Are you going to meet your 2011 goal?



  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Yes, meet my before the end of 2011 goal at the end of Nov. (Broke 200 lbs)

    The goal for 2012 is to get to the 180 - 185 range and then stay there.

    Good luck to all!
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    I was shooting for 200 by New Years, I'm at 203 now, so I just might make it. I seem to be dropping at about 1.8-2.0 lbs/week, even through Thanksgiving, so I feel pretty good about it.
    Of course, after new year's come the "championship rounds," and I am looking forward to that challenge as well!
  • lissypriss
    lissypriss Posts: 157 Member
    In June, my goal was to lose at least 50lbs by 2012, but I passed it! :) I'm hoping to lose at least 5lbs before the ball drops, but if you've ever eaten with my family at Christmas, you know that won't happen! Lol!
  • angee1126
    angee1126 Posts: 185 Member
    I started On Oct 1st 2011 and my 1st goal was to lose 30 lbs by New Years Eve.....i completed that on Dec 10th. So onward i go to the next goal!!! :drinker:
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    i already met it :)! Woot!!

    My first goal was to lose 26 lbs Which i blew out of the water in the spring. Then I upped my goal to 52 lbs and Then I beat that!

    Ended up losing 70 this year. Which is so awesome.

    Next year is going to be just as exciting for the healthy me!
  • sweetcheeks27
    sweetcheeks27 Posts: 162 Member
    Not from my original goal from the first of the year :( But the goal that I started on Dec. 7 I'm pretty close to. I just have to lose .5 lbs by Christmas :)
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I've passed my goal for 2011, and my goal for 2012 is to get down to 140lbs and maintain.
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    I was hoping that I would be in the low 160's by January but currently I am hovering around 170, so probably not. But I have lost almost 35 pounds since I started MFP in august so I'm really not too upset. I've just been slacking a bit.

    Any hints on how to break this plateau? I've been stuck at 170 for about 2 or 3 weeks now.

    I hit a plateau and I stayed the same for 2 months now matter what I did....I read an article that said plateaus are unavoidable w/ weight loss b/c it's your body going through a reconfiguring process, it said for 6 -8 wks. your weight will stay the same (which I know to be very frustrating), but once the process is over you will start losing again! I found it to be true. And once the body decides to let go of more weight you will be able to lose another 20-25 lbs. before hitting another plateau. (I'm hoping this part is true b/c I will be so close to my goal weight that I would probably just call it close enough and be happy!) :happy:
    One thing I did do toward the end of the plateau and not sure if this is what caused me to lose again or if I started losing b/c it had been 2 mths. and the body's reconfiguring process was over...but I upped my calorie goal from 1200 to 1400. About a week after I changed it I lost 2 lbs.! YAY! Who knew you CAN eat more and lose weight. I now changed it to 1300 and I make sure I am eating at least half of my exercise calories. Not sure what your calorie goal is set at but if you are eating too few calories your body may be in the dreaded starvation mode. Good luck breaking through your plateau!! You WILL start losing again eventually!!
  • cmoutarimoussa
    cmoutarimoussa Posts: 97 Member
    I didnt quite met my goal for 2011 i wanted to lose 50lbs by Jan 3rd 2012 and i have only lost 42lbs. Maybe i could lose i few more by then but i dont think i will lose 8lbs in 2 weight loss is slow going! My goal for 2012 is to get to 170lb by October that is 53 more lbs to go!!! I hope i can do it!!!
  • deja_blu
    deja_blu Posts: 359 Member
    I met my 2011 goal on 12/17, to lose 50 lbs.

    2012 goals: lose another 30 and flatten out this tummy for a two-piece summer! =)

  • Cindy_Fit4Life
    Cindy_Fit4Life Posts: 147 Member
    Who is going to meet their 2011 health goal? What will be your 2012 goals?

    I will not quite reach my goal. My goal was to reach 200 lbs from 185 lbs while maintaining 13% bf. I am currently at 195 lbs and 14% bf. My 2012 goal will be to reach 210 lbs at 12% bf.

    Your definitely well on your way, great job!

    My 2012 goal is to be completely toned! The first 6 months is to continue in my weight loss and the next 6 is to focus on weight training!
  • thetorontokid2
    My goal was to "lose some weight," so technically...YES. lol But i still have about 15 lbs left to the weight I want to be at, so it'll be 2012, but that's ok. :)
  • CharityEaton
    My goal was to be in the holiday photos this year and not regret the way I look! I haven't met my "weight loss" goal yet but I am very happy with how I will look in all of those photos this year!

    2012 will bring a new ENTIRE year of eating healthy and being active, a few more pounds to go to meet my goal, some serious work to get that bikini bod ready for the lake this summer but I am rockin' a totally new attitude for 2012 life is great and I'm glad I woke u and got my butt in gear to enjoy it to the fullest!

    I hope everyone has a fabulous end to 2011 and if you aren't quite there yet...who cares, look at where you came from and remember all of the hardwork you did to get here. You didn't die during all of those crazy workouts, you didn't die from chocolate withdrawl(ok, you might have come close to it on this one) and you are still here to keep plowing through until you hit that goal! Good for you! YOU DID IT!
    I'm glad to be were I am even though I still have some work to do!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I have fallen short of my goals. My initial goal was to lose 50 lbs. I am pretty close and have exceeded other goals that I had set during the year.

    Going into the next year I am going to take my goals to the next level. I would like to still get to my goal weight of 150lbs.

    I would like to convert my 5k into a 10k and I would like to shave 10 minutes off my 5k time.

    All very doable.
  • tmtrack
    unfortunely no..... I wanted to lose 100 lbs before jan 1. Only have gotten to 73 lbs lost. But I will keep plugging and working along I will eventually get there.... I hope!!!!

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  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    Not quite. My goal was to lose 50 lbs this year. Counting the weight I lost before MFP, I have lost 47 pounds. I'm not going to complain though! My 2012 goal is to lose another 80 pounds. I'm hoping more, but I'm trying to be realistic.
  • Strobins05
    Yep. My goal was to go from fat and out of shape to completing a 1/2 Ironman in under 1 year. I did it in less than 10 months.
    Great accomplishment!
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    I'm not shaving till I hit my goal.

    I didn't have a weight goal for the end of 2011. I hit my July 1 goal in the first week of June.
    At the end of October I decided to try to hit -100 by the end of the year (which will be 210.6). Today, I'm 213.6 but the scale has been all over the place this week for some reason, so I really don't know what to think. I figured if I was going to make 210.6 by New Years, I really needed to hit it by this Saturday so I could work off Christmas! We'll see.

    I do take a teensy bit of consolation in the fact that I am -104 from Christmas last year, though. BUT, I do not, nor have I ever, considered that my starting point. I dropped 7 pounds between Christmas and New Years last year, but consider 1/1 my official start.
  • Strobins05
    I met my 2011 goal on 12/17, to lose 50 lbs.

    2012 goals: lose another 30 and flatten out this tummy for a two-piece summer! =)

    Awesome job! Congratulations on your success!
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    my 2011 goal was to loose 3 stone from january - december. COMPLETED! :bigsmile:

    I reached a 3 stone weightloss last sunday 18th dec. i was soo chuffed! and now im going to relax a little over christmas after all i think i do deserve it. Im not going to go overboard with naughty foods - im still watching what i eat. But i will be treating myself too chocolate and alcohol. And then its back on the wagon january 2012 for another goal which i want to loose another 3 n half stone before christmas 2012!

    and then i will be at my goal weight :)