


  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    Technically, sugar may have some addictive properties like drugs. But that can be said for lots of things that we consume (sugar, caffiene, etc.).

    From a biochemistry perspective, this is true. However, the "reward" response that a "drug" creates can be conditioned through behavior. For this reason, pretty much ANYTHING that generates a neurological reward response can become addictive. I don't think it's helpful to demonize any particular food group, additive, flavor, etc by calling it a "drug." The neurological processes that characterize addiction can be observed in any manner of behaviors (sex, eating, having alcohol, shopping, etc).

    There has been evidence to show that even LOOKING at carbohydrates will release insulin into your blood stream in preparation for those nutrients. That's an incredibly strong reaction, but it makes sense from an evolutionary biology perspective, because we actually need carbohydrates to survive.

    There is far too much sugar and salt in processed foods, and the average American relies too heavily on processed foods. I won't dispute that this is a real problem. I don't think we'll be adding "sucrose" to the Controlled Substances Act any time soon, though...nor should we try. And no, Pepsi Cola and Frito Lay are not conspiring against Americans to create irresistible foods that you biochemically depend on.
  • mahidac
    mahidac Posts: 126 Member
    So my Mom. Brother and I were having a "health" conversation and my mom brought up that she heard on a tv show/magazine/the web (I dont remember which one she said) that sugar (in excessive amounts) is like glass in your veins :(. It definitely made me question the sweets I have consumed in my life and what my veins would look like if I could look in them. I'm a sweet-freak so I'm a tad nervous to even think about it.

    Anyone else ever heard this or something similar to it?

    this is like comparing excessive sugar eating to sickle cell disease - totally untrue
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member

    this is like comparing excessive sugar eating to sickle cell disease - totally untrue

    Sugar CAUSES sickle cell...Dr. Mercora told me so. Umm hmm.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member

    this is like comparing excessive sugar eating to sickle cell disease - totally untrue

    Sugar CAUSES sickle cell...Dr. Mercora told me so. Umm hmm.

    ETA: Mercola, Mercora...whatever that quacks name is...
  • kagenw
    kagenw Posts: 260 Member
    The grains of sugar don't actually travel through your veins.

    Unless you're mainlining it I guess.

    Is there a better way? I submit that there is not! :)
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    she heard on a tv show/magazine/the web (I dont remember which one she said) that sugar (in excessive amounts) is like glass in your veins :(
    Try bending your arm. Do you hear a crunching noise?

    If not, unless the sound of the glass-like sugar deposits are muffled by a huge layer of fat or muscle, the chances are you don't have sugar-glass-lined veins. :bigsmile:
    Anyone else ever heard this or something similar to it?
    I can truly say, I've never heard a health scare that's quite so ludicrous, and believe me I've heard some bollocks in my time.

    [/quote]I cannot find a "grain" of salt in the db. Does anyone know how much sodium is in that?[/quote]Totally off-topic, but oddly enough salt does not appear to be in the database, which is a shame because it's used in many recipes. However I have added an item "Generic - Sodium - Add to Balance Foods Added by Idiots With Eg "0.002mg Sodium" which may be useful.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member

    this is like comparing excessive sugar eating to sickle cell disease - totally untrue

    Sugar CAUSES sickle cell...Dr. Mercora told me so. Umm hmm.

    ETA: Mercola, Mercora...whatever that quacks name is...
  • bbbgamer
    bbbgamer Posts: 582 Member
    Roll your eyes if you want, but for some people it's just like a drug. I've seen people try to cut out sugar only to scarfing down a bag of cookies or something later the same day. a friend of mine's wife couldn't even go 2 days without buying junk food and hiding it in her car to eat when she left the house.

    Granted, some of that is just personal willpower, but some people find it physically very difficult to part with certain types of food, especially sweets.
    i'm addicted to pizza and have pepperoni running through my veins. Dr Oz please help!