they stop losing weight in phase one but do lose inches. Apparently eventually the weight starts to come off again if you stick with it. The website can be a great motivational tool, but there is a lot of cattiness and bad advice given, also if you want to stray from the plan at all you will get your head bitten off.
    This diet isn't anything you haven't heard of, if you could stick to counting calories, weight watchers, or any plan really, you could stick to this and lose weight. The inflexibility of this plan does not work for me. They say this is a lifestyle change, but my lifestyle (yes, as unhealthy as it is) will involve cake at the occasional birthday and a handful of popcorn at a movie. When counting calories these are things I can plan for and work in, while on Pink it's never "allowed".The you go girl, pink is sexy, honey we are in this together, does not appeal to me. I do appreciate that this has given me motivation to do what I should have done in the first place (count calories) and I always enjoy a new set of work out videos. I believe that this works for some people and if this is what you think would work for you then for sure getting healthy is worth $70, but really if you work any plan, it should work.
    -On a side note there is a brief chapter on maintenance where you need to count calories to be in a 1400-1800 calorie range (the idea is not to count daily but that you count for a while and then will be able to keep count without really keeping count). It seems to me that it is setting people up for failure to tell them not to count calories their entire diet because "it's too hard and complicated" but then expect them to afterwords.
    Also, Dr. Phil said on a follow up episode that his son is the publisher, so his endorsement was, as expected, totally friggin bogus.
  • ehollin82
    ehollin82 Posts: 2 Member
    I just have to say that I'm on the P.I.N.K Method and I'm not going to go into all kinds of details or anything on it. But each program and style of eating is different for each individual person. I love the method. It has been working for me great. I love the support I get from the websites and how the whole program works. It's not just a quick type of program, it's a lifestyle change. And it's been worth it for me!!
  • kmcdonald9
    absolutely not a scam!! :)) i actually just started it in january and ive lost 6 lbs in a week. may sound drastic but its because the first phase of the diet is a pink reset which has oober healthy meal plans and low calorie intake so your not supposed to put in any extra exercise. im super excited to start the next phase which bumps up calorie intake and begins the exercise program (ive tried one out and it really kicks your butt). i definitely recommend the program!!
  • kmcdonald9
    OH AND!! just so you know it really does promote healthy eating and nothing but. I defiantly feel much better physically than i have in a while so i really suggest you guys give it a try. :D
  • trex5008
    My sister and I decided to give it a try and so far so good! I lost 6 lbs during the reset phase and my sister has lost 10, she has more weight to lose than I do. Just started the next phase with exercise so we will see how it goes! I like it so far. But yes I agree that the way Cynthia talks to you in thea book is highly annoying.
  • pwmanh
    pwmanh Posts: 1
    OK I am one of those that thought it sounded great. And I still think that its an OK product. My husband bought the PINK method for me. Well the reset phase is a pretty low calorie, low carb menu. I had to be on it for 14 days and it says over and over DO NOT WORK OUT IN THIS PHASE. I lost 15 lbs in 2 weeks on it. Then I moved onto phase 1 which is a little different diet and exercise. I do love the exercises although I dont see much difference in them from Jillian Micheals 30 DS. I did that before and loved it. But one thing is I have had to change my whole way of eating. The PINK diet for phase 1 just didnt work with exercising. I was getting light headed and just couldnt keep up. So I joined myfitnesspal to track my calories a day and do my exercises and have found that I can do 2 exercises a day about 30-40 min a piece. And I CAN ACTUALLY DO THEM. So for some people strictly following pink method may work but for me it wasnt cutting it. I used to be VERY fit and so I have decided to just try to lose the weight the old fashioned way and try to eat healthier choices and work out. My weight loss will be much slower this way but much healthier.
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  • chicpower1
    chicpower1 Posts: 169 Member
    I purchased PINK last year after about 6 months doing just MFP. For people like me, it's actually a great method for retraining yourself. I KNOW what's good for my body and what's not, but I prefer a nice long list and the recipes all together in one book saying, "Eat this. Do this.". I need STRUCTURE! lol. One thing I can say in defense of it is that it does indeed work. The RESET phase is low cal, low carb and the main purpose is to help cleanse and detox your body. She has a very specific lists of foods, and the book goes into detail as to WHY she chose those foods. For instance, we all know beets are good for us, but what she explains (and she's heavily encourages beets) is that beets are an excellent source of vegetable for keeping off water weight in addition to its' other wonderful properties. Hence the beets. This is also another example as to why this program is geared towards women. There is alot of education involved in the foods, what they do for your body, why you need to "eat these veggies and not these" on RESET. I lost 8 lbs and did the program for about 6 weeks before falling off the bandwagon after visiting home and mom's cooking. HA! I'm going back on it again though because it really worked for my body and for me. I love that it ensures you're getting plenty of calcium, but without the lactose (I'm VERY lactose intolerant) and because she has you eating preservative free items, your taste buds change. It was AMAZING to me that after 2 weeks of following her method of eating, I could actually taste the artificial junk in foods I once loved. It was plain awful. The whole point of the program is NOT a diet, it's a complete lifestyle change that takes place in phases. The goal is to adapt your mind and body to get used to eating this way. It's not for everyone, that's for sure, but for those who get overwhelmed trying to figure out which veggie is better than the other, and why, and wanting extreme structure it's a WIN. :D
    Oh, and yes, the forums are very catty and juvenile. I use the Facebook site "P.I.N.K. Method Support Group" instead. Just as informative as the PINK website but without the immature people.