wanna give up :/

I dont necessarily want to give up but i am really thinking about not even trying until the first only because i feel so unmotivated and i dont know...........but would it make me a failure if i postpone it?? any suggestions ........i dont know any advice or words or something? I wake up everyday and i do great throughout the day.........and then the night comes and i screw it all up.......


  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Try now, waiting won't make it easier. Even if things aren't perfect around the holidays, being mindful can help you limit the "damage."
  • complexone
    complexone Posts: 4 Member
    Don't give up! You can do this!!!
  • nice! raidernation ftw! but on a more serious note, no, you are more likely to follow through if u start now, how do you think you don't have the motivation? its more likely that you haven't found what drives you, when you do you can do pretty much anything, trust me i know. i was trying to lose weight for 3 years, still going at it right now but a little less frustrated since i got the process down.

    good luck!
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    It takes work but if you find the motivation to go through with it, I'm sure you will look amazing =)
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    My motto is "for victory or death." I have the mindset that I cannot and will not fail at this. Find ways to make it fun, I've picked up boxing and it makes me feel amazing and is a great stress relief. Mind over matter is a huge part of it.
  • KariQuiteContrary
    KariQuiteContrary Posts: 274 Member
    Try now, waiting won't make it easier. Even if things aren't perfect around the holidays, being mindful can help you limit the "damage."

    Absolutely. That was my issue before I lost most of my weight. I never felt motivated and kept putting it off (i'm a habitual procrastinator as well though). It went on like that for 7 years..........do it now. Find some motivation. My kick in the but finally came by way of online 12 week Biggest Loser Competition. Money's hard to come by for me so the idea of a $$ prize for the weight loss seemed to do the trick, and yes, I won ;) Find something to motivate you, even if it is a self reward (i.e. a mini shopping spree or pampering day when you reach goals).
  • KMSForLife
    It takes work but if you find the motivation to go through with it, I'm sure you will look amazing =)

    You already look amazing!

    Get in the mindset now, exercise and log your foods and make the best choices that you can. You may find that you maintain through the holidays but no need to gain! Come the 1st of the year though - kick it into high gear!
  • kattia1973
    kattia1973 Posts: 25 Member
    My question is: How are you "blowing it?
    If you are sitting and doing something in the evening that is leading you to eat. STOP and go do something else.
    If you know you are going to want to snack in the evening and want chocolate then allot for it and have some. Just dont go nuts. I have 2 snack size snickers in the evening ROFL I am addicted to chocolate and have to have a snack before bed to keep my sugar from dropping to low at night.
  • If you put it off once, you're most likely going to put it off again. Just grin and bear it, buckle down, and work hard so you don't have to work even HARDER come the 1st.

    "Don't wait. The time will never be just right." - Napoleon Hill
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    If you're doing great during the day, then keep doing what you're doing during the day.

    If you struggle at night, then CHANGE what you do at night.

    Try going to the gym at night. I do my weight training at around 9pm. The benefits are that there are less people, the ones that are there at that time tend to be regulars (you can maybe make some workout friends).

    Do you have a bike? If so, can you spare $300 on a bike trainer? I use a Cycleops Fluid2 and ride my bike while I watch TV.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    Take it day by day! Don't give up!
    Don't leave it until the 1st because it will be HARDER to get back on track!
    Get back on track right now and don't wait! I have faith in you and you are STRONG enough to DO IT! ^^
  • Don't check out!!! Remember this what you eat can never be worked off in the gym. If you want to have a treat every now and again or a cheat meal once during the holidays it's okay just keep it to the right amount of portions. Don't over indulge, just keep your portions in check and work out! Don't stress yourself out if you make a mistake make the next choice better. Don't give up!
  • KEN1013
    KEN1013 Posts: 182 Member
    :brokenheart: NO:mad: ,,,KEEP IT GOING,,,,you can do it :flowerforyou: ,,,you just said you do great in the day but fail at night,,,now just work on your nights,:bigsmile: ,,,you would hate to start all over and then have to work on the day and nights:grumble:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I think that thinking of it as an "it" often dooms one to failure. If you just eat healthy most of the time and get some exercise, that's all you really need to do. It's natural that during the holidays you might stray from that more than usual, but throwing in the towel would be a failure. Don't be so strict, just do what you can.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I want to give up on a lot of things-but not on myself.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I just took a month off and focused only on logging food. I was feeling unmotivated. Yeah, I had a couple out of control moments, but I still logged it. Ended up losing 2.2 lbs for the month.

    I feel much better about diving back in now and I don't feel like I sabotaged myself.

    Good luck!
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I understand what you are talking about, the negative self talk and disappointment are a bit much sometimes.
    So if this is the case we don't want you to hate yourself of feel terrible because you messed up. That would be counter productive.
    Planning is a good tool to learn and use.

    If I felt terrible for messing up at my diet I would one of two things:
    1. exercise like crazy and leave my MFP setting on losing 1 lb / week and trying to stay under that calorie goal. You can eat some sugar (not a lot because it is addictive and it plays with your insulin levels) and you can also have fat while dieting (the reason it should be in moderation is you need more nutrition than the fat offers and if you are eating at a calorie deficit it is important to make sure your eating nutritious rich foods, but if you have plenty of calories to use because of exercise you don't have to worry as much), you just need to make sure you are under your calorie goal.

    2. Change you MFP settings to Maintaining your weight and still exercise to have more calories to eat. This option is for if you feel so bad for failing it is causing you to eat even more and/or you know you will be eating a lot of calories this season with your family.

    Both options are good options #1 will teach you how to plan a head for your meals and option 2 will help increase you metabolism so when you start a weight loss plan it will come off easily.

    Paying attention to what food is doing to you physically and mentally is a very good thing, and that is what you are doing now.

    I wish you the best of luck!
  • darrielirwin
    I have upped my calories for the break to maintain my weight for the next couple weeks! I think it will give my body a break, and then I can relax and enjoy the holidays. If I gain a couple lbs I know when I go back to 1400 a day it will come off. I just need to be able to relax and not count! I have 8-10lbs until I hit my goal, but I know they will come off quick. Don't give up, just give your body a break and then trick it in Jan!!!! The weight will come off! :)
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I understand the feeling, I think we all do. The way I see it, these next few weeks are gonna go on no matter what you do. On the 1st of january, would you like to look back and feel disappointed about now doing anything? or would you like to look back and see everything you ate, and think: at least I kept honest about it and tried. :)
  • youarewhatyoueat86
    Dont give up, you can do it! Try some alternatives, some people fill up on water for a false sense of being full. Save more calories for your dinner since you're hungry later at night. When I get hungry at night I make decaf hazelnut coffee,extra splenda to make it seem like i'm having something really sweet, lol and some low calorie creamer (10 cals for a teaspoon), this gives me a false sense of being full and it's sweet. Coffee also helps you poop, so it keeps your system a little more regular instead of storing extra poop.